From: "Saved by Internet Explorer 11" Subject: Survey Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2018 13:03:57 -0600 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/related; type="text/html"; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0000_01D48008.554B5100" X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.1.7601.24158 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01D48008.554B5100 Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: file://P:\IRP\Compliance_Reports\IPEDS\IC_Institutional_Characteristics_Survey\FY2019\Survey.htm =20 =20 =20 Survey=20 =20 =20 =20 =20


Institutional = =20 Characteristics = =20 =20 2018-19 = =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-St = =20 = =20 Louis = =20 (178420) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Institutional = =20 = =20 Characteristics = =20 = =20 Overview
  Welcome = =20 to = =20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 Institutional = =20 Characteristics = =20 = =20 (IC) = =20 = =20 component. = =20 This = =20 = =20 component = =20 = collects =20 = =20 important = =20 = =20 information = =20 about = =20 = =20 your = =20 =20 institution's = =20 = mission, =20 = =20 student = =20 = services, = =20 and = =20 = =20 student = =20 charges. = =20 = =20

= =20 = =20 Much = =20 of = =20 = =20 the = =20 data = =20 = =20 reported = =20 = on =20 = =20 IC = =20 = appear =20 = =20 on = =20 = =20 College = =20 Navigator, = =20 = =20 which = =20 is = =20 = =20 updated = =20 = =20 once = =20 after = =20 = =20 IC = =20 data = =20 = =20 has = =20 been = =20 = =20 reviewed. = =20 = Thus, =20 = =20 errors = =20 = =20 may = =20 stay = =20 = =20 on = =20 College = =20 = =20 Navigator = =20 for = =20 = =20 a = =20 = full =20 = =20 year.
  Additionally, = =20 = the =20 = =20 cost = =20 = =20 of = =20 attendance = =20 = =20 data = =20 are = =20 = =20 used = =20 = to =20 = =20 calculate = =20 = the=20 = =20 net = =20 = =20 price = =20 of = =20 = =20 attendance = =20 in = =20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 Student = =20 Financial = =20 = =20 Aid = =20 = component. =20 = =20 This = =20 has = =20 = =20 important = =20 = =20 implications = =20 for = =20 = =20 what = =20 = students =20 = =20 see = =20 = =20 about = =20 your = =20 = =20 institution, = =20 and = =20 = =20 also = =20 = for =20 = =20 the = =20 = College=20 = =20 Affordability = =20 = =20 and = =20 Transparency = =20 = =20 Center's = =20 = =20 lists. = =20 =20 = =20 Revisions = =20 = =20 or = =20 changes = =20 = =20 to = =20 costs = =20 = =20 can = =20 ONLY = =20 = =20 be = =20 = made=20 = =20 in = =20 = the =20 = =20 Student = =20 = =20 Financial = =20 Aid = =20 = =20 component = =20 = and =20 = =20 not = =20 = =20 in = =20 the = =20 = =20 prior = =20 year = =20 = =20 revision = =20 = =20 system. = =20

= =20 = =20 Remember, = =20 = =20 it = =20 is = =20 = =20 the = =20 responsibility = =20 = =20 of = =20 = the =20 = =20 keyholder = =20 = to =20 = =20 submit = =20 = =20 accurate = =20 data = =20 = =20 about = =20 the = =20 = =20 institution. = =20 = =20 Please = =20 contact = =20 = =20 the = =20 IPEDS = =20 = =20 Help = =20 Desk = =20 = =20 for = =20 = =20 clarifications = =20 to = =20 = =20 make = =20 sure = =20 = =20 that = =20 = you =20 = =20 are = =20 = reporting = =20 = correctly.
  Changes = =20 = to =20 = =20 This = =20 = =20 Year=92s = =20 IC = =20 = =20 Component = =20 =

=20 = =20 There = =20 = =20 are = =20 no = =20 = =20 changes = =20 for = =20 = =20 the = =20 2018-19 = =20 = =20 collection = =20 = =20 period.
  Common = =20 =20 Errors
= =20 = Quality =20 = =20 control = =20 = reviews =20 = =20 of = =20 = =20 past = =20 IC = =20 = =20 data = =20 indicate = =20 = =20 frequently = =20 = =20 made = =20 errors. = =20 = =20 Please = =20 review = =20 = =20 the = =20 common = =20 = =20 errors = =20 = =20 below = =20 to = =20 = =20 ensure = =20 accurate = =20 = =20 reporting. = =20 = =20 Additional = =20 common = =20 = =20 errors = =20 or = =20 = =20 tips = =20 = can =20 = =20 be = =20 = found =20 = =20 in = =20 = =20 the = =20 New = =20 = =20 Keyholder = =20 Handbook = =20 = =20 under = =20 = =20 Resources.
  • Part = =20 = =20 C, = =20 = =20 question = =20 = =20 8 = =20 should = =20 = =20 only = =20 = =20 be = =20 marked = =20 = =20 'YES' = =20 = =20 if = =20 = your =20 = =20 institution = =20 = =20 is = =20 = =20 EXCLUSIVELY = =20 = =20 distance = =20 = =20 education. = =20 = Do =20 = =20 not = =20 = =20 mark = =20 = =20 'YES' = =20 if = =20 = =20 your = =20 = =20 courses/programs = =20 = =20 are = =20 also = =20 = =20 available = =20 = =20 in = =20 = person. =20 = =20
  • Do = =20 = =20 not = =20 = =20 try = =20 to = =20 = =20 outsmart = =20 = =20 fatal = =20 = =20 errors; = =20 this = =20 = =20 is = =20 = =20 falsifying = =20 = =20 data. = =20 = Contact =20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 Help = =20 = Desk =20 = =20 to = =20 = =20 override, = =20 = =20 or = =20 = fix, =20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 data. = =20 = =20
  • Make = =20 = =20 sure = =20 = =20 you = =20 = =20 understand = =20 ALL = =20 = =20 definitions = =20 = =20 before = =20 = =20 responding = =20 = to =20 = =20 questions. = =20 = =20 For = =20 = =20 example, = =20 = make =20 = =20 sure = =20 = =20 that = =20 = =20 you = =20 are = =20 = =20 reporting = =20 = =20 for = =20 = an=20 = =20 'ACADEMIC = =20 = =20 YEAR' = =20 = =20 or = =20 = =20 'PROGRAM' = =20 as = =20 = =20 defined = =20 = =20 by = =20 = =20 IPEDS.
  To = =20 download = =20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 survey = =20 materials = =20 = =20 for = =20 this = =20 = =20 component: = =20 = =20 =20 = =20 Survey = =20 = =20 Materials  
  To = =20 access = =20 = =20 your = =20 = =20 prior = =20 year = =20 = =20 data = =20 submission = =20 = =20 for = =20 this = =20 = =20 component: = =20 = =20 Reported = =20 = Data  
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-St = =20 = =20 Louis = =20 (178420) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 A = =20 - = =20 Mission = =20 = Statement
1. = =20 = =20 Provide = =20 the = =20 = =20 institution's = =20 = =20 mission = =20 statement = =20 = =20 or = =20 = a =20 = =20 web = =20 = address =20 = =20 (URL) = =20 = =20 where = =20 the = =20 = =20 mission = =20 = statement =20 = =20 can = =20 = =20 be = =20 found. = =20 = =20 Typed = =20 statements = =20 = =20 are = =20 limited = =20 = =20 to = =20 = 2,000=20 = =20 characters = =20 = =20 or = =20 less. = =20 = =20 The = =20 = mission =20 = =20 statement = =20 = will =20 = =20 be = =20 = =20 available = =20 to = =20 = =20 the = =20 public = =20 = =20 on = =20 = College =20 = =20 Navigator.
 =20 = =20 Mission = =20 = Statement =20 = =20 URL:  http://   = =20 = =20
 =20 = =20 Mission = =20 =20 Statement:   = =20 = =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-St = =20 = =20 Louis = =20 (178420) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 B = =20 - = =20 Services = =20 and = =20 = =20 Programs = =20 for = =20 Servicemembers = =20 and = =20 = =20 Veterans
1. = =20 = =20 Which = =20 of = =20 = =20 the = =20 following = =20 = =20 are = =20 = =20 available = =20 to = =20 = =20 veterans, = =20 = military =20 = =20 servicemembers, = =20 = =20 or = =20 their = =20 = =20 families?
     =20 = =20   Yellow =20 = =20 Ribbon = =20 = =20 Program = =20 =20 (officially = =20 known = =20 = =20 as = =20 = Post-9/11 =20 = =20 GI = =20 = Bill, =20 = =20 Yellow = =20 = =20 Ribbon = =20 =20 = Program)           = ;         
   =20 = =20   Credit=20 = =20 for = =20 = =20 military = =20 =20 training
   =20 = =20   Dedicated = =20 = point =20 = =20 of = =20 = =20 contact = =20 for = =20 = =20 support = =20 services = =20 = =20 for = =20 = =20 veterans, = =20 military = =20 = =20 servicemembers, = =20 = and=20 = =20 their = =20 = =20 families
   =20 = =20   Recognized = =20 = student =20 = =20 veteran = =20 = =20 organization
   =20 = =20   Member = =20 of = =20 = =20 Department = =20 = =20 of = =20 Defense = =20 = =20 Voluntary = =20 = =20 Educational = =20 Partnership = =20 = =20 Memorandum = =20 = =20 of = =20 Understanding
   =20 = =20   None = =20 of = =20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 above
/media/aa/planning//media/aa/planning/3D"These=20 = =20 You = =20 = =20 may = =20 use = =20 = =20 the = =20 space = =20 = =20 below = =20 to = =20 = =20 provide = =20 = =20 context = =20 for = =20 = =20 the = =20 data = =20 = =20 you've = =20 = =20 reported = =20 above. = =20 = =20 These = =20 context = =20 = =20 notes = =20 will = =20 = =20 be = =20 = =20 posted = =20 on = =20 = =20 the = =20 College = =20 = =20 Navigator = =20 = =20 website, = =20 and = =20 = =20 should = =20 be = =20 = =20 written = =20 to = =20 = =20 be = =20 = understood =20 = =20 by = =20 = =20 students = =20 and = =20 = =20 parents.
