From: "Saved by Internet Explorer 11" Subject: Survey Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2017 11:25:19 -0600 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/related; type="text/html"; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0000_01D27AEB.89B17F60" X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.1.7601.23573 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01D27AEB.89B17F60 Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: file://P:\IRP\Compliance_Reports\IPEDS\HR_Human_Resources_Survey\FY2017\Survey.htm =20 =20 =20 =20 =20 =20 =20 =20 Survey=20 =20 =20 =20 =20


Human Resources 2016-17 = =20
Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
User = =20 ID: 29C0011

Human Resources = =20 Overview
  Welcome to the IPEDS Human = =20 Resources (HR) survey component. = The HR=20 component = collects=20 important information about your = =20 institution's staff.  
  Data Reporting Reminders  
  • Report = =20 each employee = only=20 once. If an employee = =20 could be coded in more than one = occupation, =20 code = the=20 employee in the occupation that = =20 requires the highest level of skill OR = =20 if there is = no=20 measurable difference in = =20 skill requirements, code the = employee =20 in the =20 occupation in which they spend = =20 the most time.
  • Report = =20 staff members = difficult=20 to categorize = =20 in the "Human Resources Survey Evaluation" = =20 box at the = end of the=20 survey.
  • Enter = =20 data on each = displayed=20 screen. If a screen = =20 is not applicable, enter at least one = =20 zero in a = field on=20 the screen and save = =20 before continuing.
  • When = =20 reporting salary = data=20 (applicable to degree-granting = =20 institutions only) include = all=20 full-time, = =20 non-medical school, instructional staff = =20 - both with and without faculty = =20 status.
  See the instructions for = =20 the Key Reporting Concepts = section =20 -- basic = reporting=20 concepts that will assist = =20 you in completing the Human Resources = survey =20 component.  
  • To =20 download the = survey=20 materials for this = =20 component: Survey = =20 Materials
  • All =20 staff must = now be=20 reported using the new = =20 IPEDS occupational categories, = which align=20 with = the=20 2010 Standard Occupational Classfication = =20 (SOC) codes. Additional = information=20 and =20 resources can be found in the IPEDS = =20 HR/SOC Information Center, = including =20 general = information about the SOC, the = =20 IPEDS/SOC crosswalk, a SOC Browse Tool, = =20 frequently = asked=20 questions, and web tutorials. = =20

= =20 If you have questions about completing this = =20 survey, please contact = the=20 IPEDS Help Desk = =20 at = 1-877-225-2568.
Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
User = =20 ID: 29C0011

Human=20 Resources Screening = Questions
Does your = =20 institution have any part-time=20 = staff?
If you answer = =20 Yes to this question, = you will=20 be provided = the=20 screens to report part-time staff.
   =20 No
   =20 Yes         &n= bsp;           &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;            = ;            =             &= nbsp;           &n= bsp;           &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;            = ;            =             &= nbsp;           &n= bsp;     
Does = =20 your institution have graduate=20 assistants?
If = =20 you answer Yes to this question, = =20 you will be = provided the=20 screens to report = =20 graduate assistants.
   =20 No
   =20 Yes         &n= bsp;           &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;            = ;            =             &= nbsp;           &n= bsp;           &nb= sp;    
Does your = =20 institution have 15 or more full-time=20 = staff?
   =20 No
   =20 Yes         &n= bsp;           &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;            = ;            =             &= nbsp;           &n= bsp;           &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;       
Does = =20 your institution have a tenure=20 system?
If = =20 you answer Yes to this question, = =20 you will be = provided the=20 screens to report = =20 some data by tenure status.
   =20 No
   =20 Yes         &n= bsp;           &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;            = ;      
Did = =20 your institution hire any full-time = =20 permanent = staff who=20 were included = on=20 the payroll of the institution between = =20 November 1, 2015 and = October=20 31, 2016 either = =20 for the first time = =20 (new to the institution) or after = =20 a break in = service=20 ? (Exclude = =20 persons who have returned from sabbatical = =20 leave and full-time =20 instructional staff = who are =20 working less-than-9-month = contracts.)
If = =20 you answer Yes to this question, = =20 you will be = provided the=20 screens to report = =20 full-time permanent new hires in = =20 Part = H.
   =20 No
   =20 Yes         &n= bsp;           &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;            = ;      
Do ALL = =20 of the instructional=20 = staff at=20 your institution fall into = =20 any of the following categories?
If you answer = =20 Yes to any of the = questions=20 below, you = will=20 NOT be required to report = =20 Part G - Salaries for = instructional=20 staff. However, = Part=20 G will still be required = =20 for reporting data for full-time non-instructional = =20 staff.
   =20 No  =20 Yes Are ALL of the instructional staff=  military personnel?
   =20 No  =20 Yes Do ALL of the = =20 instructional staff contribute = their=20 services = (e.g.,=20 members of a religious order)?
   =20 No  =20 Yes Do ALL of the = =20 instructional staff teach = pre-clinical or =20 clinical=20 medicine?
You may = =20 use the space below to provide=20 context = for the=20 data you've reported above.
  = =20
Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
User = =20 ID: 29C0011

Part=20 A1 - Full-time Instructional = Staff by=20 Academic Rank and Tenure Status = -=20 Tenured

Number of Full-time=20 Instructional=20 Staff =
=20 With =20 Faculty = Status=20

As of November 1, 2016

  • Report = =20 Hispanic/Latino individuals of any = race =20 as=20 Hispanic/Latino
  • Report = =20 race for non-Hispanic/Latino = individuals =20 only
  • Include = =20 both Primarily Instruction and=20 Instruction = =20 Combined with Research and/or Public = Service
  • Include = =20 both medical school and = non-medical=20 school =20 staff
  • Men
    Race/ethnicity Academic=20 = Rank No academic
    = =20 rank

    = =20 Total

    = =20 Professors
    = =20 professors
    = =20 professors

    = =20 Instructors

    = =20 Lecturers
    Nonresident=20 = alien  0  1  0  0  0  0  1
    Hispanic/Latino  5  7  0  0  0  0  12
    American=20 Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  1  2  0  0  0  0  3
    Asian  68  25  0  0  0  0  93
    Black=20 or African=20 American  5  5  0  0  0  0  10
    Native=20 Hawaiian or = Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  1  0  0  0  0  1
    White  230  159  0  0  0  0  389
    Two or more races  2  0  0  0  0  0  2
    Race=20 and = ethnicity=20 unknown  3  2  0  0  0  0  5
    Total men  314  202  0  0  0  0  516
    Race/ethnicity Academic=20 = Rank No academic
    = =20 rank

    = =20 Total

    = =20 Professors
    = =20 professors
    = =20 professors

    = =20 Instructors

    = =20 Lecturers
    Nonresident alien  0  1  0  0  0  0  1
    Hispanic/Latino  3  8  0  0  0  0  11
    American Indian or Alaska = =20 Native  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Asian  9  14  0  0  0  0  23
    Black or African American  4  3  0  0  0  0  7
    Native Hawaiian or Other = =20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    White  87  101  0  0  0  0  188
    Two or more races  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Race and ethnicity unknown  1  2  0  0  0  0  3
    Total women  104  129  0  0  0  0  233
    Total (men+women)  418  331  0  0  0  0  749
    Total from prior year  
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 A1 - Full-time Instructional = Staff by=20 Academic Rank and Tenure Status = - On=20 Tenure Track
    Number of Full-time=20 Instructional=20 Staff =
    =20 With Faculty=20 Status =
    On = =20 Tenure Track

    = =20 As of November 1, = 2016
  • Report = =20 Hispanic/Latino individuals of any = race =20 as=20 Hispanic/Latino
  • Report = =20 race for non-Hispanic/Latino = individuals =20 only
  • Include = =20 both Primarily Instruction and=20 Instruction = =20 Combined with Research and/or Public = Service
  • Include = =20 both medical school and = non-medical=20 school =20 staff
  • Men
    Race/ethnicity Academic=20 = Rank No academic
    = =20 rank

    = =20 Total

    = =20 Professors
    = =20 professors
    = =20 professors

    = =20 Instructors

    = =20 Lecturers
    Nonresident=20 = alien  0  2  17  0  0  0  19
    Hispanic/Latino  0  2  8  0  0  0  10
    American=20 Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Asian  0  2  22  0  0  0  24
    Black=20 or African=20 American  1  0  7  0  0  0  8
    Native=20 Hawaiian or = Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    White  0  2  70  0  0  0  72
    Two or more races  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Race=20 and = ethnicity=20 unknown  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Total men  1  8  124  0  0  0  133
    Race/ethnicity Academic Rank No academic
    = =20 rank

    = =20 Total

    = =20 Professors
    = =20 professors
    = =20 professors

    = =20 Instructors

    = =20 Lecturers
    Nonresident alien  0  0  11  0  0  0  11
    Hispanic/Latino  0  1  6  0  0  0  7
    American Indian or Alaska = =20 Native  0  0  1  0  0  0  1
    Asian  0  0  11  0  0  0  11
    Black or African American  0  0  8  0  0  0  8
    Native Hawaiian or Other = =20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    White  0  3  57  0  0  0  60
    Two or more races  0  0  1  0  0  0  1
    Race and ethnicity unknown  0  0  2  0  0  0  2
    Total women  0  4  97  0  0  0  101
    Total (men+women)  1  12  221  0  0  0  234
    Total from prior year  
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 A1 - Full-time Instructional = Staff by=20 Academic Rank and Tenure Status = -=20 Multi-Year Contract
    Number of Full-time=20 Instructional=20 Staff =
    =20 With Faculty=20 Status =
    Not = =20 on Tenure Track - Multi-Year=20 = Contract =20 =20

    As of November 1, 2016

  • Report = =20 Hispanic/Latino individuals of any = race =20 as=20 Hispanic/Latino
  • Report = =20 race for non-Hispanic/Latino = individuals =20 only
  • Include = =20 both Primarily Instruction and=20 Instruction = =20 Combined with Research and/or Public = Service
  • Include = =20 both medical school and = non-medical=20 school =20 staff
  • Men
    Gender and = race/ethnicity Academic=20 = Rank No academic
    = =20 rank

    = =20 Total

    = =20 Professors
    = =20 professors
    = =20 professors

    = =20 Instructors

    = =20 Lecturers
    Nonresident=20 = alien  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Hispanic/Latino  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    American=20 Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Asian  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Black=20 or African=20 American  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Native=20 Hawaiian or = Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    White  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Two or more races  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Race=20 and = ethnicity=20 unknown  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Total men  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Gender and = race/ethnicity Academic Rank No academic
    = =20 rank

    = =20 Total

    = =20 Professors
    = =20 professors
    = =20 professors

    = =20 Instructors

    = =20 Lecturers
    Nonresident alien  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Hispanic/Latino  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    American Indian or Alaska = =20 Native  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Asian  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Black or African American  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Native Hawaiian or Other = =20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    White  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Two or more races  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Race and ethnicity unknown  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Total women  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Total (men+women)  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 A1 - Full-time Instructional = Staff by=20 Academic Rank and Tenure Status = - Annual=20 Contract

    Number of Full-time =20 Instructional=20 Staff =
    =20 With Faculty=20 Status=20
    Not = =20 on Tenure Track - Annual=20 =20 Contract

    = =20 As of November 1, 2016

  • Report = =20 Hispanic/Latino individuals of any = race =20 as=20 Hispanic/Latino
  • Report = =20 race for non-Hispanic/Latino = individuals =20 only
  • Include = =20 both Primarily Instruction and=20 Instruction = =20 Combined with Research and/or Public = Service
  • Include = =20 both medical school and = non-medical=20 school =20 staff
  • Men
    Race/ethnicity Academic=20 = Rank No academic
    = =20 rank

    = =20 Total

    = =20 Professors
    = =20 professors
    = =20 professors

    = =20 Instructors

    = =20 Lecturers
    Nonresident=20 = alien  0  1  31  0  0  23  55
    Hispanic/Latino  0  2  6  1  1  0  10
    American=20 Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Asian  2  17  18  1  0  4  42
    Black=20 or African=20 American  1  2  10  0  0  1  14
    Native=20 Hawaiian or = Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    White  31  91  145  22  1  21  311
    Two or more races  0  1  4  0  0  1  6
    Race=20 and = ethnicity=20 unknown  0  0  6  1  0  6  13
    Total men  34  114  220  25  2  56  451
    Race/ethnicity Academic Rank No academic
    = =20 rank

    = =20 Total

    = =20 Professors
    = =20 professors
    = =20 professors

    = =20 Instructors

    = =20 Lecturers
    Nonresident alien  0  0  12  3  0  10  25
    Hispanic/Latino  1  3  10  1  0  0  15
    American Indian or Alaska = =20 Native  0  1  0  0  1  0  2
    Asian  1  12  13  2  2  2  32
    Black or African American  0  2  6  3  0  1  12
    Native Hawaiian or Other = =20 Pacific Islander  0  1  0  0  0  0  1
    White  28  75  146  52  10  23  334
    Two or more races  0  0  0  2  1  0  3
    Race and ethnicity unknown  0  0  3  0  1  2  6
    Total women  30  94  190  63  15  38  430
    Total (men+women)  64  208  410  88  17  94  881
    Total from prior year  
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 A1 - Full-time Instructional = Staff by=20 Academic Rank and Tenure Status = -=20 Less-Than-Annual Contract
    Number of Full-time=20 Instructional=20 Staff =
    =20 With Faculty=20 Status =
    Not = =20 on Tenure Track - Less-than-annual=20 = Contract =20 =20

    As of November 1, 2016

  • Report = =20 Hispanic/Latino individuals of any = race =20 as=20 Hispanic/Latino
  • Report = =20 race for non-Hispanic/Latino = individuals =20 only
  • Include = =20 both Primarily Instruction and=20 Instruction = =20 Combined with Research and/or Public = Service
  • Include = =20 both medical school and = non-medical=20 school =20 staff
  • Men
    Race/ethnicity Academic=20 = Rank No academic
    = =20 rank

    = =20 Total

    = =20 Professors
    = =20 professors
    = =20 professors

    = =20 Instructors

    = =20 Lecturers
    Nonresident=20 = alien  0  0  0  1  0  0  1
    Hispanic/Latino  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    American=20 Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Asian  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Black=20 or African=20 American  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Native=20 Hawaiian or = Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    White  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Two or more races  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Race=20 and = ethnicity=20 unknown  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Total men  0  0  0  1  0  0  1
    Race/ethnicity Academic Rank No academic
    = =20 rank

    = =20 Total

    = =20 Professors
    = =20 professors
    = =20 professors

    = =20 Instructors

    = =20 Lecturers
    Nonresident alien  0  0  0  1  0  0  1
    Hispanic/Latino  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    American Indian or Alaska = =20 Native  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Asian  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Black or African American  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Native Hawaiian or Other = =20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    White  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Two or more races  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Race and ethnicity unknown  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Total women  0  0  0  1  0  0  1
    Total (men+women)  0  0  0  2  0  0  2
    Total from prior year  
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 A1 - Full-time Instructional = Staff by=20 Academic Rank and Tenure Status = -=20 Indefinite duration Contract
    Number of Full-time=20 Instructional=20 Staff =
    =20 With Faculty=20 Status =
    Not = =20 on Tenure Track - Indefinite=20 duration=20 contract = =20 =20

    As of November 1, 2016

  • Report = =20 Hispanic/Latino individuals of any = race =20 as=20 Hispanic/Latino
  • Report = =20 race for non-Hispanic/Latino = individuals =20 only
  • Include = =20 both Primarily Instruction and=20 Instruction = =20 Combined with Research and/or Public = Service
  • Include = =20 both medical school and = non-medical=20 school =20 staff
  • Men
    Gender and = race/ethnicity Academic=20 = Rank No academic
    = =20 rank

    = =20 Total

    = =20 Professors
    = =20 professors
    = =20 professors

    = =20 Instructors

    = =20 Lecturers
    Nonresident=20 = alien  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Hispanic/Latino  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    American=20 Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Asian  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Black=20 or African=20 American  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Native=20 Hawaiian or = Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    White  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Two or more races  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Race=20 and = ethnicity=20 unknown  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Total men  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Gender and = race/ethnicity Academic Rank No academic
    = =20 rank

    = =20 Total

    = =20 Professors
    = =20 professors
    = =20 professors

    = =20 Instructors

    = =20 Lecturers
    Nonresident alien  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Hispanic/Latino  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    American Indian or Alaska = =20 Native  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Asian  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Black or African American  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Native Hawaiian or Other = =20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    White  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Two or more races  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Race and ethnicity unknown  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Total women  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Total (men+women)  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 A1 - Full-time Instructional = Staff -=20 Without Faculty Status

    Number of Full-time =20 Instructional=20 Staff =
    =20 Without = Faculty=20 Status
    = As of=20 November 1, 2016

  • Report = =20 Hispanic/Latino individuals of any = race =20 as=20 Hispanic/Latino
  • Report = =20 race for non-Hispanic/Latino = individuals =20 only
  • Include = =20 both Primarily Instruction and=20 Instruction = =20 Combined with Research and/or Public = Service
  • Include = =20 both medical school and = non-medical=20 school =20 staff
  • Men
    Race/ethnicity Without Faculty Status
    Nonresident=20 = alien  0
    Hispanic/Latino  0
    American=20 Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  0
    Asian  0
    Black=20 or African=20 American  0
    Native=20 Hawaiian or = Other=20 Pacific Islander  0
    White  0
    Two or more races  0
    Race=20 and = ethnicity=20 unknown  0
    Total men  0
    Race/ethnicity Without Faculty Status
    Nonresident alien  0
    Hispanic/Latino  0
    American Indian or Alaska = =20 Native  0
    Asian  0
    Black or African American  0
    Native Hawaiian or Other = =20 Pacific Islander  0
    White  0
    Two or more races  0
    Race and ethnicity unknown  0
    Total women  0
    Total (men+women)  0
    Total from prior year
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 A2 - Full-time Instructional = Staff by =20 Function

    Number of Full-time=20 Instructional=20 Staff =

    As of November 1, 2016

  • Report = =20 Primarily Instruction and = Instruction =20 combined with = Research and/or Public Service = =20 separately, as indicated = below
  • Report = =20 Non-medical school and Medical = school =20 staff = separately, as=20 indicated below
  •   With Faculty=20 Status = Without = =20 Faculty Status Total
    Tenured On=20 Tenure = Track Not=20 on Tenure=20 Track
    Multi-year Annual=20 = contract Less-than-annual=20 = contract Indefinite=20 duration = (continuing=20 or at-will)
    Non-medical=20 school = staff  646  197  0  498  2  0  0  1,343
    Non-medical = =20 school staff from prior year  632  200    500  3    0  1,335
      Primarily=20 = Instruction  636  195  0  453  2  0  0  1,286
        =20 Exclusively=20 credit  636  195  0  453  2  0  0  1,286
        =20 Exclusively=20 not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
        Combined credit/not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
      Instruction/research/public=20 service = staff  10  2  0  45  0  0  0  57
    Medical=20 school = staff  103  37  0  383  0  0  0  523
    Medical school = =20 staff from prior year  104  37    372  0    0  513
      Primarily=20 = Instruction  100  37  0  378  0  0  0  515
        Exclusively credit  100  37  0  378  0  0  0  515
        Exclusively not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
        Combined credit/not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
      Instruction/research/public=20 service = staff  3  0  0  5  0  0  0  8
    Total carried = =20 forward from previous = screens  749  234  0  881  2  0  0
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 A3 - Full-time Instructional = Staff - =20 Totals

    Total number of = Full-time =20 Instructional Staff

    As of November 1, 2016

    Race/ethnicity Total men Total women Total (men+women)
    Nonresident alien  76  38  114
    Hispanic/Latino  32  33  65
    American Indian or Alaska = =20 Native  3  3  6
    Asian  159  66  225
    Black or African American  32  27  59
    Native Hawaiian or Other = =20 Pacific Islander  1  1  2
    White  772  582  1,354
    Two or more races  8  4  12
    Race and ethnicity unknown  18  11  29
    Total  1,101  765  1,866
    Total from prior year  
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 B1 - Full-time Non-instructional = Staff=20 by Occupational Category

    Number of Full-time=20 = Non-instructional=20 Staff
    = by=20 Occupational Category

    As of November 1, 2016

  • Report = =20 Hispanic/Latino individuals of any = race =20 as=20 Hispanic/Latino
  • Report = =20 race for non-Hispanic/Latino = individuals =20 only
  • Include = =20 both medical school and = non-medical=20 school =20 staff
  • Men
    Race/ethnicity Instructional = =20 Staff
    = =20 (carried forward
    = =20 from Part A)
    Research=20 = staff Public=20 Service=20 staff
    Nonresident=20 = alien  76  71  2
    Hispanic/Latino  32  6  1
    American=20 Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  3  0  0
    Asian  159  35  1
    Black=20 or African=20 American  32  1  3
    Native=20 Hawaiian or = Other=20 Pacific Islander  1  0  0
    White  772  107  36
    Two or more races  8  1  0
    Race=20 and = ethnicity=20 unknown  18  4  2
    Total men  1,101  225  45
    Race/ethnicity Instructional = =20 Staff
    = =20 (carried forward
    = =20 from Part A)
    Research=20 = staff Public=20 Service=20 staff
    Nonresident alien  38  26  4
    Hispanic/Latino  33  2  1
    American Indian or Alaska = =20 Native  3  0  0
    Asian  66  7  2
    Black or African American  27  2  6
    Native Hawaiian or Other = =20 Pacific Islander  1  0  0
    White  582  72  61
    Two or more races  4  1  0
    Race and ethnicity unknown  11  2  3
    Total women  765  112  77
    Total (men+women)  1,866  337  122
    Total from prior year  1,848  333
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 B1 - Full-time Non-instructional = Staff=20 by Occupational Category

    Number of Full-time=20 = Non-instructional=20 Staff
    = by=20 Occupational Category

    As of November 1, 2016

  • Report = =20 Hispanic/Latino individuals of any = race =20 as=20 Hispanic/Latino
  • Report = =20 race for non-Hispanic/Latino = individuals =20 only
  • Include = =20 both medical school and = non-medical=20 school =20 staff
  • Men
    Race/ethnicity Archivists, = =20 Curators, and Museum = Technicians
    Library =20 =20 Technicians
    =20 Student=20 and Academic = Affairs=20 and Other Education Services = =20 Occupations
    25-2000 = =20 + 25-3000 + = =20 25-9000
    Nonresident=20 = alien  0  1  0  4
    Hispanic/Latino  0  1  0  2
    American=20 Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  0  0  0  1
    Asian  0  1  0  5
    Black=20 or African=20 American  0  0  0  3
    Native=20 Hawaiian or = Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0
    White  6  4  0  106
    Two or more races  0  0  0  1
    Race=20 and = ethnicity=20 unknown  0  0  0  0
    Total men  6  7  0  122
    Race/ethnicity Archivists, = =20 Curators, and Museum = Technicians
    Library =20 =20 Technicians
    Student =20 and Academic = Affairs=20 and Other Education Services = =20 Occupations
    25-2000 = =20 + = 25-3000 +=20 25-9000
    Nonresident alien  0  0  0  2
    Hispanic/Latino  0  0  0  2
    American Indian or Alaska = =20 Native  0  0  0  1
    Asian  0  0  0  2
    Black or African American  0  2  0  11
    Native Hawaiian or Other = =20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0
    White  5  33  0  131
    Two or more races  1  0  0  2
    Race and ethnicity unknown  0  0  0  4
    Total women  6  35  0  155
    Total (men+women)  12  42  0  277
    Total from prior year  11  44   
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 B1 - Full-time Non-instructional = Staff=20 by Occupational Category