  = =20 = =20
=20 = =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-St = =20 = =20 Louis = =20 (178420) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 C = =20 - = =20 Student = =20 Services = =20 = - =20 = =20 Special = =20 Learning = =20 = Opportunities
Army        &nb= sp;       Navy        &nb= sp;      
1. = =20 = =20 Does = =20 your = =20 = =20 institution = =20 = =20 accept = =20 any = =20 = =20 of = =20 the = =20 = =20 following? = =20 [Check = =20 = =20 all = =20 = that =20 = =20 apply]
     =20 = =20   Dual=20 = =20 credit = =20 = =20 (college = =20 = credit=20 = =20 earned = =20 = =20 while = =20 in = =20 = =20 high = =20 =20 = school)           =          
   =20 = =20   Credit=20 = =20 for = =20 = =20 life = =20 =20 experiences
   =20 = =20   Advanced=20 = =20 placement = =20 = =20 (AP) = =20 =20 credits
   =20 = =20   None = =20 = of=20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 above
2. = =20 = =20 What = =20 types = =20 = =20 of = =20 special = =20 = =20 learning = =20 = =20 opportunities = =20 are = =20 = =20 offered = =20 by = =20 = =20 your = =20 = =20 institution? = =20 [Check = =20 = =20 all = =20 that = =20 = =20 apply]
   =20 = =20   ROTC
     =20 = =20    =20 = =20    =20 = =20   Air = =20 = =20 = Force           &n= bsp;   
   =20 = =20   Study=20 = =20 = abroad
   =20 = =20   Weekend/evening=20 = =20 = college
   =20 = =20   Teacher=20 = =20 certification = =20 = =20 (for = =20 = the=20 = =20 elementary, = =20 = =20 middle = =20 = school/junior =20 = =20 high, = =20 or = =20 = =20 secondary = =20 = =20 level)

= =20 Do = =20 = =20 not = =20 = =20 include = =20 = certifications =20 = =20 to = =20 = teach =20 = =20 at = =20 = =20 the = =20 postsecondary = =20 = =20 level.
     =20 = =20   Students = =20 = =20 can = =20 complete = =20 = =20 their = =20 = =20 preparation = =20 in = =20 = =20 certain = =20 areas = =20 = =20 of = =20 =20 specialization
     =20 = =20   Students = =20 = =20 must = =20 complete = =20 = =20 their = =20 = =20 preparation = =20 at = =20 = =20 another = =20 = institution =20 = =20 for = =20 = certain =20 = =20 areas = =20 = =20 of = =20 = specialization
     =20 = =20   This = =20 = =20 institution = =20 is = =20 = =20 approved = =20 by = =20 = =20 the = =20 = state =20 = =20 for = =20 = =20 the = =20 initial = =20 = =20 certification = =20 = or =20 = =20 licensure = =20 = of =20 = =20 teachers
   =20 = =20   None = =20 = of=20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 above
3. = =20 = =20 If = =20 your = =20 = =20 institution = =20 = =20 grants = =20 a = =20 = =20 bachelor's = =20 degree = =20 = =20 or = =20 higher = =20 = =20 but = =20 = does =20 = =20 not = =20 = =20 offer = =20 a = =20 = =20 full = =20 4-year = =20 = =20 program = =20 of = =20 = =20 study = =20 = at =20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 undergraduate = =20 level, = =20 = =20 how = =20 many = =20 = =20 years = =20 of = =20 = =20 completed = =20 = =20 college-level = =20 work = =20 = =20 are = =20 = required =20 = =20 for = =20 = =20 entrance?
Number = =20 of = =20 = =20 years          &nb= sp;           Sele= ct=20 = =20 One
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-St = =20 = =20 Louis = =20 (178420) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 C = =20 - = =20 Student = =20 Services: = =20 = =20 Other = =20 Student = =20 Services
4. = =20 = =20 Which = =20 of = =20 = =20 the = =20 following = =20 = =20 selected = =20 = =20 student = =20 services = =20 = =20 are = =20 offered = =20 = =20 by = =20 = your =20 = =20 institution? = =20 = =20 [Check = =20 all = =20 = =20 that = =20 =20 apply]
   =20 = =20   Remedial=20 = =20 = services
   =20 = =20   Academic/career = =20 = =20 counseling = =20 = =20 services
   =20 = =20   Employment=20 = =20 services = =20 = =20 for = =20 = current =20 = =20 students
   =20 = =20   Placement=20 = =20 services = =20 = =20 for = =20 = program =20 = =20 completers
   =20 = =20   On-campus = =20 = day = =20 = =20 care = =20 for = =20 = =20 children = =20 = of =20 = =20 students
   =20 = =20   None = =20 of = =20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 above
5. = =20 = =20 Which = =20 of = =20 = =20 the = =20 following = =20 = =20 academic=20 = =20 library = =20 = =20 resource = =20 = or =20 = =20 service = =20 = does =20 = =20 your = =20 = =20 institution = =20 provide? = =20 = =20 [Check = =20 = all =20 = =20 that = =20 = =20 apply]
   =20 = =20   Physical = =20 =20 facilities
   =20 = =20   =20 = =20 An = =20 = =20 organized = =20 collection = =20 = =20 of = =20 = printed =20 = =20 materials
   =20 = =20   =20 = =20 Access = =20 = =20 to = =20 digital/electronic = =20 = =20 resources
   =20 = =20   A = =20 staff = =20 = =20 trained = =20 = to=20 = =20 provide = =20 = =20 and = =20 interpret = =20 = =20 library = =20 = materials
   =20 = =20   Established = =20 = library=20 = =20 hours
   =20 = =20   =20 = =20 Access = =20 = =20 to = =20 library = =20 = =20 collections = =20 = that =20 = =20 are = =20 = shared =20 = =20 with = =20 = =20 other = =20 institutions
   =20 = =20   None = =20 of = =20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 above
6. = =20 = =20 Indicate = =20 = whether =20 = =20 or = =20 = =20 not = =20 any = =20 = of=20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 following = =20 alternative = =20 = =20 tuition = =20 = =20 plans = =20 are = =20 = =20 offered = =20 by = =20 = =20 your = =20 =20 institution.
   =20 = =20 No
   =20 = =20 Yes
   =20 = =20 Tuition=20 = =20 = guarantee
   =20 = =20 Prepaid=20 = =20 tuition = =20 = =20 plan
   =20 = =20 Tuition=20 = =20 payment = =20 = =20 plan
   =20 = =20 Other = =20 = =20 (specify = =20 in = =20 = =20 box = =20 = below)
/media/aa/planning//media/aa/planning/3D"These=20 = =20 You = =20 = =20 may = =20 use = =20 = =20 the = =20 space = =20 = =20 below = =20 to = =20 = =20 provide = =20 = =20 context = =20 for = =20 = =20 the = =20 = alternative =20 = =20 tuition = =20 = =20 plans = =20 you've = =20 = =20 reported = =20 = =20 above. = =20 These = =20 = =20 context = =20 notes = =20 = =20 will = =20 = be =20 = =20 posted = =20 = on =20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 College = =20 Navigator = =20 = =20 website, = =20 = and =20 = =20 should = =20 = =20 be = =20 written = =20 = =20 to = =20 be = =20 = =20 understood = =20 by = =20 = =20 students = =20 = and =20 = =20 parents.
  = =20 = =20
=20 = =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-St = =20 = =20 Louis = =20 (178420) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 C = =20 - = =20 Student = =20 Services = =20 = - =20 = =20 Distance = =20 Education = =20
=20 = =20 7. = =20 = =20 Please = =20 indicate = =20 = =20 at = =20 = what =20 = =20 level(s) = =20 = your =20 = =20 institution = =20 = =20 does = =20 or = =20 = =20 does = =20 not = =20 = =20 offer = =20 = distance = =20 = =20 education = =20 = courses =20 = =20 and/or = =20 = =20 distance = =20 education = =20 = =20 programs. = =20 = =20 Check = =20 all = =20 = =20 that = =20 = apply.
  Distance=20 = =20 education = =20 = =20 courses Distance=20 = =20 education = =20 = =20 programs Does = =20 not = =20 = =20 offer = =20 = =20 Distance = =20 Education
Undergraduate = =20 = =20 level  =20 = =20    =20 = =20    =20 = =20  
Graduate = =20 = =20 level  =20 = =20    =20 = =20    =20 = =20  
=20 = =20 8. = =20 = =20 Are = =20 all = =20 = =20 the = =20 programs = =20 = =20 at = =20 your = =20 = =20 institution = =20 = =20 offered = =20 exclusively = =20 = =20 via = =20 distance=20 = =20 education = =20 = =20 programs?