    Number of Full-time=20 = Non-instructional=20 Staff
    = by=20 Occupational Category

    As of November 1, 2016

  • Report = =20 Hispanic/Latino individuals of any = race =20 as=20 Hispanic/Latino
  • Report = =20 race for non-Hispanic/Latino = individuals =20 only
  • Include = =20 both medical school and = non-medical=20 school =20 staff
  • Men
    Race/ethnicity Management = =20 = Occupations
    Business =20 and Financial = Operations = Occupations
    Computer,=20 Engineering, = and=20 Science Occupations
    15-0000 = +=20 17-0000 = =20 + 19-0000
    Community, = =20 Social Service, Legal, Arts, = Design,=20 Entertainment, = =20 Sports, and Media =20 Occupations
    21-0000 = =20 + 23-0000 + = 27-0000
    Healthcare = =20 Practitioners and Technical = =20 Occupations
    Nonresident=20 = alien  4  1  21  1  2
    Hispanic/Latino  7  4  8  7  0
    American=20 Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  4  0  3  2  1
    Asian  11  3  47  2  3
    Black=20 or African=20 American  18  5  10  23  1
    Native=20 Hawaiian or = Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  1  0  0
    White  378  75  493  212  79
    Two or more races  4  1  6  2  3
    Race=20 and = ethnicity=20 unknown  5  1  14  8  3
    Total men  431  90  603  257  92
    Race/ethnicity Management = =20 = Occupations
    Business =20 and Financial = Operations = Occupations
    Computer,=20 Engineering, = and=20 Science Occupations
    15-0000 = +=20 17-0000 = =20 + 19-0000
    Community, = =20 Social Service, Legal, Arts, = Design,=20 Entertainment, = =20 Sports, and Media =20 Occupations
    21-0000 = =20 + 23-0000 + = 27-0000
    Healthcare = =20 Practitioners and Technical = =20 Occupations
    Nonresident alien  2  0  20  2  6
    Hispanic/Latino  7  5  9  6  6
    American Indian or Alaska = =20 Native  0  0  1  3  3
    Asian  15  8  53  12  6
    Black or African American  20  19  8  24  19
    Native Hawaiian or Other = =20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0  1
    White  412  210  263  358  342
    Two or more races  3  3  2  7  2
    Race and ethnicity unknown  5  3  17  3  13
    Total women  464  248  373  415  398
    Total (men+women)  895  338  976  672  490
    Total from prior year  864  331  978  688
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 B1 - Full-time Non-instructional = Staff=20 by Occupational Category

    Number of Full-time=20 = Non-instructional=20 Staff
    = by=20 Occupational Category

    As of November 1, 2016

  • Report = =20 Hispanic/Latino individuals of any = race =20 as=20 Hispanic/Latino
  • Report = =20 race for non-Hispanic/Latino = individuals =20 only
  • Include = =20 both medical school and = non-medical=20 school =20 staff
  • Men
    Race/ethnicity Service =20 =20 Occupations
    31-0000 = =20 + 33-0000 + = 35-0000 =20 + = 37-0000 +=20 39-0000
    Sales =20 and Related = =20 Occupations
    Office =20 and = Administrative=20 Support = Occupations
    Natural =20 Resources,=20 Construction, and Maintenance=20 Occupations
    45-0000 + =20 47-0000 + = =20 49-0000
    Production, = =20 Transportation, and Material = Moving =20 Occupations
    51-0000 +=20 53-0000
    Grand Total
    = =20 (All full-time staff)
    Nonresident=20 = alien  3  0  2  0  0  188
    Hispanic/Latino  13  0  4  2  2  89
    American=20 Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  5  0  1  2  1  23
    Asian  2  0  4  0  0  273
    Black=20 or African=20 American  60  0  23  27  8  214
    Native=20 Hawaiian or = Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  1  0  0  3
    White  181  8  165  291  88  3,001
    Two or more races  3  0  4  4  0  37
    Race=20 and = ethnicity=20 unknown  7  0  6  5  0  73
    Total men  274  8  210  331  99  3,901
    Race/ethnicity Service =20 =20 Occupations
    31-0000 = =20 + 33-0000 + = 35-0000 =20 + = 37-0000 +=20 39-0000
    Sales =20 and Related = =20 Occupations
    Office =20 and = Administrative=20 Support = Occupations
    Natural =20 Resources,=20 Construction, and Maintenance=20 Occupations
    45-0000 + =20 47-0000 + = =20 49-0000
    Production, = =20 Transportation, and Material = Moving =20 Occupations
    51-0000 +=20 53-0000
    Grand Total
    = =20 (All full-time staff)
    Nonresident alien  1  0  2  0  0  103
    Hispanic/Latino  26  0  28  1  0  126
    American Indian or Alaska = =20 Native  1  0  5  0  0  17
    Asian  10  0  21  0  0  202
    Black or African American  62  1  102  2  0  305
    Native Hawaiian or Other = =20 Pacific Islander  0  0  1  0  0  3
    White  130  16  1,151  8  12  3,786
    Two or more races  2  0  16  0  0  43
    Race and ethnicity unknown  6  0  20  1  0  88
    Total women  238  17  1,346  12  12  4,673
    Total (men+women)  512  25  1,556  343  111  8,574
    Total from prior year  544  28  1,618  385  113
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 B2 - Full-time Non-instructional = Staff=20 by Occupational Category and = Tenure=20 Status

    Number of Full-time=20 = Non-instructional=20 Staff

    As of November 1, 2016

    Non-medical = =20 school staff
    Occupational = =20 category With Faculty=20 = Status Without = =20 Faculty Status Total
    Tenured On=20 Tenure = Track Not=20 on Tenure=20 Track
    Multi-year Annual=20 = contract Less-than-annual=20 = contract Indefinite=20 duration = (continuing=20 or at-will)
    Research=20 = staff  59  9  0  184  0  0  0  252
    Public=20 Service = staff  14  4  0  89  0  0  0  107
    Archivists, = =20 Curators, and Museum = Technicians
     0  0  0  0  0  0  12  12
     0  0  0  0  0  0  40  40
    Library =20 =20 Technicians
     0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    =20 Student=20 and Academic = Affairs=20 and Other Education Services = =20 Occupations
    25-2000 = =20 + 25-3000 + = =20 25-9000
     0  0  0  218  3  0  55  276
    Management = =20 = Occupations
     41  1  0  23  0  0  709  774
    Business =20 and Financial = Operations = Occupations
     0  0  0  7  0  0  274  281
    Computer,=20 Engineering, = and=20 Science Occupations
    15-0000 = +=20 17-0000 = =20 + 19-0000
     0  0  0  88  1  0  763  852
    Community, = =20 Social Service, Legal, Arts, = Design,=20 Entertainment, = =20 Sports, and Media =20 Occupations
    21-0000 = =20 + 23-0000 + = 27-0000
     0  0  0  0  0  0  616  616
    Healthcare = =20 Practitioners and Technical = =20 Occupations
     0  0  0  57  0  0  114  171
    Total  114  14  0  666  4  0  2,583  3,381
    Total from prior year  115  14    678  11    2,559  3,377
    Medical=20 school=20 staff
    Occupational = =20 category With Faculty=20 = Status Without = =20 Faculty Status Total
    Tenured On=20 Tenure = Track Not=20 on Tenure=20 Track
    Multi-year Annual=20 = contract Less-than-annual=20 = contract =20 Indefinite = duration=20 (continuing or at-will) = =20
    Research staff  29  4  0  52  0  0  0  85
    Public Service staff  4  0  0  11  0  0  0  15
    Archivists, Curators, and = =20 Museum=20 Technicians
     0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
     0  0  0  0  0  0  2  2
    Library = Technicians
     0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Student and Academic Affairs = =20 and Other Education Services = =20 Occupations
    25-2000 + 25-3000 = =20 + = 25-9000
     0  0  0  1  0  0  0  1
    Management=20 Occupations
     1  0  0  1  0  0  119  121
    Business and Financial Operations = =20 =20 Occupations
     0  0  0  0  0  0  57  57
    Computer, Engineering, and = =20 Science=20 Occupations
    15-0000 = =20 + 17-0000 + =20 19-0000
     0  0  0  20  0  0  104  124
    Community, Social Service, = =20 Legal, Arts, Design, = Entertainment,=20 Sports, and = Media =20 Occupations
    21-0000 = =20 + 23-0000 +=20 27-0000
     0  0  0  0  0  0  56  56
    Healthcare Practitioners = =20 and Technical=20 Occupations
     0  0  0  0  0  0  319  319
    Total  34  4  0  85  0  0  657  780
    Total from prior year  32  4    83  0    629
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 B2 - Full-time Non-instructional = Staff=20 by Medical School Status

    Number of Full-time=20 = Non-instructional=20 Staff

    As of November 1, 2016

    Occupational category Total
    = =20 (carried forward
    = =20 from Part B1)
    Non-medical school staff Medical school staff
    Service =20 =20 Occupations
    31-0000 = =20 + 33-0000 + = 35-0000 =20 + = 37-0000 +=20 39-0000
     512  511  1
    Sales =20 and Related = =20 Occupations
     25  25  0
    Office =20 and = Administrative=20 Support = Occupations
     1,556  1,236  320
    Natural =20 Resources,=20 Construction, and Maintenance=20 Occupations
    45-0000 + =20 47-0000 + = =20 49-0000
     343  343  0
    Production, = =20 Transportation, and Material = Moving =20 Occupations
    51-0000 +=20 53-0000
     111  111  0
    Total    2,226  321
    Total from prior year    2,364
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 C - Full-time Summary = Non-medical school=20 staff