   =20 = =20   No  
   =20 = =20   Yes  
= =20 =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-St = =20 = =20 Louis = =20 (178420) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 C = =20 - = =20 Student = =20 Services: = =20 = =20 Disability = =20 Services
9. = =20 = =20 Please = =20 indicate = =20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 percentage = =20 of = =20 = =20 all = =20 = undergraduate =20 = =20 students = =20 = enrolled=20 = =20 during = =20 = =20 Fall = =20 2017 = =20 = =20 who = =20 were = =20 = =20 formally = =20 = =20 registered = =20 as = =20 = =20 students = =20 with = =20 = =20 disabilities = =20 = =20 with = =20 the = =20 = =20 institution's = =20 = office =20 = =20 of = =20 = disability =20 = =20 services = =20 = =20 (or = =20 the = =20 = =20 equivalent = =20 =20 office).
     =20 = =20   3 = =20 percent = =20 = =20 or = =20 = =20 less  
     =20 = =20   More = =20 than = =20 = =20 3 = =20 = =20 percent:  5 %
/media/aa/planning//media/aa/planning/3D"These=20 = =20 You = =20 = =20 may = =20 use = =20 = =20 the = =20 space = =20 = =20 below = =20 to = =20 = =20 provide = =20 = =20 context = =20 for = =20 = =20 the = =20 data = =20 = =20 you've = =20 = =20 reported = =20 above. = =20 = =20 These = =20 context = =20 = =20 notes = =20 will = =20 = =20 be = =20 = =20 posted = =20 on = =20 = =20 the = =20 College = =20 = =20 Navigator = =20 = =20 website, = =20 and = =20 = =20 should = =20 be = =20 = =20 written = =20 to = =20 = =20 be = =20 = understood =20 = =20 by = =20 = =20 students = =20 and = =20 = =20 parents.
  = =20 = =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-St = =20 = =20 Louis = =20 (178420) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 D = =20 - = =20 Student = =20 Charges = =20 = =20 Questions
1. = =20 = =20 Are = =20 all = =20 = =20 full-time, = =20 = =20 first-time = =20 = =20 degree/certificate-seeking = =20 = =20 students = =20 = required=20 = =20 to = =20 = live =20 = =20 on = =20 = =20 campus = =20 or = =20 = =20 in = =20 institutionally = =20 = =20 controlled = =20 = =20 housing?
If = =20 = =20 you = =20 answer = =20 = =20 Yes = =20 to = =20 = =20 this = =20 = =20 question, = =20 you = =20 = =20 will = =20 not = =20 = =20 be = =20 = asked =20 = =20 to = =20 = report =20 = =20 off-campus = =20 = =20 room = =20 and = =20 = =20 board = =20 in = =20 = =20 the = =20 = price =20 = =20 of = =20 = attendance =20 = =20 = (D11).

This =20 = =20 is = =20 = =20 only = =20 a = =20 = =20 screening = =20 question, = =20 = =20 and = =20 your = =20 = =20 response = =20 = =20 does = =20 not = =20 = =20 show = =20 up = =20 = =20 on = =20 College = =20 = =20 Navigator.

If = =20 = =20 you = =20 make = =20 = =20 any = =20 = exceptions=20 = =20 to = =20 = this =20 = =20 rule, = =20 = =20 and = =20 have = =20 = =20 even = =20 one = =20 = =20 full-time, = =20 = =20 first-time = =20 student = =20 = =20 living = =20 = off-campus, =20 = =20 please = =20 = =20 answer = =20 No = =20 = =20 so = =20 = that =20 = =20 this = =20 = does =20 = =20 not = =20 = =20 cause = =20 conflicts = =20 = =20 with = =20 the = =20 = =20 Student = =20 = =20 Financial = =20 Aid = =20 = =20 survey. = =20 Making = =20 = =20 changes = =20 to = =20 = =20 the = =20 = SFA =20 = =20 component = =20 = =20 is = =20 very = =20 = =20 difficult = =20 = and =20 = =20 may = =20 lead = =20 = =20 to = =20 = =20 inaccurate = =20 reporting = =20 = =20 for = =20 your = =20 = =20 institution.
   =20 = =20   No
   =20 = =20   Yes, = =20 = =20 and = =20 we = =20 = =20 do = =20 not = =20 = =20 make = =20 = ANY =20 = =20 (even = =20 = =20 one) = =20 exceptions = =20 = =20 to = =20 this = =20 = =20 rule
2. = =20 = =20 Does = =20 your = =20 = =20 institution = =20 = =20 charge = =20 different = =20 = =20 tuition = =20 = =20 for = =20 = in-district, = =20 = =20 in-state, = =20 = =20 or = =20 out-of-state=20 = =20 = students?
If = =20 = =20 you = =20 answer = =20 = =20 Yes = =20 to = =20 = =20 this = =20 = =20 question, = =20 you = =20 = =20 will = =20 be = =20 = =20 expected = =20 = to =20 = =20 report = =20 = tuition=20 = =20 amounts = =20 = =20 for = =20 = in-district, =20 = =20 in-state, = =20 = =20 and = =20 out-of-state = =20 = =20 students.

= =20 = =20 Please = =20 only = =20 = =20 select = =20 = Yes=20 = =20 if = =20 = you =20 = =20 really = =20 = =20 charge = =20 different = =20 = =20 tuition = =20 = rates, =20 = =20 or = =20 = =20 you = =20 will = =20 = =20 be = =20 reporting = =20 = =20 the = =20 same = =20 = =20 numbers = =20 = 3 =20 = =20 times.
   =20 = =20   No
   =20 = =20   Yes
3. = =20 = =20 Does = =20 your = =20 = =20 institution = =20 = =20 offer = =20 institutionally-controlled=20 = =20 housing = =20 = =20 (either = =20 on = =20 = =20 or = =20 off = =20 = =20 campus)?
If = =20 = =20 you = =20 answer = =20 = =20 Yes = =20 to = =20 = =20 this = =20 = =20 question, = =20 you = =20 = =20 will = =20 be = =20 = =20 expected = =20 = to =20 = =20 specify = =20 = a =20 = =20 housing = =20 = =20 capacity, = =20 and = =20 = =20 to = =20 report = =20 = =20 a = =20 = room =20 = =20 charge = =20 = or =20 = =20 a = =20 = =20 combined = =20 room = =20 = =20 and = =20 board = =20 = =20 charge = =20 = =20 (D10).
   =20 = =20   No
   =20 = =20   Yes
  Specify = =20 = =20 housing = =20 = =20 capacity = =20 = for =20 = =20 academic = =20 = =20 year = =20 2018-19
4. = =20 = =20 Do = =20 you = =20 = =20 offer = =20 board=20 = =20 or = =20 = =20 meal = =20 plans = =20 = =20 to = =20 your = =20 = =20 students?
If = =20 = =20 you = =20 answer = =20 = =20 Yes = =20 to = =20 = =20 this = =20 = =20 question, = =20 you = =20 = =20 will = =20 be = =20 = =20 expected = =20 = to =20 = =20 report = =20 = a =20 = =20 board = =20 = =20 charge = =20 or = =20 = =20 combined = =20 room = =20 = =20 and = =20 = board =20 = =20 charge = =20 = =20 (D10).
   =20 = =20   No
   =20 = =20   Yes = =20 = - =20 = =20 Enter = =20 = =20 the = =20 number = =20 = =20 of = =20 meals = =20 = =20 per = =20 = week =20 = =20 in = =20 the = =20 = =20 maximum = =20 = =20 meal = =20 plan = =20 = =20 available
   =20 = =20   Yes = =20 = - =20 = =20 Number = =20 = =20 of = =20 meals = =20 = =20 per = =20 week = =20 = =20 can = =20 = vary =20 = =20 (e.g., = =20 = students=20 = =20 charge = =20 = =20 meals = =20 against = =20 = =20 a = =20 meal = =20 = =20 = card)
=20 = =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-St = =20 = =20 Louis = =20 (178420) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 D = =20 - = =20 Undergraduate = =20 = Student =20 = =20 Charges
If = =20 = =20 the = =20 institution = =20 = =20 charges = =20 = =20 an = =20 application=20 = =20 fee, = =20 = =20 indicate = =20 the = =20 = =20 amount.
    =20 = =20 = Amount Prior = =20 =20 year
  Undergraduate=20 = =20 application = =20 = =20 fee  35  35
= =  911
5. = =20 = =20 Charges = =20 to = =20 = =20 full-time =20 = =20 undergraduate = =20 = =20 students = =20 = =20 for = =20 the = =20 = =20 full = =20 academic=20 = =20 year = =20 = =20 2018-19
Please = =20 = =20 be = =20 sure = =20 = =20 to = =20 report = =20 = =20 an = =20 = average =20 = =20 tuition = =20 = =20 that = =20 includes = =20 = =20 all = =20 students = =20 = =20 at = =20 all = =20 = =20 levels = =20 = =20 (freshman, = =20 sophomore, = =20 = =20 etc.).