    Summary of = Full-time =20 Non-medical School Staff

    As of November 1, 2016

  • Data =20 will not be = generated on=20 this screen until = =20 the relevant screens in the previous section = =20 have been=20 completed.
  • Occupational = =20 category With Faculty = =20 Status Without = =20 Faculty Status Total
    Tenured On Tenure Track Not on Tenure = =20 Track
    Multi-year Annual contract Less-than-annual contract Indefinite duration (continuing = =20 or at-will)
    Primarily Instruction  636  195  0  453  2  0  0  1,286
      Exclusively credit  636  195  0  453  2  0  0  1,286
      Exclusively not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
      Combined credit/not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Instruction/research/public =20 service staff  10  2  0  45  0  0  0  57
    Research staff  59  9  0  184  0  0  0  252
    Public Service = =20 staff  14  4  0  89  0  0  0  107
    Archivists, = =20 Curators, and Museum =20 Technicians
     0  0  0  0  0  0  12  12
     0  0  0  0  0  0  40  40
    Library =20 Technicians
     0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Student and = =20 Academic Affairs and Other Education = Services=20 =20 Occupations
    25-2000 + =20 25-3000 + = =20 25-9000
     0  0  0  218  3  0  55  276
    Management =20 Occupations
     41  1  0  23  0  0  709  774
    Business and = =20 Financial Operations =20 Occupations
     0  0  0  7  0  0  274  281
    Computer, Engineering, = =20 and Science =20 Occupations
    15-0000 = =20 + 17-0000 + = 19-0000
     0  0  0  88  1  0  763  852
    Community, Social = =20 Service, Legal, Arts, Design,=20 Entertainment, = =20 Sports, and Media = Occupations
    21-0000 =20 + = 23-0000=20 + 27-0000
     0  0  0  0  0  0  616  616
    Healthcare Practitioners = =20 and Technical = =20 Occupations
     0  0  0  57  0  0  114  171
    Service =20 Occupations
    31-0000 + 33-0000 = =20 + 35-0000 = + =20 37-0000 = + =20 39-0000
    Sales and Related = =20 = Occupations
    Office and Administrative = =20 Support =20 Occupations
    Natural Resources, = =20 Construction, and Maintenance = =20 Occupations
    45-0000 + = 47-0000 =20 + = 49-0000
    Production, = =20 Transportation, and Material Moving = =20 Occupations
    51-0000 + = 53-0000
    Total    6,950
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 C - Full-time Summary Medical = school =20 staff

    Summary of = Full-time =20 Medical School Staff

    As of November 1, 2016

  • Data =20 will not be = generated on=20 this screen until = =20 the relevant screens in the previous section = =20 have been=20 completed.
  • Occupational = =20 category With Faculty = =20 Status Without = =20 Faculty Status Total
    Tenured On Tenure Track Not on Tenure = =20 Track
    Multi-year Annual contract Less-than-annual contract Indefinite duration (continuing = =20 or at-will)
    Primarily Instruction  100  37  0  378  0  0  0  515
      Exclusively credit  100  37  0  378  0  0  0  515
      Exclusively not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
      Combined credit/not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Instruction/research/public =20 service staff  3  0  0  5  0  0  0  8
    Research staff  29  4  0  52  0  0  0  85
    Public Service = =20 staff  4  0  0  11  0  0  0  15
    Archivists, = =20 Curators, and Museum =20 Technicians
     0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
     0  0  0  0  0  0  2  2
    Library =20 Technicians
     0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Student and = =20 Academic Affairs and Other Education = Services=20 =20 Occupations
    25-2000 + =20 25-3000 + = =20 25-9000
     0  0  0  1  0  0  0  1
    Management =20 Occupations
     1  0  0  1  0  0  119  121
    Business and = =20 Financial Operations =20 Occupations
     0  0  0  0  0  0  57  57
    Computer, Engineering, = =20 and Science =20 Occupations
    15-0000 = =20 + 17-0000 + = 19-0000
     0  0  0  20  0  0  104  124
    Community, Social = =20 Service, Legal, Arts, Design,=20 Entertainment, = =20 Sports, and Media = Occupations
    21-0000 =20 + = 23-0000=20 + 27-0000
     0  0  0  0  0  0  56  56
    Healthcare Practitioners = =20 and Technical = =20 Occupations
     0  0  0  0  0  0  319  319
    Service =20 Occupations
    31-0000 + 33-0000 = =20 + 35-0000 = + =20 37-0000 = + =20 39-0000
    Sales and Related = =20 = Occupations
    Office and Administrative = =20 Support =20 Occupations
    Natural Resources, = =20 Construction, and Maintenance = =20 Occupations
    45-0000 + = 47-0000 =20 + = 49-0000
    Production, = =20 Transportation, and Material Moving = =20 Occupations
    51-0000 + = 53-0000
    Total    1,624
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 G - Salaries Worksheet

    Number of Full-time=20 = Non-medical School=20 Instructional = =20 Staff
    = =20 For Calculation of Total = Number of=20 Months

    Annual Salary, 2016-17

  • Report = =20 the number of instructional staff = based =20 on the = number of=20 months to be worked
  • Months = =20 reported should correspond with = the=20 number = of months=20 that staff worked (which may = =20 differ from the number of months = over =20 which they are =20 paid)
  • Include = =20 ONLY full-time, non-medical = school=20 instructional = =20 staff
  • Include = =20 instructional staff with = faculty =20 status and = without faculty status
  • Include = =20 instructional staff regardless of = tenure =20 =20 status
  • Gender and academic = =20 rank =20 Months = worked Total staff =20 Total staff = for=20 salary reporting =20 Total number = of=20 months
    12 months 11 months 10 months 9 months < 9 months
    Professors  68  0  0  215  0  283  283  2,751
    Associate professors  68  0  0  162  0  230  230  2,274
    Assistant professors  47  0  0  136  0  183  183  1,788
    Instructors  8  0  0  11  1  20  19  195
    Lecturers  2  0  0  0  0  2  2  24
    No academic rank  34  0  0  11  0  45  45  507
    Total men  227  0  0  535  1  763  762  7,539
    Professors  27  0  0  88  0  115  115  1,116
    Associate professors  54  0  0  125  0  179  179  1,773
    Assistant professors  55  0  0  132  0  187  187  1,848
    Instructors  37  0  0  20  1  58  57  624
    Lecturers  11  0  0  2  0  13  13  150
    No academic rank  19  0  0  9  0  28  28  309
    Total women  203  0  0  376  1  580  579  5,820
    Total (men + women)  430  0  0  911  2  1,343  1,341  13,359
    Total (men+women) = =20 full-time non-medical school=20 instructional = staff=20 from Part A  1,343  
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 G - Salary Outlays for = Instructional =20 Staff

    Salary Outlays
    = =20 for Full-time=20 = Non-medical School=20 Instructional = =20 Staff

    Annual Salary Outlays, 2016-17

  • Report = =20 the TOTAL ANNUAL salary outlays = for the =20 full-time=20 Non-medical School instructional = =20 staff reported in the 12 months, = 11=20 months, 10 = =20 months, and 9 months columns on the = =20 previous screen
  • Gender and academic = =20 rank Total staff = =20 for salary reporting
    = =20 (from Part G,
    = =20 screen 1)
    Total number = =20 of months
    = =20 (from Part G,
    = =20 screen 1)
    =20 Salary = Outlays =20 Weighted = average=20 monthly salaries
    12 months 11 months 10 months 9 months
    Professors  283  2,751  10,326,177  0  0  27,961,500  13,918
    Associate professors  230  2,274  6,889,191  0  0  13,667,933  9,040
    Assistant professors  183  1,788  3,799,756  0  0  10,178,115  7,818
    Instructors  19  195  460,455  0  0  518,199  5,019
    Lecturers  2  24  88,301  0  0  0  3,679
    No academic rank  45  507  1,521,358  0  0  449,834  3,888
    Total men  762  7,539  23,085,238  0  0  52,775,581  10,062
    Professors  115  1,116  3,479,296  0  0  9,403,664  11,544
    Associate professors  179  1,773  5,046,674  0  0  9,834,839  8,393
    Assistant professors  187  1,848  4,313,007  0  0  8,716,068  7,050
    Instructors  57  624  2,222,376  0  0  885,879  4,981
    Lecturers  13  150  503,123  0  0  53,596  3,711
    No academic rank  28  309  892,596  0  0  292,496  3,835
    Total women  579  5,820  16,457,072  0  0  29,186,542  7,843
    Total (men + women)  1,341  13,359  39,542,310  0  0  81,962,123  9,095
    = =20
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 G - Average Salary by academic=20 rank

    Average Salary by = academic =20 rank
    = for Full-time = =20 Non-medical School Instructional=20 Staff =

    Annual Average Salaries, 2016-17

    Gender and academic = =20 rank Average Salaries Equated 9-month = =20 Average Salary
    12 months 11 months 10 months 9 months
    Professors  151,856        130,053  126,170
    Associate professors  101,312        84,370  81,891
    Assistant professors  80,846        74,839  71,191
    Instructors  57,557        47,109  45,449
    Lecturers  44,151           33,113
    No academic rank  44,746        40,894  35,352
    Total men  101,697        98,646  91,981
    Professors  128,863        106,860  104,462
    Associate professors  93,457        78,679  76,089
    Assistant professors  78,418        66,031  63,908
    Instructors  60,064        44,294  44,784
    Lecturers  45,738        26,798  33,149
    No academic rank  46,979        32,500  34,355
    Total women  81,069        77,624  71,726
    Total (men + women)  91,959        89,969  83,236
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 G - Salary Outlays for = Non-instructional=20 Staff

    Salary Outlays
    = =20 for Full-time=20 = Non-medical School=20 Non-instructional Staff

    Annual Salary Outlays, 2016-17

    Occupational = =20 category =20 Number of =
    =20 full-time staff =
    =20 (carried forward from = =20 previous screens)
    =20 Total annual = salary=20 outlays
    Research=20 = staff  252  19,129,502
    Public=20 Service = staff  107  6,998,692
    Library=20 and Student = and=20 Academic Affairs and Other = =20 Education Services Occupations
    = =20 25-4000 + 25-2000 + 25-3000 + = 25-9000
     328  18,078,237
    Management=20 =20 Occupations
     774  69,427,244
    Business=20 and = Financial=20 Operations = Occupations
     281  14,505,938
    Computer,=20 Engineering, = and=20 Science Occupations
    15-0000 = +=20 17-0000 = =20 + 19-0000
     852  42,538,943
    Community,=20 Social = Service,=20 Legal, Arts, Design, Entertainment, = =20 Sports, and Media=20 Occupations
    21-0000 = =20 + 23-0000 + = 27-0000
     616  35,243,725
    Healthcare=20 = Practitioners and=20 Technical = Occupations
     171  6,685,958
    Service=20 =20 Occupations
    31-0000 = =20 + 33-0000 + = 35-0000 =20 + = 37-0000 +=20 39-0000
     511  15,901,697
    Sales=20 and Related = =20 Occupations
     25  670,906
    Office=20 and = Administrative=20 Support = Occupations
     1,236  41,538,084
    Natural=20 Resources,=20 Construction, and Maintenance=20 Occupations
    45-0000 + =20 47-0000 + = =20 49-0000
     343  14,508,211
    Production,=20 = Transportation, and=20 Material Moving = Occupations
    51-0000=20 + 53-0000
     111  5,716,817
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 D - Part-time Staff by = Occupational =20 Category

    Number of Part-time=20 Staff = by=20 Occupational Category

    As of November 1, 2016

  • Report = =20 Hispanic/Latino individuals of any = race =20 as=20 Hispanic/Latino
  • Report = =20 race for non-Hispanic/Latino = individuals =20 only
  • Include = =20 both medical school and = non-medical=20 school =20 staff
  • Men
    Race/ethnicity Instructional=20 = staff Research=20 = staff Public=20 Service=20 staff
    Nonresident=20 = alien  8  1  0
    Hispanic/Latino  8  2  1
    American=20 Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  0  0  0
    Asian  22  2  0
    Black=20 or African=20 American  7  0  1
    Native=20 Hawaiian or = Other=20 Pacific Islander  1  0  0
    White  340  18  12
    Two or more races  2  1  0
    Race=20 and = ethnicity=20 unknown  12  0  0
    Total men  400  24  14
    Race/ethnicity Instructional=20 = staff Research=20 = staff Public=20 Service=20 staff
    Nonresident alien  5  3  0
    Hispanic/Latino  12  0  0
    American Indian or Alaska = =20 Native  3  0  0
    Asian  11  0  0
    Black or African American  6  0  0
    Native Hawaiian or Other = =20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0
    White  330  9  8
    Two or more races  0  0  0
    Race and ethnicity unknown  13  0  2
    Total women  380  12  10
    Total (men+women)  780  36  24
    Total from prior year  847  30
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 D - Part-time Staff by = Occupational =20 Category