  In-district Prior = =20 =20 year In-state Prior = =20 =20 year Out-of-statePrior = =20 =20 year
All = =20 = =20 full-time = =20 undergraduate=20 = =20 = students
Average = =20 = tuition  10,491  10,275  10,491  10,275  27,900  27,327
Required=20 = =20 fees  0  0  0  0  0  0
6. = =20 = =20 Per = =20 credit=20 = =20 hour = =20 = =20 charge = =20 for = =20 = =20 part-time = =20 = =20 undergraduate = =20 = students
Please = =20 = =20 be = =20 sure = =20 = =20 to = =20 report = =20 = =20 an = =20 = average =20 = =20 per = =20 = =20 credit = =20 tuition = =20 = =20 that = =20 includes = =20 = =20 all = =20 students = =20 = =20 at = =20 = all=20 = =20 levels = =20 = =20 (freshman, = =20 sophomore, = =20 = =20 etc.).
  In-district Prior = =20 =20 year In-state Prior = =20 =20 year Out-of-statePrior = =20 =20 year
Per=20 = =20 credit = =20 = =20 hour = =20 = charge  350  343  350  343  930
=20 = =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-St = =20 = =20 Louis = =20 (178420) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 D = =20 - = =20 Graduate = =20 Student = =20 = =20 Charges
         &= nbsp;           
If = =20 = =20 the = =20 institution = =20 = =20 charges = =20 an = =20 = =20 application=20 = =20 fee, = =20 = =20 indicate = =20 = the =20 = =20 amount.
Amount Prior = =20 =20 year
Graduate=20 = =20 application = =20 = =20 fee  50  50
Please=20 = =20 do = =20 = =20 not = =20 include = =20 = =20 tuition = =20 for = =20 = =20 Doctor=92s = =20 = =20 Degree = =20 =96 = =20 = =20 Professional = =20 = Practice =20 = =20 programs.
= =20 = =20 Data = =20 for = =20 = =20 those = =20 = programs =20 = =20 are = =20 = =20 collected = =20 =20 separately.
= =  1,146
7. = =20 = =20 Charges = =20 to = =20 = =20 full-time =20 = =20 graduate = =20 = =20 students = =20 = for =20 = =20 the = =20 = full =20 = =20 academic=20 = =20 year = =20 = =20 2018-19
  In-district Prior = =20 =20 year In-state Prior = =20 =20 year Out-of-statePrior = =20 =20 year
Average = =20 = tuition  11,436  11,201  11,436  11,201  28,073  27,494
Required=20 = =20 fees  0  0  0  0  0  0
8. = =20 = =20 Per = =20 credit = =20 = =20 hour = =20 charge = =20 = =20 for = =20 = part-time = =20 = =20 graduate = =20 = =20 students
  In-district Prior = =20 =20 year In-state Prior = =20 =20 year Out-of-statePrior = =20 =20 year
Per=20 = =20 credit = =20 = =20 hour = =20 =20 charge  477  467  477  467  1,170
=20 = =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-St = =20 = =20 Louis = =20 (178420) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 D = =20 - = =20 Student = =20 Charges = =20 = - =20 = =20 Graduate, = =20 Doctor's = =20 Professional = =20 = =20 Practice = =20 Tuition
9. = =20 = =20 List = =20 the = =20 = =20 typical = =20 tuition=20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 required = =20 = =20 fees = =20 = for=20 = =20 a = =20 = =20 full-time = =20 doctor's-professional=20 = =20 practice = =20 = =20 student = =20 = in =20 = =20 any = =20 = of =20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 selected = =20 programs = =20 = =20 for = =20 the = =20 = =20 full = =20 academic=20 = =20 year = =20 = =20 2018-19.
DO = =20 = =20 NOT = =20 include = =20 = =20 room = =20 and = =20 = =20 board = =20 =20 charges
Doctor's=20 = =20 degree-professional = =20 = =20 practice In-state Out-of-state
1. = =20 = =20 Chiropractic = =20 = (D.C. =20 = =20 or = =20 = =20 D.C.M.):
    Tuition=20 = =20 amount      
  Required=20 = =20 fees      
2. = =20 = =20 Dentistry = =20 = (D.D.S. =20 = =20 or = =20 = =20 D.M.D.):
  Tuition=20 = =20 amount      
  Required=20 = =20 fees      
3. = =20 = =20 Medicine = =20 =20 (M.D.):
  Tuition=20 = =20 amount      
  Required=20 = =20 fees      
4. = =20 = =20 Optometry = =20 =20 (O.D.):
  Tuition=20 = =20 amount  23,946  40,333
  Required=20 = =20 fees  0  0
5. = =20 = =20 Osteopathic = =20 = Medicine =20 = =20 (D.O.):
  Tuition=20 = =20 amount      
  Required=20 = =20 fees      
6. = =20 = =20 Pharmacy = =20 =20 (Pharm.D.):
  Tuition=20 = =20 amount      
  Required=20 = =20 fees      
7. = =20 = =20 Podiatry = =20 = (Pod.D., =20 = =20 D.P., = =20 or = =20 = =20 = D.P.M.):
  Tuition=20 = =20 amount      
  Required=20 = =20 fees      
8. = =20 = =20 Veterinary = =20 = Medicine =20 = =20 (D.V.M.):
  Tuition=20 = =20 amount      
  Required=20 = =20 fees      
9. = =20 = =20 Law = =20 =20 (J.D.):
  Tuition=20 = =20 amount      
  Required=20 = =20 fees      
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-St = =20 = =20 Louis = =20 (178420) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 D = =20 - = =20 Student = =20 Charges = =20 = - =20 = =20 Room = =20 and = =20 Board = =20
10. = =20 = =20 What = =20 are = =20 = =20 the = =20 typical = =20 = =20 room=20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 board = =20 = =20 charges = =20 = for =20 = =20 a = =20 = =20 student = =20 for = =20 = =20 the = =20 full = =20 = =20 academic = =20 year = =20 = =20 2018-19?
If = =20 = =20 your = =20 institution = =20 = =20 offers = =20 room = =20 = =20 or = =20 = board=20 = =20 at = =20 = =20 no = =20 charge = =20 = =20 to = =20 students, = =20 = =20 enter = =20 = zero.
If = =20 = =20 you = =20 report = =20 = =20 room = =20 and = =20 = =20 board = =20 = separately,=20 = =20 leave = =20 = =20 the = =20 combined = =20 = =20 charge = =20 = blank. =20 = =20 If = =20 you = =20 = =20 report = =20 = =20 a = =20 combined = =20 = =20 charge, = =20 leave = =20 = =20 the = =20 = room =20 = =20 and = =20 = board =20 = =20 charges = =20 = =20 blank.
Room =20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 board = =20 = =20 charges Amount Prior = =20 =20 year
=20 = =20 Room = =20 = =20 charge = =20 (Double = =20 = =20 occupancy)  5,340  5,440
=20 = =20 Board = =20 = =20 charge = =20 (Maximum = =20 = =20 plan)  4,023  4,023
Combined = =20 = room =20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 board = =20 charge = =20 = =20
= =20 (Answer = =20 = =20 only = =20 = if =20 = =20 you = =20 = CANNOT =20 = =20 separate = =20 = =20 room = =20 and = =20 = =20 board = =20 = charges.)
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-St = =20 = =20 Louis = =20 (178420) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 D = =20 - = =20 Student = =20 Charges = =20 = - =20 = =20 Price = =20 of = =20 Attendance
11. = =20 = =20 Cost = =20 of = =20 = =20 attendance = =20 for = =20 = =20 full-time, = =20 = =20 first-time = =20 = =20 undergraduate = =20 = =20 students:
Please = =20 = =20 enter = =20 the = =20 = =20 amounts = =20 requested = =20 = =20 below. = =20 = =20 These = =20 data = =20 = =20 will = =20 be = =20 = =20 made = =20 = available =20 = =20 to = =20 the = =20 = =20 public = =20 = =20 on = =20 College = =20 = =20 Navigator. = =20 If = =20 = =20 your = =20 = institution = =20 participates = =20 = =20 in = =20 = any =20 = =20 Title = =20 IV = =20 = =20 programs = =20 = =20 (Pell, = =20 Stafford, = =20 = =20 etc.), = =20 you = =20 = =20 must = =20 = =20 complete = =20 all = =20 = =20 information. = =20 = Estimates = =20 = of =20 = =20 expenses = =20 = for =20 = =20 books = =20 = =20 and = =20 supplies, = =20 = =20 room = =20 and = =20 = =20 board, = =20 = =20 and = =20 other = =20 = =20 expenses = =20 are = =20 = =20 those = =20 from = =20 = =20 the = =20 = Cost=20 = =20 of = =20 = =20 Attendance = =20 report = =20 = =20 used = =20 = by =20 = =20 the = =20 = financial =20 = =20 aid = =20 = =20 office = =20 in = =20 = =20 determining = =20 = financial =20 = =20 need. = =20 = =20 Please = =20 talk = =20 = =20 to = =20 your = =20 = =20 financial = =20 = aid =20 = =20 office = =20 = to =20 = =20 get = =20 = =20 these = =20 numbers = =20 = =20 to = =20 ensure = =20 = =20 that = =20 you = =20 = =20 are = =20 =20 reporting = =20 =20 correctly.