    Number of Part-time=20 Staff = by=20 Occupational Category

    As of November 1, 2016

  • Report = =20 Hispanic/Latino individuals of any = race =20 as=20 Hispanic/Latino
  • Report = =20 race for non-Hispanic/Latino = individuals =20 only
  • Include = =20 both medical school and = non-medical=20 school =20 staff
  • Men
    Race/ethnicity Archivists, = =20 Curators, and Museum = Technicians
    Library =20 =20 Technicians
    Student =20 and Academic = Affairs=20 and Other Education Services = =20 Occupations
    25-2000 = =20 + = 25-3000 +=20 25-9000
    Library=20 and Student = and=20 Academic Affairs and Other = =20 Education Services = Occupations
    Nonresident=20 = alien  0  0  0  23  23
    Hispanic/Latino  0  0  0  2  2
    American=20 Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  0  0  0  0  0
    Asian  0  0  0  2  2
    Black=20 or African=20 American  0  0  0  1  1
    Native=20 Hawaiian or = Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0  0
    White  1  0  0  46  47
    Two or more races  0  0  0  0  0
    Race=20 and = ethnicity=20 unknown  0  0  0  2  2
    Total men  1  0  0  76  77
    Race/ethnicity Archivists, = =20 Curators, and Museum = Technicians
    Library =20 =20 Technicians
    Student =20 and Academic = Affairs=20 and Other Education Services = =20 Occupations
    25-2000 = =20 + = 25-3000 +=20 25-9000
    Library=20 and Student = and=20 Academic Affairs and Other = =20 Education Services = Occupations
    Nonresident alien  0  0  0  4  4
    Hispanic/Latino  0  0  0  3  3
    American Indian or Alaska = =20 Native  0  0  0  0  0
    Asian  0  0  0  4  4
    Black or African American  0  0  0  3  3
    Native Hawaiian or Other = =20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  1  1
    White  3  0  0  74  77
    Two or more races  0  0  0  2  2
    Race and ethnicity unknown  0  0  0  3  3
    Total women  3  0  0  94  97
    Total (men+women)  4  0  0  170  174
    Total from prior year  5        173
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 D - Part-time Staff by = Occupational =20 Category

    Number of Part-time=20 = Staff

    As of November 1, 2016

  • Report = =20 Hispanic/Latino individuals of any = race =20 as=20 Hispanic/Latino
  • Report = =20 race for non-Hispanic/Latino = individuals =20 only
  • Include = =20 both medical school and = non-medical=20 school =20 staff
  • Men
    Race/ethnicity Management = =20 = Occupations
    Business =20 and Financial = Operations = Occupations
    Computer,=20 Engineering, = and=20 Science Occupations
    15-0000 = +=20 17-0000 = =20 + 19-0000
    Community, = =20 Social Service, Legal, Arts, = Design,=20 Entertainment, = =20 Sports, and Media =20 Occupations
    21-0000 = =20 + 23-0000 + = 27-0000
    Healthcare = =20 Practitioners and Technical = =20 Occupations
    Nonresident=20 = alien  0  0  11  0  3
    Hispanic/Latino  0  0  3  0  2
    American=20 Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  0  0  0  0  0
    Asian  0  0  3  0  7
    Black=20 or African=20 American  0  0  3  3  1
    Native=20 Hawaiian or = Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0  0
    White  33  5  55  22  46
    Two or more races  1  0  0  1  0
    Race=20 and = ethnicity=20 unknown  0  0  3  3  4
    Total men  34  5  78  29  63
    Race/ethnicity Management = =20 = Occupations
    Business =20 and Financial = Operations = Occupations
    Computer,=20 Engineering, = and=20 Science Occupations
    15-0000 = +=20 17-0000 = =20 + 19-0000
    Community, = =20 Social Service, Legal, Arts, = Design,=20 Entertainment, = =20 Sports, and Media =20 Occupations
    21-0000 = =20 + 23-0000 + = 27-0000
    Healthcare = =20 Practitioners and Technical = =20 Occupations
    Nonresident alien  0  0  8  0  4
    Hispanic/Latino  0  0  3  1  3
    American Indian or Alaska = =20 Native  0  0  1  0  0
    Asian  0  1  7  1  6
    Black or African American  0  0  2  3  1
    Native Hawaiian or Other = =20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0  0
    White  17  30  73  46  75
    Two or more races  0  0  0  2  1
    Race and ethnicity unknown  0  0  5  1  8
    Total women  17  31  99  54  98
    Total (men+women)  51  36  177  83 =20 =  161
    Total from prior year  61  40  160  75
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 D - Part-time Staff by = Occupational =20 Category

    Number of Part-time=20 = Staff

    As of November 1, 2016

  • Report = =20 Hispanic/Latino individuals of any = race =20 as=20 Hispanic/Latino
  • Report = =20 race for non-Hispanic/Latino = individuals =20 only
  • Include = =20 both medical school and = non-medical=20 school =20 staff
  • Men
    Race/ethnicity Service =20 =20 Occupations
    31-0000 = =20 + 33-0000 + = 35-0000 =20 + = 37-0000 +=20 39-0000
    Sales =20 and Related = =20 Occupations
    Office =20 and = Administrative=20 Support = Occupations
    Natural =20 Resources,=20 Construction, and Maintenance=20 Occupations
    45-0000 + =20 47-0000 + = =20 49-0000
    Production, = =20 Transportation, and Material = Moving =20 Occupations
    51-0000 +=20 53-0000
    Grand Total
    = =20 (All part-time staff)
    Nonresident=20 = alien  0  0  2  0  0  48
    Hispanic/Latino  1  0  7  0  0  26
    American=20 Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  1  0  2  0  0  3
    Asian  0  0  4  0  0  40
    Black=20 or African=20 American  33  0  19  5  1  74
    Native=20 Hawaiian or = Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0  0  1
    White  139  0  128  40  2  887
    Two or more races  3  0  1  0  0  9
    Race=20 and = ethnicity=20 unknown  11  0  9  3  0  47
    Total men  188  0  172  48  3  1,135
    Race/ethnicity Service =20 =20 Occupations
    31-0000 = =20 + 33-0000 + = 35-0000 =20 + = 37-0000 +=20 39-0000
    Sales =20 and Related = =20 Occupations
    Office =20 and = Administrative=20 Support = Occupations
    Natural =20 Resources,=20 Construction, and Maintenance=20 Occupations
    45-0000 + =20 47-0000 + = =20 49-0000
    Production, = =20 Transportation, and Material = Moving =20 Occupations
    51-0000 +=20 53-0000
    Grand Total
    = =20 (All part-time staff)
    Nonresident alien  0  0  6  0  0  30
    Hispanic/Latino  1  0  11  0  0  34
    American Indian or Alaska = =20 Native  0  0  1  0  0  5
    Asian  2  1  13  0  0  46
    Black or African American  19  0  30  6  0  70
    Native Hawaiian or Other = =20 Pacific Islander  0  0  2  0  0  3
    White  94  2  217  18  0  996
    Two or more races  1  0  5  0  0  11
    Race and ethnicity unknown  4  0  11  6  0  53
    Total women  121  3  296  30  0  1,248
    Total (men+women)  309  3  468  78  3  2,383
    Total from prior year  369  5  379  77  4
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 D - Graduate assistants
    Number = =20 of Graduate Assistants = =20 =20

    As of November 1, 2016

  • Report = =20 Hispanic/Latino individuals of any = race =20 as=20 Hispanic/Latino
  • Report = =20 race for non-Hispanic/Latino = individuals =20 =20 only
  • Men
    Race/ethnicity Teaching
    = =20 25-1191
    Research Other
    = =20 11-0000, 13-0000, 15-0000,
    = =20 17-0000, 19-0000, = 21-0000,
    =20 23-0000, = 27-0000,=20 25-4000,
    = 25-4010,=20 25-4020, 25-4030,
    = =20 25-2000, 25-3000, 25-9000,
    = =20 29-0000
    Nonresident=20 = alien  159  303  17  479
    Hispanic/Latino  22  16  1  39
    American=20 Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  1  1  0  2
    Asian  12  18  1  31
    Black=20 or African=20 American  19  17  4  40
    Native=20 Hawaiian or = Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0
    White  345  271  21  637
    Two or more races  10  5  1  16
    Race=20 and = ethnicity=20 unknown  18  15  3  36
    Total men  586  646  48  1,280
    Race/ethnicity Teaching
    = =20 25-1191
    Research Other
    = =20 11-0000, 13-0000, 15-0000,
    = =20 17-0000, 19-0000, = 21-0000,
    =20 23-0000, = 27-0000,=20 25-4000,
    = 25-4010,=20 25-4020, 25-4030,
    = =20 25-2000, 25-3000, 25-9000,
    = =20 29-0000
    Nonresident alien  110  204  13  327
    Hispanic/Latino  33  14  3  50
    American Indian or Alaska = =20 Native  5  1  1  7
    Asian  8  16  1  25
    Black or African American  15  34  6  55
    Native Hawaiian or Other = =20 Pacific Islander  0  1  0  1
    White  339  268  29  636
    Two or more races  4  4  0  8
    Race and ethnicity unknown  22  15  4  41
    Total women  536  557  57  1,150
    Total (men+women)  1,122  1,203 =20 =  105  2,430
    Total from prior year  1,226  1,311  73
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 E - Part-time Staff by = Occupational=20 Category and Tenure Status

    Number of Part-time=20 = Staff

    As of November 1, 2016

    Non-medical = =20 school staff
    Occupational = =20 category With Faculty=20 = Status Without = =20 Faculty Status Total
    Tenured On=20 Tenure = Track Not=20 on Tenure=20 Track
    Multi-year Annual=20 = contract Less-than-annual=20 = contract Indefinite=20 duration = (continuing=20 or at-will)
    Primarily=20 = Instruction  1  2  0  24  439  0  32  498
      =20 Exclusively=20 credit  1  2  0  24  439  0  32  498
      =20 Exclusively=20 not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
      Combined = credit/not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Instruction/research/public=20 service = staff  0  0  0  4  131  0  0  135
    Research=20 = staff  0  0  0  5  25  0  0  30
    Public=20 Service = staff  0  0  0  5  10  0  0  15
    Archivists,=20 Curators, = and Museum=20 Technicians
    = =20 25-4010
     0  0  0  0  0  0  4  4
     0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Library=20 =20 Technicians
     0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    =20 Student=20 and Academic = Affairs=20 and Other Education Services = =20 Occupations
    25-2000 = =20 + 25-3000 + = =20 25-9000
     0  0  0  1  87  0  19  107
    Management=20 =20 Occupations
     0  0  0  0  6  0  39  45
    Business=20 and = Financial=20 Operations = Occupations
     0  0  0  0  0  0  35  35
    Computer,=20 Engineering, = and=20 Science Occupations
    15-0000 = +=20 17-0000 = =20 + 19-0000
     0  0  0  11  32  0  120  163
    Community,=20 Social = Service,=20 Legal, Arts, Design, Entertainment, = =20 Sports, and Media=20 Occupations
    21-0000 = =20 + 23-0000 + = 27-0000
     0  0  0  0  2  0  68  70
    Healthcare=20 = Practitioners and=20 Technical = Occupations
     0  0  0  1  0  0  52  53
    Total  1  2  0  51  732  0  369  1,155
    Total from prior = =20 year  8  1    54  790    357  1,210
    Medical=20 school=20 staff
    Occupational = =20 category With Faculty=20 = Status Without = =20 Faculty Status Total
    Tenured On=20 Tenure = Track Not=20 on Tenure=20 Track
    Multi-year Annual=20 = contract Less-than-annual=20 = contract Indefinite=20 duration = (continuing=20 or at-will)
    Primarily Instruction  13  3  0  48  79  0  0  143
      Exclusively = =20 credit  13  3  0  48  79  0  0  143
      Exclusively = =20 not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
      Combined = credit/not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Instruction/research/public =20 service staff  0  0  0  2  2  0  0  4
    Research staff  3  0  0  0  3  0  0  6
    Public Service = =20 staff  0  0  0  0  9  0  0  9
    Archivists, = =20 Curators, and Museum =20 Technicians
     0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
     0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Library =20 Technicians
     0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Student and = =20 Academic Affairs and Other Education = Services=20 =20 Occupations
    25-2000 + =20 25-3000 + = =20 25-9000
     0  0  0  0  63  0  0  63
    Management =20 Occupations
     0  0  0  0  0  0  6  6
    Business and = =20 Financial Operations =20 Occupations
     0  0  0  0  0  0  1  1
    Computer, Engineering, = =20 and Science =20 Occupations
    15-0000 = =20 + 17-0000 + = 19-0000
     0  0  0  0  1  0  13  14
    Community, Social = =20 Service, Legal, Arts, Design,=20 Entertainment, = =20 Sports, and Media = Occupations
    21-0000 =20 + = 23-0000=20 + 27-0000
     0  0  0  0  0  0  13  13
    Healthcare Practitioners = =20 and Technical = =20 Occupations
     0  0  0  0  0  0  108  108
    Total  16  3  0  50  157  0  141  367
    Total from prior = =20 year  10  3    50  157    107
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 E - Part-time Staff by Medical = School =20 Status