=20 = =20 If = =20 = =20 the = =20 2018-19 = =20 = =20 tuition = =20 = and/or =20 = =20 fees = =20 = as =20 = =20 reported = =20 = =20 on = =20 this = =20 = =20 page = =20 for = =20 = =20 full-time, = =20 = =20 first-time = =20 students = =20 = =20 are = =20 = covered=20 = =20 by = =20 = a =20 = =20 tuition=20 = =20 guarantee = =20 = =20 program, = =20 = =20 check = =20 the = =20 = =20 applicable = =20 box(es) = =20 = =20 under = =20 = 'Tuition =20 = =20 Guarantee'. = =20 = =20 Additionally, = =20 = =20 please = =20 indicate = =20 = =20 the = =20 maximum = =20 = =20 % = =20 increase = =20 = =20 that = =20 = is =20 = =20 guaranteed. = =20 = =20 These = =20 numbers = =20 = =20 are = =20 = =20 expected = =20 to = =20 = =20 be = =20 fairly = =20 = =20 small. = =20 Please = =20 = =20 contact = =20 = the =20 = =20 Help = =20 = =20 Desk = =20 if = =20 = =20 you = =20 are = =20 = =20 confused = =20 about = =20 = =20 these = =20 = values=20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 how = =20 to = =20 = =20 report = =20 = them.
Charges = =20 = =20 for = =20 full = =20 = =20 academic = =20 = =20 year 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19    
Published = =20 = =20 tuition = =20 = =20 and = =20 = required = =20 = =20 fees: =20 = =20 Tuition = =20 = =20 Guarantee
(check = =20 = =20 only = =20 if = =20 = =20 applicable = =20 to = =20 = =20 entering = =20 = =20 students = =20 in = =20 = =20 2018-19)
Guaranteed = =20 = =20 increase = =20 = %
    Tuition  9,394  9,394  9,590  9,792  =20 = =20     
    Required = =20 = fees  0  0  0  0  =20 = =20     
    Tuition = =20 + = =20 = =20 fees = =20 = =20 total  9,394  9,394  9,590  9,792    
    Tuition  9,394  9,394  9,590  9,792  =20 = =20     
    Required = =20 = fees  0  0  0  0  =20 = =20     
    Tuition = =20 + = =20 = =20 fees = =20 = =20 total  9,394  9,394  9,590  9,792    
    Tuition  23,812  24,526  25,505  26,040  =20 = =20     
    Required = =20 = fees  0  0  0  0  =20 = =20     
    Tuition = =20 + = =20 = =20 fees = =20 = =20 total  23,812  24,526  25,505  26,040    
  Books=20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 supplies  1,000  1,000  1,000  1,000    
  Room=20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 board  9,868  10,032  10,140  10,140    
  Other=20 = =20 expenses  3,382  3,118 =20 = =20  3,962  3,962    
  Room = =20 = =20 and = =20 board = =20 = =20 and = =20 other = =20 = =20 expenses  13,250  13,150  14,102  14,102    
Off-campus=20 = =20 (not = =20 = =20 with = =20 =20 family):
  Room=20 = =20 and = =20 = =20 board  9,402  9,516  9,450  9,450    
  Other=20 = =20 expenses  5,364  5,244  5,612  5,612    
  Room = =20 = =20 and = =20 board = =20 = =20 and = =20 other = =20 = =20 expenses  14,766  14,760  15,062  15,062    
Off-campus=20 = =20 (with = =20 = =20 family):
  Other=20 = =20 expenses  5,364  5,244  5,612  5,612    
/media/aa/planning//media/aa/planning/3D"These=20 = =20 You = =20 = =20 may = =20 use = =20 = =20 the = =20 space = =20 = =20 below = =20 to = =20 = =20 provide = =20 = =20 context = =20 for = =20 = =20 the = =20 data = =20 = =20 you've = =20 = =20 reported = =20 above. = =20 = =20 These = =20 context = =20 = =20 notes = =20 will = =20 = =20 be = =20 = =20 posted = =20 on = =20 = =20 the = =20 College = =20 = =20 Navigator = =20 = =20 website, = =20 and = =20 = =20 should = =20 be = =20 = =20 written = =20 to = =20 = =20 be = =20 = understood =20 = =20 by = =20 = =20 students = =20 and = =20 = =20 parents.
  = =20 = =20
=20 = =20
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-St = =20 = =20 Louis = =20 (178420) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Part=20 = =20 E = =20 - = =20 Athletic = =20 = Association
1. = =20 = =20 Is = =20 this = =20 = =20 institution = =20 a = =20 = =20 member = =20 = of =20 = =20 a = =20 = =20 national = =20 athletic = =20 = =20 association?
 =20 = =20   No
 =20 = =20   Yes = =20 = - =20 = =20 Check = =20 = =20 all = =20 that = =20 = =20 apply
   =20 = =20   National = =20 = =20 Collegiate = =20 = Athletic =20 = =20 Association = =20 = =20 (NCAA)
   =20 = =20   National = =20 = =20 Association = =20 of = =20 = =20 Intercollegiate = =20 = =20 Athletics = =20 (NAIA)
   =20 = =20   National = =20 = =20 Junior = =20 College = =20 = =20 Athletic = =20 = =20 Association = =20 (NJCAA)
   =20 = =20   United = =20 = =20 States = =20 Collegiate = =20 = =20 Athletic = =20 = =20 Association = =20 (USCAA)
   =20 = =20   National = =20 = =20 Christian = =20 College = =20 = =20 Athletic = =20 = =20 Association = =20 =20 = (NCCAA)           =             &= nbsp;      
   =20 = =20   Other
2. = =20 = =20 If = =20 this = =20 = =20 institution = =20 is = =20 = =20 a = =20 = member =20 = =20 of = =20 = =20 the = =20 NCAA = =20 = =20 or = =20 NAIA, = =20 = =20 specify = =20 the = =20 = =20 conference = =20 = FOR =20 = =20 EACH = =20 = =20 SPORT = =20 using = =20 = =20 the = =20 pull = =20 = =20 down = =20 = menu.
Sport NCAA = =20 = =20 or = =20 NAIA = =20 = =20 member Conference
Football  =20 = =20   No  =20 = =20   Yes-Specify  Select = =20 = =20 One
Basketball  =20 = =20   No  =20 = =20   Yes-Specify  Great = =20 = =20 Lakes = =20 Valley = =20 = =20 Conference
Baseball  =20 = =20   No  =20 = =20   Yes-Specify  Great = =20 = =20 Lakes = =20 Valley = =20 = =20 Conference
Cross = =20 = country =20 = =20 and/or = =20 = =20 track  =20 = =20   No  =20 = =20   Yes-Specify  Select = =20 = =20 One
Institution: = =20 =20 University = =20 of = =20 Missouri-St = =20 = =20 Louis = =20 (178420) = =20
User=20 = =20 ID: = =20 29C0011 = =20 =

Prepared=20 = =20 by
The = =20 = =20 name = =20 of = =20 = =20 the = =20 preparer = =20 = =20 is = =20 being = =20 = =20 collected = =20 = =20 so = =20 that = =20 = =20 we = =20 can = =20 = =20 follow = =20 up = =20 = =20 with = =20 the = =20 = =20 appropriate = =20 = =20 person = =20 in = =20 = =20 the = =20 event = =20 = =20 that = =20 there = =20 = =20 are = =20 = questions =20 = =20 concerning = =20 = =20 the = =20 data. = =20 = =20 The = =20 = Keyholder =20 = =20 will = =20 be = =20 = =20 copied = =20 = =20 on = =20 all = =20 = =20 email = =20 correspondence = =20 = =20 to = =20 = other =20 = =20 preparers.
The = =20 = =20 time = =20 it = =20 = =20 took = =20 to = =20 = =20 prepare = =20 this = =20 = =20 component = =20 = =20 is = =20 being = =20 = =20 collected = =20 so = =20 = =20 that = =20 we = =20 = =20 can = =20 = continue =20 = =20 to = =20 = =20 improve = =20 our = =20 = =20 estimate = =20 of = =20 = =20 the = =20 reporting = =20 = =20 burden = =20 = =20 associated = =20 with = =20 = =20 IPEDS. = =20 Please = =20 = =20 include = =20 = =20 in = =20 your = =20 = =20 estimate = =20 the = =20 = =20 time = =20 it = =20 = =20 took = =20 for = =20 = =20 you = =20 = to=20 = =20 review = =20 = =20 instructions, = =20 query = =20 = =20 and = =20 search = =20 = =20 data = =20 = =20 sources, = =20 complete = =20 = =20 and = =20 review = =20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 component, = =20 and = =20 = =20 submit = =20 the = =20 = =20 data = =20 through = =20 = =20 the = =20 = Data =20 = =20 Collection = =20 = =20 System.
Thank = =20 = =20 you = =20 for = =20 = =20 your = =20 = assistance.
This = =20 = =20 survey = =20 component = =20 = =20 was = =20 = =20 prepared = =20 by:
   =20 = =20   Keyholder  =20 = =20   SFA Contact  =20 = =20   HR Contact  
   =20 = =20   Finance = =20 = =20 Contact  =20 = =20   Academic Library = =20 = =20 Contact  =20 = =20   Other  
  Name:  Randy = =20 = Sade  
How = =20 = =20 many = =20 staff = =20 = =20 from = =20 your = =20 = =20 institution = =20 = only=20 = =20 were = =20 = =20 involved = =20 in = =20 = =20 the = =20 data = =20 = =20 collection = =20 and = =20 = =20 reporting = =20 = =20 process = =20 of = =20 = =20 this = =20 survey = =20 = =20 component? = =20 = =20
   11.00 Number = =20 = =20 of = =20 Staff = =20 = =20 (including = =20 =20 yourself)  
How = =20 = =20 many = =20 hours = =20 = =20 did = =20 you = =20 = =20 and = =20 others = =20 = =20 from = =20 = =20 your = =20 institution = =20 = =20 only = =20 spend = =20 = =20 on = =20 each = =20 = =20 of = =20 = the =20 = =20 steps = =20 = =20 below = =20 when = =20 = =20 responding = =20 to = =20 = =20 this = =20 survey = =20 = =20 = component?

Exclude =20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 hours = =20 spent = =20 = =20 collecting = =20 data = =20 = =20 for = =20 state = =20 = =20 and = =20 = other =20 = =20 reporting = =20 = =20 purposes.
  Staff = =20 =20 member Collecting = =20 = =20 Data = =20 = Needed Revising = =20 = =20 Data = =20 to = =20 = =20 Match
= =20 IPEDS = =20 = =20 Requirements
Entering = =20 = =20 Data Revising = =20 = =20 and = =20 Locking = =20 = =20 Data  
  Your = =20 =20 office  1.00 hours  0.00 hours  5.00 hours  1.25 hours  
  Other = =20 =20 offices  9.00 hours  0.00 hours  5.00 hours  0.50 hours  
= =20 =20
Institution: = =20 = =20 University = =20 of = =20 = =20 Missouri-St = =20 Louis = =20 = =20 (178420) = =20 = User = =20 ID: = =20 = =20 29C0011
= =20 =20
=20 = =20 Institutional = =20 Characteristics = =20 = =20 Component = =20 Summary
= =20 Academic = =20 = Year =20 = =20 Reporters = =20

= =20 IPEDS = =20 collects = =20 = important=20 = =20 information = =20 regarding = =20 your = =20 = =20 institution. = =20 All = =20 data = =20 reported = =20 = =20 in = =20 IPEDS = =20 survey = =20 = components =20 = =20 become = =20 available = =20 in = =20 the = =20 = =20 IPEDS = =20 Data = =20 Center = =20 and = =20 = =20 appear = =20 as = =20 aggregated = =20 data = =20 = =20 in = =20 various = =20 Department = =20 of = =20 = =20 Education = =20 reports. = =20 Additionally, = =20 = some =20 = =20 of = =20 the = =20 reported = =20 = data =20 = =20 appears = =20 specifically = =20 for = =20 your = =20 = =20 institution = =20 through = =20 the = =20 = College =20 = =20 Navigator = =20 website = =20 and = =20 = is =20 = =20 included = =20 in = =20 your = =20 =20 institution=92s = =20 Data = =20 Feedback = =20 = Report =20 = =20 (DFR). = =20 The = =20 purpose = =20 of = =20 = =20 this = =20 summary = =20 is = =20 to = =20 = provide =20 = =20 you = =20 an = =20 opportunity = =20 = to =20 = =20 view = =20 some = =20 of = =20 the = =20 = =20 data = =20 that, = =20 when = =20 accepted = =20 = =20 through = =20 the = =20 IPEDS = =20 quality = =20 = =20 control = =20 process, = =20 will = =20 appear = =20 = =20 on = =20 the = =20 College = =20 Navigator = =20 = =20 website = =20 and/or = =20 your = =20 DFR. = =20 = =20 College = =20 Navigator = =20 is = =20 updated = =20 = =20 approximately = =20 three = =20 months = =20 = after =20 = =20 the = =20 data = =20 collection = =20 = period =20 = =20 closes = =20 and = =20 Data = =20 Feedback = =20 = =20 Reports = =20 will = =20 be = =20 available = =20 = =20 through = =20 the = =20 Data = =20 Center = =20 and = =20 = =20 sent = =20 to = =20 your = =20 institution=92s = =20 = =20 CEO = =20 in = =20 November = =20 2018. = =20 =

= =20 Please = =20 review = =20 = your =20 = =20 data = =20 for = =20 accuracy. = =20 If = =20 = =20 you = =20 have = =20 questions = =20 about = =20 = the=20 = =20 data = =20 displayed = =20 below = =20 = =20 after = =20 reviewing = =20 the = =20 data = =20 = =20 reported = =20 on = =20 the = =20 survey = =20 = screens, = =20 please = =20 contact = =20 the = =20 = =20 IPEDS = =20 Help = =20 Desk = =20 at: = =20 = =20 1-877-225-2568 = =20 or = =20 = =20

Mission = =20 = =20 Statement = =20 = =20 html=20 = =20
Are = =20 all = =20 = =20 the = =20 programs = =20 = =20 at = =20 your = =20 = =20 institution = =20 = =20 offered = =20 exclusively = =20 = =20 via = =20 = distance =20 = =20 education = =20 = =20 programs? No = =20 = =20
Special = =20 Learning = =20 = =20 Opportunities ROTC = =20 = =20 (Army
= =20 Air = =20 = =20 Force)
= =20 Study = =20 = =20 abroad
= =20 = =20 Weekend/evening = =20 =20 college
= =20 Teacher = =20 = =20 certification = =20 = =20 (below = =20 the = =20 = =20 postsecondary = =20 = level)
=20 = =20
Student = =20 Services Academic/career = =20 = =20 counseling = =20 = =20 services
= =20 Employment = =20 = =20 services = =20 = for =20 = =20 current = =20 = =20 students
= =20 Placement = =20 = =20 services = =20 = =20 for = =20 program = =20 = =20 completers
= =20 = On-campus =20 = =20 day = =20 = =20 care = =20 for = =20 = =20 children = =20 of = =20 = =20 students
= =20 = =20
Credit = =20 Accepted Dual = =20 = =20 credit = =20 (college = =20 = =20 credit = =20 earned = =20 = =20 while = =20 = =20 in = =20 high = =20 = =20 school)
= =20 Advanced = =20 = =20 placement = =20 = =20 (AP) = =20 credits
= =20 = =20
Undergraduate = =20 students = =20 = =20 enrolled = =20 = =20 who = =20 are = =20 = =20 formally = =20 registered = =20 = =20 with = =20 = =20 office = =20 of = =20 = =20 disability = =20 = services 5% = =20 = =20
<= /TR> =
Estimated = =20 = =20 expenses = =20 = for =20 = =20 academic = =20 = =20 year = =20 for = =20 = =20 full-time, = =20 = first-time =20 = =20 students 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
$9,394 $9,394 $9,590 $9,792
In-state = =20 tuition = =20 = =20 and = =20 = fees $9,394 $9,394 $9,590 $9,792
Out-of-state = =20 tuition = =20 = =20 and = =20 = fees $23,812<= /TD> $24,526 $25,505 $26,040
Books = =20 and = =20 = =20 supplies $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
On-campus = =20 room = =20 = =20 and = =20 = board $9,868 $10,032 $10,140 $10,140
On-campus = =20 other = =20 = =20 expenses $3,382 $3,118 $3,962 $3,962
Off-campus = =20 room = =20 = =20 and = =20 = board $9,402$9,516 $9,450 $9,450
Off-campus = =20 other = =20 = =20 expenses $5,364 $5,244 $5,612 $5,612
Off-campus = =20 with = =20 = =20 family = =20 = other =20 = =20 expenses $5,364 $5,244 $5,612 $5,612
Average = =20 = =20 undergraduate = =20 = =20 student = =20 tuition = =20 = =20 and = =20 fees = =20 = =20 for = =20 = =20 academic = =20 year = =20 = =20 2018-19 = =20 = Tuition Fees
In-district $10,491 $0
In-state $10,491 $0
Out-of-state $27,900 $0
Average = =20 = graduate =20 = =20 student = =20 = =20 tuition = =20 and = =20 = =20 fees = =20 for = =20 = =20 academic = =20 = year =20 = =20 2018-19 Tuition Fees
In-district $11,436 $0
In-state $11,436 $0
Out-of-state $28,073 $0
Alternative = =20 = tuition =20 = =20 plans Tuition = =20 = =20 payment = =20 =20 plan
Institution: = =20 = =20  University = =20 = of=20 = =20 Missouri-St = =20 = =20 Louis = =20 (178420) User = =20 = =20 ID: = =20 =20  29C0011
Edit=20 = =20 Report
=20 = =20 =20
=20 = =20 Institutional = =20 = =20 =20 Characteristics 
University = =20 of = =20 = =20 Missouri-St = =20 = =20 Louis = =20 = (178420)
Source Description Severity Resolved Options
Screen: =20 = =20 Price = =20 = =20 of = =20 = Attendance
Screen = =20 Entry This = =20 value = =20 = =20 is = =20 = =20 expected = =20 to = =20 = =20 be = =20 within = =20 = =20 20% = =20 of = =20 = =20 the = =20 = =20 prior = =20 year = =20 = =20 amount. = =20 = Please =20 = =20 correct = =20 = =20 your = =20 data = =20 = =20 or = =20 = explain. =20 = =20 (Error = =20 = =20 #11110) Explanation Yes
Reason: 2016-17 = =20 expenses = =20 = =20 is = =20 = =20 suppose = =20 to = =20 = =20 be = =20 $3,538. = =20 = =20 Will = =20 = =20 make = =20 corrects = =20 = =20 to = =20 the = =20 = =20 forthcoming = =20 = =20 IPEDS = =20 Student = =20 = =20 Financial = =20 = Aid=20 = =20 survey = =20 = =20 (Fall = =20 16 = =20 = =20 cohort).