    Number of Part-time=20 = Staff

    As of November 1, 2016

    Occupational = =20 category Total
    = =20 (carried forward
    = =20 from Part D)
    = =20 school staff
    = =20 school staff
    Service=20 =20 Occupations
    31-0000 = =20 + 33-0000 + = 35-0000 =20 + = 37-0000 +=20 39-0000
     309  308  1
    Sales=20 and Related = =20 Occupations
     3  3  0
    Office=20 and = Administrative=20 Support = Occupations
     468  395  73
    Natural=20 Resources,=20 Construction, and Maintenance=20 Occupations
    45-0000 + =20 47-0000 + = =20 49-0000
     78  78  0
    Production,=20 = Transportation, and=20 Material Moving = Occupations
    51-0000=20 + 53-0000
     3  3  0
    Total    787  74
    PY Total    764  70
    Graduate = =20 Assistants
    = =20 25-1191
     1,122  1,118  4
      Research  1,203  1,125  78
    = =20 11-0000, 13-0000, 15-0000,
    = =20 17-0000, 19-0000, = 21-0000,
    =20 23-0000, = 27-0000,=20 25-4000,
    = 25-4010,=20 25-4020, 25-4030,
    = =20 25-2000, 25-3000, 25-9000,
    = =20 29-0000
     105  105  0
    Total  2,430  2,348  82
    PY Graduate = =20 Assistants    2,518
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 F - Part-time Summary = Non-medical school=20 staff

    Summary of = Part-time =20 Non-medical School Staff

    As of November 1, 2016

    Occupational = =20 category With Faculty = =20 Status Without = =20 Faculty Status Total
    Tenured On Tenure Track Not on Tenure = =20 Track
    Multi-year Annual contract Less-than-annual contract Indefinite duration (continuing = =20 or at-will)
    Primarily Instruction  1  2  0  24  439  0  32  498
      Exclusively credit  1  2  0  24  439  0  32  498
      Exclusively not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
      Combined credit/not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Instruction/research/public =20 service staff  0  0  0  4  131  0  0  135
    Research staff  0  0  0  5  25  0  0  30
    Public Service = =20 staff  0  0  0  5  10  0  0  15
    Archivists, = =20 Curators, and Museum Technicians
    = =20 25-4010
     0  0  0  0  0  0  4  4
    = =20 25-4020
     0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Library Technicians
    = =20 25-4030
     0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Student and = =20 Academic Affairs and Other Education = Services=20 =20 Occupations
    25-2000 + =20 25-3000 + = =20 25-9000
     0  0  0  1  87  0  19  107
    Management Occupations
    = =20 11-0000
     0  0  0  0  6  0  39  45
    Business and = =20 Financial Operations Occupations
    = =20 13-0000
     0  0  0  0  0  0  35  35
    Computer, Engineering, = =20 and Science =20 Occupations
    15-0000 = =20 + 17-0000 + = 19-0000
     0  0  0  11  32  0  120  163
    Community, Social = =20 Service, Legal, Arts, Design,=20 Entertainment, = =20 Sports, and Media = Occupations
    21-0000 =20 + = 23-0000=20 + 27-0000
     0  0  0  0  2  0  68  70
    Healthcare Practitioners = =20 and Technical = Occupations
    =20 29-0000
     0  0  0  1  0  0  52  53
    Service Occupations
    = =20 31-0000 + 33-0000 + = 35-0000 +=20 37-0000 + 39-0000
    Sales and Related = =20 Occupations
    = =20 41-0000
    Office and Administrative = =20 Support Occupations
    = =20 43-0000
    Natural Resources, = =20 Construction, and Maintenance=20 Occupations
    = =20 45-0000 + 47-0000 + 49-0000
    Production, = =20 Transportation, and Material Moving=20 Occupations
    = =20 51-0000 + 53-0000
    Graduate Assistants    2,348
    = =20 25-1191
      Research    1,125
    = =20 11-0000, 13-0000, 15-0000,
    = =20 17-0000, 19-0000, 21-0000,
    = =20 23-0000, 27-0000, 25-4000,
    = =20 25-4010, 25-4020, = 25-4030,
    =20 25-2000, = 25-3000,=20 25-9000,
    =20 29-0000
    Total    4,290
    = =20
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 F - Part-time Summary Medical = school =20 staff

    Summary of = Part-time =20 Medical School Staff

    As of November 1, 2016

    Occupational = =20 category With Faculty = =20 Status Without = =20 Faculty Status Total
    Tenured On Tenure Track Not on Tenure = =20 Track
    Multi-year Annual contract Less-than-annual contract Indefinite duration (continuing = =20 or at-will)
    Primarily Instruction  13  3  0  48  79  0  0  143
      Exclusively credit  13  3  0  48  79  0  0  143
      Exclusively not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
      Combined credit/not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Instruction/research/public =20 service staff  0  0  0  2  2  0  0  4
    Research staff  3  0  0  0  3  0  0  6
    Public Service = =20 staff  0  0  0  0  9  0  0  9
    Archivists, = =20 Curators, and Museum=20 Technicians
    25-2000 = =20 + 25-3000 + = 25-9000=20
     0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
     0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Library =20 Technicians
     0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Student and = =20 Academic Affairs and Other Education = Services=20 =20 Occupations
    25-2000 + =20 25-3000 + = =20 25-9000
     0  0  0  0  63  0  0  63
    Management =20 Occupations
     0  0  0  0  0  0  6  6
    Business and = =20 Financial Operations =20 Occupations
     0  0  0  0  0  0  1  1
    Computer, Engineering, = =20 and Science =20 Occupations
    15-0000 = =20 + 17-0000 + = 19-0000
     0  0  0  0  1  0  13  14
    Community, Social = =20 Service, Legal, Arts, Design,=20 Entertainment, = =20 Sports, and Media = Occupations
    21-0000 =20 + = 23-0000=20 + 27-0000
     0  0  0  0  0  0  13  13
    Healthcare Practitioners = =20 and Technical = =20 Occupations
     0  0  0  0  0  0  108  108
    Service =20 Occupations
    31-0000 + 33-0000 = =20 + 35-0000 = + =20 37-0000 = + =20 39-0000
    Sales and Related = =20 = Occupations
    Office and Administrative = =20 Support =20 Occupations
    Natural Resources, = =20 Construction, and Maintenance = =20 Occupations
    45-0000 + = 47-0000 =20 + = 49-0000
    Production, = =20 Transportation, and Material Moving = =20 Occupations
    51-0000 + = 53-0000
    Graduate Assistants    82
    = =20 25-1191
      Research    78
    = =20 11-0000, 13-0000, 15-0000,
    = =20 17-0000, 19-0000, 21-0000,
    = =20 23-0000, 27-0000, 25-4000,
    = =20 25-4010, 25-4020, = 25-4030,
    =20 25-2000, = 25-3000,=20 25-9000,
    =20 29-0000
    Total    523
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 H - New Hires, Full-time = Instructional=20 Staff by Tenure Status

    Number of Newly=20 Hired = Full-time=20 Permanent = Instructional=20 Staff =

    (Hired full-time between November 1, 2015 = =20 - October 31, 2016)

  • Report = =20 Hispanic/Latino individuals of any = race =20 as=20 Hispanic/Latino
  • Report = =20 race for non-Hispanic/Latino = individuals =20 only
  • Include = =20 Primarily Instruction and = Instruction =20 Combined = with=20 Research and Public Service
  • Include = =20 both medical school and = non-medical=20 school =20 staff
  • Men
    Race/ethnicity With Faculty=20 = Status Without = =20 Faculty Status Total
    Tenured On=20 Tenure = Track Not=20 on Tenure=20 Track
    Multi-year Annual=20 = contract Less-than-annual=20 = contract Indefinite=20 duration = (continuing=20 or at-will)
    Nonresident=20 = alien  0  4  0  13  0  0  0  17
    Hispanic/Latino  0  1  0  2  0  0  0  3
    American=20 Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  1
    Asian  1  2  0  3  0  0  0  6
    Black=20 or African=20 American  0  2  0  4  0  0  0  6
    Native=20 Hawaiian or = Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    White  4  8  0  38  0  0  0  50
    Two or more races  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  1
    Race=20 and = ethnicity=20 unknown  0  0  0  11  0  0  0  11
    Total men  6  17  0  72  0  0  0  95
    Race/ethnicity With Faculty=20 = Status Without = =20 Faculty Status Total
    Tenured On=20 Tenure = Track Not=20 on Tenure=20 Track
    Multi-year Annual=20 = contract Less-than-annual=20 = contract Indefinite=20 duration = (continuing=20 or at-will)
    Nonresident alien  0  4  0  9  0  0  0  13
    Hispanic/Latino  0  1  0  1  0  0  0  2
    American Indian or Alaska = =20 Native  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  1
    Asian  0  0  0  4  0  0  0  4
    Black or African American  0  0  0  2  0  0  0  2
    Native Hawaiian or Other = =20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    White  3  7  0  39  0  0  0  49
    Two or more races  0  1  0  0  0     0  1
    Race and ethnicity unknown  1  1  0  5  0  0  0  7
    Total women  4  15  0  60  0  0  0  79
    Total (men+women)  10  32  0  132  0  0  0  174
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 H - New Hires, Full-time Staff = by=20 Occupational Category

    Number of Newly=20 Hired = Full-time=20 Staff =

    (Hired full-time between November 1, 2015 = =20 - October 31, 2016)