  = =20
  = =20 =20 =
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font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold; } td.box1 { border: 1pt solid lightsteelblue; background-color: white; } td.boxheading1 { border: 1pt solid lightsteelblue; color: white; font-weight: bold; = background-color: rgb(195, 213, 220); } td.box2 { border: 1pt solid steelblue; background-color: white; } div.errDetails { =09 } { background: url("/media/images/newDesign/dividers.gif") repeat-x center; = height: 15px; } hr { display: none; } .errItemHide { display: none; } .errItemShow { display: block; } .warning2 { color: rgb(0, 0, 205); font-family: Verdana; font-weight: bold; } td.sub_menu { height: 25px; } input.button { border: 1px solid rgb(115, 148, 155); border-image: none; width: 80px; = color: rgb(33, 62, 76); font-family: Verdana Tahoma Arial; = background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); } input.button-n { border: 1px solid rgb(115, 148, 155); border-image: none; color: = rgb(33, 62, 76); padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; font-family: = Verdana Tahoma Arial; background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); } .button-p { padding: 0px; border: 1px solid rgb(115, 148, 155); border-image: none; = color: rgb(42, 89, 89); font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; = background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); } td.content { border: 1px solid rgb(195, 213, 220); border-image: none; } .info { color: blue; font-family: Verdana; font-weight: bold; } th.import_layout_header { border: 1px solid black; border-image: none; font-family: Arial, = Helvetica, Sans-Serif; background-color: rgb(229, 234, 240); } td.import_layout_header { border: 1px solid black; border-image: none; font-family: Arial, = Helvetica, Sans-Serif; background-color: rgb(229, 234, 240); } td.import_layout { border: 1px solid black; border-image: none; } p.import_layout { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; } hr.line { border-top-color: rgb(195, 213, 220); border-bottom-color: white; = border-top-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-top-style: = solid; border-bottom-style: solid; } table.layout { border: currentColor; border-image: none; border-collapse: collapse; } tr.gv-header th { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-image: none; height: 25px; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: rgb(210, 223, = 229); } tr.gv-row td { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-image: none; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; } tr.gv-row-alt td { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-image: none; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: rgb(243, 245, = 247); } tr.gv-row-selected td { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-image: none; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; font-weight: bold; = background-color: rgb(228, 219, 215); } tr.gv-row-edit td { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-image: none; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: rgb(250, 249, = 238); } tr.gv-footer td { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-image: none; height: 25px; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: rgb(210, 223, = 229); } tr.gv-pager td { border: 1px solid rgb(210, 223, 229); border-image: none; text-align: = center; padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: = rgb(210, 223, 229); } table.layout { border: currentColor; border-image: none; border-collapse: collapse; } table.grid-view-like { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-collapse: collapse; } { color: black; font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none; } { color: white; font-size: 8pt; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; = background-color: rgb(91, 112, 119); } .DynamicHoverStyleHidden { visibility: hidden; position: absolute; } .DynamicHoverStyleVisible { visibility: visible; position: absolute; } .SharedMenuStyle { padding: 0px; height: 24px; color: black; font-family: Arial; = font-size: 10pt; font-weight: normal; cursor: pointer; } .StaticMenuStyle { margin: auto; height: 24px; text-align: center; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); = font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; = background-color: rgb(244, 239, 225); } .StaticMenuItemStyle { color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; = font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(244, 239, 225); } .StaticSelectedStyle { height: 24px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; font-size: = 11px; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(195, 213, 220); } .StaticHoverStyle { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; = background-color: rgb(241, 245, 246); } .DynamicMenuStyle { border-width: 0px 1px 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(195, = 213, 220); border-image: none; text-align: left; color: rgb(255, 255, = 255); padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; background-color: rgb(241, = 245, 246); } .DynamicMenuItemStyle { height: 15px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); padding-right: 2px; padding-left: = 4px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; background-color: rgb(241, = 245, 246); } .DynamicSelectedStyle { height: 15px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); padding-right: 2px; padding-left: = 4px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; background-color: rgb(241, = 245, 246); } .DynamicHoverStyle { height: 15px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); padding-right: 2px; padding-left: = 4px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; background-color: rgb(244, = 239, 225); } .StaticMenuStyleAdmin { height: 24px; text-align: center; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: = Verdana; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(225, = 233, 244); } .StaticMenuItemStyleAdmin { color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; = font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(225, 233, 244); } .StaticSelectedStyleAdmin { height: 24px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; font-size: = 11px; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(195, 213, 220); } .StaticHoverStyleAdmin { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; = background-color: rgb(241, 245, 246); } .DynamicMenuStyleAdmin { border-width: 0px 1px 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(195, = 213, 220); border-image: none; text-align: left; color: rgb(255, 255, = 255); padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; background-color: rgb(241, = 245, 246); } .DynamicMenuItemStyleAdmin { height: 15px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); padding-right: 2px; padding-left: = 4px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; background-color: rgb(241, = 245, 246); } .DynamicSelectedStyleAdmin { height: 15px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); padding-right: 2px; padding-left: = 4px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; background-color: rgb(241, = 245, 246); } .DynamicHoverStyleAdmin { height: 15px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); padding-right: 2px; padding-left: = 4px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; background-color: rgb(225, = 233, 244); } .NarrEdits p { font-family: Verdana !important; font-size: 12px !important; } .NewTextBox { padding-left: 10px; } div.modalPopupTransparent { background: rgb(204, 204, 204); left: 0px; top: 0px; position: = absolute; -moz-opacity: .45; } 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color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Arial; = font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; } .Index_content_textbluebg { text-align: left; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Arial; = font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; background-color: rgb(183, 203, = 221); } .Index_content_ol_class { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: left; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); = font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; } .Index_content_ol_class li { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } .Index_content_textlarge { text-align: left; color: rgb(51, 102, 153); font-family: Arial; = font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; } .Index_content_textsmall { text-align: left; color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-family: Arial; = font-size: 10px; font-weight: normal; } .Index_content_tableline { border: 1px solid rgb(183, 203, 221); border-image: none; = border-collapse: collapse; } .Index_content_tableline td { border: 1px solid rgb(183, 203, 221); border-image: none; = border-collapse: collapse; } .Index_content_head { text-align: left; color: rgb(51, 102, 153); font-family: Arial; = font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; } ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01D48008.554B5100 Content-Type: text/css; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: file:///P:/IRP/Compliance_Reports/IPEDS/IC_Institutional_Characteristics_Survey/FY2019/ums_files/Screen.css .sc-tbn { border: 1px solid rgb(127, 157, 185); border-image: none; width: 9ex; = height: 14px; text-align: right; padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 2px; = font-size: 11px; } { =09 } .sc textarea { padding: 4px; width: 450px; height: 90px; overflow: scroll; } .sc img { padding-right: 2px; padding-left: 2px; vertical-align: middle; } .sc td { padding: 2px; border-right-color: white; border-bottom-color: white; = border-right-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-right-style: = solid; border-bottom-style: solid; } .sc-h { padding: 2px; color: black; line-height: 18px; font-family: Verdana; = font-size: 14px; font-weight: 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file:///P:/IRP/Compliance_Reports/IPEDS/IC_Institutional_Characteristics_Survey/FY2019/ums_files/CellInfo.css table.pagetable-big { border: 1px solid rgb(91, 114, 88); width: 100%; text-align: left; } table.pagetable-big thead { color: black; background-color: rgb(185, 205, 213); } table.pagetable-big thead a { color: white; font-weight: bold; } table.pagetable-big thead tr { height: 25px; vertical-align: middle; } table.pagetable-big thead tr td { height: 25px; padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; vertical-align: = middle; } table.pagetable-big thead tr th { height: 25px; padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; vertical-align: = middle; } .th-h1 { text-align: left; color: black; padding-left: 19px; font-size: 12px; = font-weight: bold; vertical-align: middle; background-color: rgb(185, = 205, 213); } .th-h1-bigfont { text-align: left; color: white; padding-left: 19px; font-size: 13px; = vertical-align: middle; background-color: rgb(185, 205, 213); } .th-h1 a { color: white; 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border-bottom-style: solid; background-color: rgb(172, 186, 170); } table.pagetable-big-report tbody tr td { padding: 4px; vertical-align: middle; } table.pagetable-big-report label { top: -2px; padding-right: 10px; font-family: Arial; font-size: 11px; = position: relative; } table.pagetable-big-report tfoot th { color: white; padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: = rgb(91, 114, 88); } table.pagetable-big-report tfoot td { color: white; padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: = rgb(91, 114, 88); } ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01D48008.554B5100 Content-Type: text/css; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: file:///P:/IRP/Compliance_Reports/IPEDS/IC_Institutional_Characteristics_Survey/FY2019/ums_files/ChunkEdit.css { width: 20px; } .tm img { border: 1px solid rgb(235, 240, 244); } td.tm2 { text-align: center; color: rgb(55, 108, 162); font-size: 9px; = font-weight: bold; } .hlh { font-weight: bold; background-color: blue; } .hl { font-weight: normal; } .hl th { text-align: left; font-weight: bold; } .hl td { text-align: left; color: black; font-weight: normal; } .ea a { color: blue; } .icss_header1 { font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; background-color: yellow; } .icss_chunk_title { color: blue; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; background-color: = silver; } .icss_chunk_warning { color: red; font-weight: bold; } .icss_chunk_body { color: black; font-size: 17px; font-weight: normal; background-color: = white; } ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01D48008.554B5100 Content-Type: text/css; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: file:///P:/IRP/Compliance_Reports/IPEDS/IC_Institutional_Characteristics_Survey/FY2019/ums_files/Instructions.css .i_title { height: 24px; text-align: left; color: gray; padding-right: 10px; = font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: bold; vertical-align: middle; cursor: = pointer; background-image: 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116); font-size: = 11px; font-weight: bold; background-image: = url("/media/images/bg_gr_003.jpg"); background-repeat: repeat-x; } .i_small_hdr { height: 16px; text-align: left; color: rgb(78, 89, 116); padding-left: = 10px; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; cursor: auto; = background-image: url("/media/images/bg_gr_003.jpg"); background-repeat: = repeat-x; } .i_etd { width: 30px; text-align: right; empty-cells: show; } ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01D48008.554B5100 Content-Type: text/css; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: file:///P:/IRP/Compliance_Reports/IPEDS/IC_Institutional_Characteristics_Survey/FY2019/ums_files/Screen.css .sc-tbn { border: 1px solid rgb(127, 157, 185); border-image: none; width: 9ex; = height: 14px; text-align: right; padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 2px; = font-size: 11px; } { =09 } .sc textarea { padding: 4px; width: 450px; height: 90px; overflow: scroll; } .sc img { padding-right: 2px; padding-left: 2px; 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89, 89); padding-bottom: 4px; font-family: = Verdana; font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal; vertical-align: middle; = background-color: rgb(195, 213, 220); } .menuSubItem { padding: 2px; text-align: left; } tr.heading { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; background-color: rgb(195, 213, = 220); } .heading { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; background-color: rgb(195, 213, = 220); } .headingBlankFOrm { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11pt; font-weight: bold; } .smallheading { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9pt; background-color: rgb(195, 213, = 220); } .shade { font-family: Arial, Verdana; background-color: rgb(229, 234, 240); } .shade_calc { font-family: Arial, Verdana; background-color: rgb(238, 232, 170); } .shade_db { font-family: Arial, Verdana; background-color: rgb(159, 212, 169); } .shade_calc_foreign { font-family: Arial, Verdana; background-color: rgb(230, 230, 250); } .shade_calc_foreign_py { color: red; font-family: Arial, Verdana; background-color: rgb(230, = 230, 250); } .smallFontForReport { font-family: Arial; font-size: 10px; } .vertical_align_bottom { vertical-align: bottom; } a:link { color: black; } a:visited { color: black; } .py { color: red; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; } .textbox { font-family: "Courier New"; font-size: 12px; } li { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9pt; } .surveymenu { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9pt; } table.paging { page-break-after: always; } .warning { color: red; font-family: Verdana; font-weight: bold; } .surveymenu2 { color: rgb(204, 0, 0); font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9pt; } .txtheading { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11pt; font-weight: bold; = background-color: rgb(232, 232, 232); } .txtsection { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11pt; font-weight: bold; = text-decoration: underline; } .txtsection2 { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold; } td { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; } .txtnote { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9pt; font-style: italic; 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url("/media/images/newDesign/dividers.gif") repeat-x center; = height: 15px; } hr { display: none; } .errItemHide { display: none; } .errItemShow { display: block; } .warning2 { color: rgb(0, 0, 205); font-family: Verdana; font-weight: bold; } td.sub_menu { height: 25px; } input.button { border: 1px solid rgb(115, 148, 155); border-image: none; width: 80px; = color: rgb(33, 62, 76); font-family: Verdana Tahoma Arial; = background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); } input.button-n { border: 1px solid rgb(115, 148, 155); border-image: none; color: = rgb(33, 62, 76); padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; font-family: = Verdana Tahoma Arial; background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); } .button-p { padding: 0px; border: 1px solid rgb(115, 148, 155); border-image: none; = color: rgb(42, 89, 89); font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; = background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); } td.content { border: 1px solid rgb(195, 213, 220); border-image: none; } .info { color: blue; font-family: Verdana; font-weight: bold; } th.import_layout_header { border: 1px solid black; border-image: none; font-family: Arial, = Helvetica, Sans-Serif; background-color: rgb(229, 234, 240); } td.import_layout_header { border: 1px solid black; border-image: none; font-family: Arial, = Helvetica, Sans-Serif; background-color: rgb(229, 234, 240); } td.import_layout { border: 1px solid black; border-image: none; } p.import_layout { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; } hr.line { border-top-color: rgb(195, 213, 220); border-bottom-color: white; = border-top-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-top-style: = solid; border-bottom-style: solid; } table.layout { border: currentColor; border-image: none; border-collapse: collapse; } tr.gv-header th { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-image: none; height: 25px; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: rgb(210, 223, = 229); } tr.gv-row td { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-image: none; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; } tr.gv-row-alt td { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-image: none; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: rgb(243, 245, = 247); } tr.gv-row-selected td { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-image: none; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; font-weight: bold; = background-color: rgb(228, 219, 215); } tr.gv-row-edit td { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-image: none; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: rgb(250, 249, = 238); } tr.gv-footer td { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-image: none; height: 25px; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: rgb(210, 223, = 229); } tr.gv-pager td { border: 1px solid rgb(210, 223, 229); border-image: none; text-align: = center; padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: = rgb(210, 223, 229); } table.layout { border: currentColor; border-image: none; border-collapse: collapse; } table.grid-view-like { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-collapse: collapse; } { color: black; font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none; } { color: white; font-size: 8pt; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; = background-color: rgb(91, 112, 119); } .DynamicHoverStyleHidden { visibility: hidden; position: absolute; } .DynamicHoverStyleVisible { visibility: visible; position: absolute; } .SharedMenuStyle { padding: 0px; height: 24px; color: black; font-family: Arial; = font-size: 10pt; font-weight: normal; cursor: pointer; } .StaticMenuStyle { margin: auto; height: 24px; text-align: center; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); = font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; = background-color: rgb(244, 239, 225); } .StaticMenuItemStyle { color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; = font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(244, 239, 225); } .StaticSelectedStyle { height: 24px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; font-size: = 11px; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(195, 213, 220); } 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51); font-family: = Verdana; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(225, = 233, 244); } .StaticMenuItemStyleAdmin { color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; = font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(225, 233, 244); } .StaticSelectedStyleAdmin { height: 24px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; font-size: = 11px; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(195, 213, 220); } .StaticHoverStyleAdmin { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; = background-color: rgb(241, 245, 246); } .DynamicMenuStyleAdmin { border-width: 0px 1px 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(195, = 213, 220); border-image: none; text-align: left; color: rgb(255, 255, = 255); padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; background-color: rgb(241, = 245, 246); } .DynamicMenuItemStyleAdmin { height: 15px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); padding-right: 2px; padding-left: = 4px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; background-color: rgb(241, = 245, 246); } .DynamicSelectedStyleAdmin { height: 15px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); padding-right: 2px; padding-left: = 4px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; background-color: rgb(241, = 245, 246); } .DynamicHoverStyleAdmin { height: 15px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); padding-right: 2px; padding-left: = 4px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; background-color: rgb(225, = 233, 244); } .NarrEdits p { font-family: Verdana !important; font-size: 12px !important; } .NewTextBox { padding-left: 10px; } div.modalPopupTransparent { background: rgb(204, 204, 204); left: 0px; top: 0px; position: = absolute; -moz-opacity: .45; } div.modalPopupWindow { padding: 8px; border: 2px solid black; border-image: none; text-align: = left; position: absolute; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); } .indexSubHeader { color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; = font-weight: bold; } .pointer { position: absolute; z-index: 666; } .varMouseover_wrapper { left: 572px; top: 278px; width: 435px; height: auto; position: = absolute; z-index: 300; } .var { position: relative; z-index: 0; } .var .var-content { width: 427px; height: auto; position: relative; z-index: 2; } .varMouseover { width: 430px; height: auto; text-align: left; font-size: 9pt; } .varMouseover p { line-height: 18px; padding-right: 15px; padding-left: 15px; } .greenTitleVarDesc { height: auto; color: rgb(51, 102, 153); font-family: Verdana; = font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; } .varDescClose { color: rgb(51, 51, 51); line-height: 18px; font-family: Verdana; = font-size: 11px; } .Index_headline { text-align: left; color: rgb(51, 102, 153); font-family: Verdana; = font-size: 11px; font-weight: normal; background-color: rgb(183, 203, = 221); } .Index_text { text-align: left; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; = font-size: 11px; font-weight: normal; } .Index_text_bold { text-align: left; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; = font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; } .Index_textsmall { text-align: left; 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230, 250); } .smallFontForReport { font-family: Arial; font-size: 10px; } .vertical_align_bottom { vertical-align: bottom; } a:link { color: black; } a:visited { color: black; } .py { color: red; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; } .textbox { font-family: "Courier New"; font-size: 12px; } li { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9pt; } .surveymenu { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9pt; } table.paging { page-break-after: always; } .warning { color: red; font-family: Verdana; font-weight: bold; } .surveymenu2 { color: rgb(204, 0, 0); font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9pt; } .txtheading { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11pt; font-weight: bold; = background-color: rgb(232, 232, 232); } .txtsection { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11pt; font-weight: bold; = text-decoration: underline; } .txtsection2 { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold; } td { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; } .txtnote { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9pt; font-style: italic; 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