  • Report = =20 Hispanic/Latino individuals of any = race =20 as=20 Hispanic/Latino
  • Report = =20 race for non-Hispanic/Latino = individuals =20 only
  • Include = =20 both medical school and = non-medical=20 school =20 staff
  • Men
    Race/ethnicity Instructional=20 Staff
    = =20 (from Part H, screen = 1)
    Research=20 = staff Public=20 Service = staff Library =20 and Student = and=20 Academic Affairs and Other = =20 Education Services =20 Occupations
    25-4000 = =20 + 25-2000 + = 25-3000 =20 +=20 25-9000
    Nonresident=20 = alien  17  29  1  2
    Hispanic/Latino  3  1  0  0
    American=20 Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  1  0  0  0
    Asian  6  4  0  2
    Black=20 or African=20 American  6  1  1  1
    Native=20 Hawaiian or = Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0
    White  50  14  3  6
    Two or more races  1  0  0  0
    Race=20 and = ethnicity=20 unknown  11  3  1  0
    Total men  95  52  6  11
    Race/ethnicity Instructional=20 Staff
    = =20 (from Part H, screen = 1)
    Research=20 = staff Public=20 Service = staff Library =20 and Student = and=20 Academic Affairs and Other = =20 Education Services =20 Occupations
    25-4000 = =20 + 25-2000 + = 25-3000 =20 +=20 25-9000
    Nonresident alien  13  10  2  1
    Hispanic/Latino  2  0  0  0
    American Indian or Alaska = =20 Native  1  0  0  0
    Asian  4  1  0  0
    Black or African American  2  1  3  1
    Native Hawaiian or Other = =20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0
    White  49  10  8  25
    Two or more races  1  1  0  1
    Race and ethnicity unknown  7  2  2  3
    Total women  79  25  15  31
    Total (men+women)  174  77  21  42
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 H - New Hires, Full-time Staff = by=20 Occupational Category

    Number of Newly=20 Hired = Full-time=20 Staff =

    (Hired full-time between November 1, 2015 = =20 - October 31, 2016)

  • Report = =20 Hispanic/Latino individuals of any = race =20 as=20 Hispanic/Latino
  • Report = =20 race for non-Hispanic/Latino = individuals =20 =20 only
  • Men
    Race/ethnicity Management = =20 = Occupations
    Business =20 and Financial = Operations = Occupations
    Computer,=20 Engineering, = and=20 Science Occupations
    15-0000 = +=20 17-0000 = =20 + 19-0000
    Community, = =20 Social Service, Legal, Arts, = Design,=20 Entertainment, = =20 Sports, and Media =20 Occupations
    21-0000 = =20 + 23-0000 + = 27-0000
    Healthcare = =20 Practitioners and Technical = =20 Occupations
    Nonresident=20 = alien  1  0  4  0  0
    Hispanic/Latino  2  2  1  1  0
    American=20 Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  0  0  0  0  0
    Asian  1  0  5  0  0
    Black=20 or African=20 American  4  0  1  9  0
    Native=20 Hawaiian or = Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0  0
    White  27  11  43  29  8
    Two or more races  0  1  1  1  0
    Race=20 and = ethnicity=20 unknown  3  0  5  4  1
    Total men  38  14  60  44  9
    Race/ethnicity Management = =20 = Occupations
    Business =20 and Financial = Operations = Occupations
    Computer,=20 Engineering, = and=20 Science Occupations
    15-0000 = +=20 17-0000 = =20 + 19-0000
    Community, = =20 Social Service, Legal, Arts, = Design,=20 Entertainment, = =20 Sports, and Media =20 Occupations
    21-0000 = =20 + 23-0000 + = 27-0000
    Healthcare = =20 Practitioners and Technical = =20 Occupations
    Nonresident alien  1  0  4  1  3
    Hispanic/Latino  0  0  2  3  0
    American Indian or Alaska = =20 Native  0  0  1  1  0
    Asian  3  2  2  5  0
    Black or African American  1  5  3  8  3
    Native Hawaiian or Other = =20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0  0
    White  28  13  34  29  41
    Two or more races  1  2  0  2  0
    Race and ethnicity unknown  4  2  5  1  8
    Total women  38  24  51  50  55
    Total (men+women)  76  38  111  94  64
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Part=20 H - New Hires, Full-time Staff = by=20 Occupational Category

    Number of Newly=20 Hired = Full-time=20 Staff =

    (Hired full-time between November 1, 2015 = =20 - October 31, 2016)

  • Report = =20 Hispanic/Latino individuals of any = race =20 as=20 Hispanic/Latino
  • Report = =20 race for non-Hispanic/Latino = individuals =20 only
  • Include = =20 both medical school and = non-medical=20 school =20 staff
  • Men
    Race/ethnicity Service =20 =20 Occupations
    31-0000 = =20 + 33-0000 + = 35-0000 =20 + = 37-0000 +=20 39-0000
    Sales =20 and Related = =20 Occupations
    Office =20 and = Administrative=20 Support = Occupations
    Natural =20 Resources,=20 Construction, and Maintenance=20 Occupations
    45-0000 + =20 47-0000 + = =20 49-0000
    Production, = =20 Transportation, and Material = Moving =20 Occupations
    51-0000 +=20 53-0000
    Grand Total
    = =20 (All full-time new hires)
    Nonresident=20 = alien  1  0  0  0  0  55
    Hispanic/Latino  2  0  2  0  0  14
    American=20 Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  0  0  0  0  0  1
    Asian  0  0  0  0  0  18
    Black=20 or African=20 American  8  0  2  0  0  33
    Native=20 Hawaiian or = Other=20 Pacific Islander  0  0  0  0  0  0
    White  12  1  23  7  4  238
    Two or more races  1  0  0  0  0  5
    Race=20 and = ethnicity=20 unknown  2  0  1  1  0  32
    Total men  26  1  28  8  4  396
    Race/ethnicity Service =20 =20 Occupations
    31-0000 = =20 + 33-0000 + = 35-0000 =20 + = 37-0000 +=20 39-0000
    Sales =20 and Related = =20 Occupations
    Office =20 and = Administrative=20 Support = Occupations
    Natural =20 Resources,=20 Construction, and Maintenance=20 Occupations
    45-0000 + =20 47-0000 + = =20 49-0000
    Production, = =20 Transportation, and Material = Moving =20 Occupations
    51-0000 +=20 53-0000
    Grand Total
    = =20 (All full-time new hires)
    Nonresident alien  0  0  0  0  0  35
    Hispanic/Latino  3  0  2  0  0  12
    American Indian or Alaska = =20 Native  0  0  1  0  0  4
    Asian  5  0  1  0  0  23
    Black or African American  8  1  14  0  0  50
    Native Hawaiian or Other = =20 Pacific Islander  0  0  1  0  0  1
    White  14  2  104  0  1  358
    Two or more races  0  0  5  0  0  13
    Race and ethnicity unknown  3  0  8  0  0  45
    Total women  33  3  136  0  1  541
    Total (men+women)  59  4  164  8  5  937
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Human=20 Resources Survey = Evaluation
    Were any = =20 staff members difficult to = categorize? If =20 so, please = explain in=20 the box below.
      = =20
    Institution: = =20 University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) =
    User = =20 ID: 29C0011

    Prepared=20 by
    This survey = =20 component was prepared = by:
       =20   Keyholder  =20   SFA Contact  =20   HR Contact  
       =20   Finance Contact  =20   Academic Library Contact  =20   Other  
    How long did = =20 it take to prepare this survey = component?    hours    minutes  
    The name of = =20 the preparer is being collected so = that we =20 can follow up = with the=20 appropriate person = =20 in the event that there are questions concerning = =20 the data. The = Keyholder will=20 be copied on all = =20 email correspondence to other preparers.
    The time it = =20 took to prepare this component is = being=20 collected so = that we=20 can continue to improve our estimate = =20 of the reporting burden = associated with=20 IPEDS. Please = =20 include in your estimate the time it = =20 took for you to review instructions, query = =20 and search data = sources,=20 complete and review = =20 the component, and submit the data through = =20 the Data Collection System.
    Thank you for = =20 your=20 assistance.
    Institution: University = =20 of Missouri-Columbia (178396) = User ID: = 29C0011
    =20 Human Resources Component = Summary=20

    IPEDS collects important information = =20 regarding your institution. All data reported in = =20 IPEDS survey components become available = in the =20 IPEDS Data Center and appear as=20 aggregated data in various = Department=20 of Education reports. Additionally, = =20 some of the reported data appears specifically for = =20 your institution through the College Navigator = website =20 and is included in your = institution=92s=20 Data Feedback Report (DFR). = The=20 purpose of this summary is to = provide=20 you an opportunity to view some of the data = =20 that, when accepted through the IPEDS quality control = =20 process, will appear on the College Navigator = website =20 and/or your DFR. College = Navigator is=20 updated approximately three = months=20 after the data collection period closes = =20 and Data Feedback Reports will be available through = =20 the Data=20 Center and sent to your=20 institution=92s CEO in = November 2016.=20

    Please review your data for accuracy. = =20 If you have questions about the data displayed = below =20 after reviewing the data reported on = the=20 survey screens, please contact = the=20 IPEDS Help Desk at: = 1-877-225-2568 or=20 = =20

    Instruction/research/public=20 service
    Number of = staff by =20 employment status and occupational = =20 category:
    = =20 Fall 2016
    Occupational=20 = category Reported = values FTE=20 = staff
      Number = =20 of
    = =20 full-time staff
    Number = =20 of
    = =20 part-time staff
    Total = =20 number of staff 8,574 2,383 9,368
    Instructional = =20 Staff 1,866 780 2,126
    Primary = =20 Instruction 1,801 641 2,015
    Exclusively = =20 credit 1,801 641 2,015
    Exclusively = =20 not-for-credit 0 0 0
    Combined = =20 credit/not-for-credit 0 0 0
    65 139 111
    Research = =20 Staff 337 36 349
    Public = =20 Service Staff 122 24 130
    Library = =20 and Student and Academic = Affairs=20 and Other = Education=20 Services Occupations SOC 331 174 389
    Librarians, = =20 Curators, and = Archivists
    =20 SOC 25-4000
    54 4 55
    Archivists, = =20 Curators, and Museum=20 Technicians
    = SOC=20 25-4010
    12 4 13
    = =20 SOC 25-4020
    42 0 42
    Library = =20 Technicians
    = =20 SOC 25-4030
    0 0 0
    Student = =20 and Academic Affairs and = Other=20 Education Services = =20 Occupations
    = SOC=20 25-2000 + 25-3000 + 25-9000
    277 170 334
    Management = =20 Occupations
    = =20 SOC 11-0000
    895 51 912
    Business = =20 and Financial Operations=20 Occupations
    = SOC=20 13-0000
    338 36 350
    Computer, = =20 Engineering, and Science=20 Occupations
    = SOC=20 15-0000 + 17-0000 + 19-0000
    976 177 1,035
    Community, = =20 Social Service, Legal, = Arts,=20 Design, Entertainment, = =20 Sports and Media Occupations
    = =20 SOC 21-0000 + 23-0000 + = 27-0000
    672 83 700
    Healthcare = =20 Practitioners and = Technical=20 Occupations
    = SOC=20 29-0000
    490 161 544
    Service = =20 Occupations
    = =20 SOC 31-0000 + 33-0000 + 35-0000 + = 37-0000=20 + = 39-0000
    512 309 615
    Sales = =20 and Related Occupations
    = =20 SOC 41-0000
    25 3 26
    Office = =20 and Administrative Support=20 Occupations
    = SOC=20 43-0000
    1,556 468 1,712
    Natural = =20 Resources, Construction, = and=20 Maintenance Occupations
    = =20 SOC 45-0000 + 47-0000 + 49-0000
    343 78 369
    Production, = =20 Transportation, and = Material=20 Moving Occupations
    = =20 SOC 51-0000 + 53-0000
    111 3 112
    NOTE: = =20 Full-time-equivalent (FTE) = staff is=20 calculated = by=20 summing the total number of full-time staff = =20 and adding one-third of = the total=20 number of = part-time=20 staff. Graduate assistants are not = =20 included in the above figures. Many of the = =20 FTE figures may be = included in=20 the DFR.

    12 =20 months 11 =20 months 10 =20 months 9 =20 = months
    Salaries of = =20 full-time instructional staff by contract = =20 length and academic rank:
    = =20 Academic year = 2016-17
    Academic = rank Months = Covered by =20 Annual Salary Total Staff = for =20 Salary reporting Total Number = of =20 Months Salary = Outlays Weighted = Average =20 Monthly Salaries
    All = =20 Ranks 430 911 1,341 13,359 $121,504,433 $9,095
    Professor 95 303 398 3,867 $51,170,637 $13,233
    Associate = =20 professor 122 287 409 4,047 $35,438,637 $8,757
    Assistant = =20 professor 102 268 370 3,636 $27,006,946 $7,428
    Instructor 45 31 76 819 $4,086,909 $4,990
    Lecturer 13 2 15 174 $645,020 $3,707
    No = =20 academic rank 53 20 73 816 $3,156,284 $3,868
    NOTE: = =20 The above data are based on = the=20 Salary Outlays = part=20 of the IPEDS HR component. The Weighted = =20 average monthly salaries of = full-time=20 instructional = staff=20 by academic rank are calculated by adding = =20 the salary outlays reported for Men = plus Women =20 by academic = rank,=20 then dividing the sum by = =20 the "Total Number of Months" for Men plus = =20 Women by academic rank. = Salaries of full-time = =20 instructional staff paid less than 9 months = =20 per year are not collected. Also, = salaries =20 of medical = school=20 staff are not collected. = =20 The weighted average monthly salaries may = =20 be included in the =20 DFR.
    Institution: = =20  University of = Missouri-Columbia=20 (178396) User ID: = =20 =  29C0011
    Edit=20 Report
    =20 =20
    =20 Human = =20 Resources 
    University = of =20 Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    Source Description Severity Resolved Options
    Screen: =20 D - PT Staff,=20 Occupation - 3
    Upload = File This = number is =20 outside the expected range of = =20 between 77 and 159 based on the prior = year =20 value. Please = correct=20 your data or explain. = =20 (Error #1387) Explanation Yes
    Reason: There was = a net =20 gain of 14 Physicians/Surgeons, = =20 10 Nurse Anesthetists, and 8 Clinical = Lab =20 Techs from the = prior=20 year.
    Screen: =20 D - Graduate = Assistants=20
    Upload = File This = number is =20 outside the expected range of = =20 between 48 and 98 based on the prior year = =20 value. Please = correct your=20 data or explain. = =20 (Error #1387) Explanation Yes
    Reason: There was = a net =20 gain of 14 "Other" graduate students = =20 who were classified Research from = the=20 prior =20 year.
      = =
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text-align: right; empty-cells: show; } ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01D27AEB.89B17F60 Content-Type: text/css; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: file:///P:/IRP/Compliance_Reports/IPEDS/HR_Human_Resources_Survey/FY2017/umc_files/Screen.css .sc-tbn { border: 1px solid rgb(127, 157, 185); border-image: none; width: 9ex; = height: 14px; text-align: right; padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 2px; = font-size: 11px; } { =09 } .sc textarea { padding: 4px; width: 450px; height: 90px; overflow: scroll; } .sc img { padding-right: 2px; padding-left: 2px; vertical-align: middle; } .sc td { padding: 2px; border-right-color: white; border-bottom-color: white; = border-right-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-right-style: = solid; border-bottom-style: solid; } .sc-h { padding: 2px; color: black; line-height: 18px; font-family: Verdana; = font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; border-right-color: currentColor = !important; border-bottom-color: currentColor !important; 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font-size: 12px; } .sc-row-alt { height: 20px; border-bottom-color: silver; border-bottom-width: 1px; = border-bottom-style: solid; background-color: rgb(185, 205, 213) = !important; } .sc-row-alt .sc-tb-r { text-align: right; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; = background-color: rgb(231, 235, 240); } .sc-row-alt .sc-tb-l { text-align: left; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; = background-color: rgb(231, 235, 240); } .sc-row-alt .sc-tb-c { text-align: center; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; = background-color: rgb(231, 235, 240); } .error-message-screen { text-align: left; color: red; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; = margin-left: 5px; } ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01D27AEB.89B17F60 Content-Type: text/css; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: file:///P:/IRP/Compliance_Reports/IPEDS/HR_Human_Resources_Survey/FY2017/umc_files/Style.css body { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; margin-top: 0pt; margin-left: = 0px; } { border: 1pt solid rgb(25, 25, 112); 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font-size: 9pt; background-color: rgb(195, 213, = 220); } .shade { font-family: Arial, Verdana; background-color: rgb(229, 234, 240); } .shade_calc { font-family: Arial, Verdana; background-color: rgb(238, 232, 170); } .shade_db { font-family: Arial, Verdana; background-color: rgb(159, 212, 169); } .shade_calc_foreign { font-family: Arial, Verdana; background-color: rgb(230, 230, 250); } .shade_calc_foreign_py { color: red; font-family: Arial, Verdana; background-color: rgb(230, = 230, 250); } .smallFontForReport { font-family: Arial; font-size: 10px; } .vertical_align_bottom { vertical-align: bottom; } a:link { color: black; } a:visited { color: black; } .py { color: red; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; } .textbox { font-family: "Courier New"; font-size: 12px; } li { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9pt; } .surveymenu { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9pt; } table.paging { page-break-after: always; } .warning { color: red; font-family: Verdana; font-weight: bold; } .surveymenu2 { color: rgb(204, 0, 0); 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background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); } .button-p { padding: 0px; border: 1px solid rgb(115, 148, 155); border-image: none; = color: rgb(42, 89, 89); font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; = background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); } td.content { border: 1px solid rgb(195, 213, 220); border-image: none; } .info { color: blue; font-family: Verdana; font-weight: bold; } th.import_layout_header { border: 1px solid black; border-image: none; font-family: Arial, = Helvetica, Sans-Serif; background-color: rgb(229, 234, 240); } td.import_layout_header { border: 1px solid black; border-image: none; font-family: Arial, = Helvetica, Sans-Serif; background-color: rgb(229, 234, 240); } td.import_layout { border: 1px solid black; border-image: none; } p.import_layout { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; } hr.line { border-top-color: rgb(195, 213, 220); border-bottom-color: white; = border-top-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-top-style: = solid; border-bottom-style: solid; } table.layout { border: currentColor; 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} tr.gv-pager td { border: 1px solid rgb(210, 223, 229); border-image: none; text-align: = center; padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: = rgb(210, 223, 229); } table.layout { border: currentColor; border-image: none; border-collapse: collapse; } table.grid-view-like { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-collapse: collapse; } { color: black; font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none; } { color: white; font-size: 8pt; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; = background-color: rgb(91, 112, 119); } .DynamicHoverStyleHidden { visibility: hidden; position: absolute; } .DynamicHoverStyleVisible { visibility: visible; position: absolute; } .SharedMenuStyle { padding: 0px; height: 24px; color: black; font-family: Arial; = font-size: 10pt; font-weight: normal; cursor: pointer; } .StaticMenuStyle { margin: auto; height: 24px; text-align: center; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); = font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; = background-color: rgb(244, 239, 225); } .StaticMenuItemStyle { color: rgb(51, 51, 51); 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color: rgb(51, 51, 51); padding-right: 2px; padding-left: = 4px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; background-color: rgb(244, = 239, 225); } .StaticMenuStyleAdmin { height: 24px; text-align: center; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: = Verdana; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(225, = 233, 244); } .StaticMenuItemStyleAdmin { color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; = font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(225, 233, 244); } .StaticSelectedStyleAdmin { height: 24px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; font-size: = 11px; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(195, 213, 220); } .StaticHoverStyleAdmin { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; = background-color: rgb(241, 245, 246); } .DynamicMenuStyleAdmin { border-width: 0px 1px 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(195, = 213, 220); border-image: none; text-align: left; color: rgb(255, 255, = 255); padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; background-color: rgb(241, = 245, 246); 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text-align: right; empty-cells: show; } ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01D27AEB.89B17F60 Content-Type: text/css; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: file:///P:/IRP/Compliance_Reports/IPEDS/HR_Human_Resources_Survey/FY2017/umc_files/Screen.css .sc-tbn { border: 1px solid rgb(127, 157, 185); border-image: none; width: 9ex; = height: 14px; text-align: right; padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 2px; = font-size: 11px; } { =09 } .sc textarea { padding: 4px; width: 450px; height: 90px; overflow: scroll; } .sc img { padding-right: 2px; padding-left: 2px; vertical-align: middle; } .sc td { padding: 2px; border-right-color: white; border-bottom-color: white; = border-right-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-right-style: = solid; border-bottom-style: solid; } .sc-h { padding: 2px; color: black; line-height: 18px; font-family: Verdana; = font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; border-right-color: currentColor = !important; border-bottom-color: currentColor !important; = border-right-width: medium !important; border-bottom-width: medium = !important; border-right-style: none !important; border-bottom-style: = none !important; background-color: rgb(185, 205, 213) !important; } .sc-y { padding: 2px; color: black; line-height: 24px; font-family: Verdana; = font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(251, 201, 138) = !important; } .sc-z { padding: 2px; color: black; line-height: 14px; font-family: Verdana; = font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal; background-color: rgb(155, 210, = 210) !important; } .sc-s { padding: 5px; color: black; line-height: 14px; font-family: Verdana; = font-size: 2px; font-weight: normal; background-color: rgb(197, 231, = 231) !important; } .sc-si { padding: 5px; color: black; line-height: 14px; font-family: Verdana; = font-size: 2px; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; background-color: = rgb(197, 231, 231) !important; } .sc-g { padding: 2px; color: black; line-height: 22px; font-family: Verdana; = font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(181, 219, 219) = !important; } .sc-hc { border: currentColor; border-image: none; color: white; font-size: = 11px; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(172, 186, 170) = !important; } .sc-calc { padding-right: 4px; background-color: rgb(228, 220, 199) !important; } .sc-dbcalc { padding-right: 4px; background-color: rgb(228, 220, 199) !important; } .sc-calc-f { color: red; padding-right: 4px; background-color: rgb(193, 210, 228) = !important; } .sc-dbcalc-f-py { color: red; padding-right: 4px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; = font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(204, 208, 220) !important; } .sc-row { height: 20px; background-color: rgb(236, 243, 246) !important; } .sc-tb-r { text-align: right; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; } .sc-tb-l { text-align: left; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; } .sc-tb-sub-header_bullet { text-align: left; font-family: Arial; font-size: 11px; } .sc-tb-c { text-align: center; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; } .sc-row-alt { height: 20px; border-bottom-color: silver; border-bottom-width: 1px; = border-bottom-style: solid; background-color: rgb(185, 205, 213) = !important; } .sc-row-alt .sc-tb-r { text-align: right; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; = background-color: rgb(231, 235, 240); } .sc-row-alt .sc-tb-l { text-align: left; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; = background-color: rgb(231, 235, 240); } .sc-row-alt .sc-tb-c { text-align: center; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; = background-color: rgb(231, 235, 240); } .error-message-screen { text-align: left; color: red; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; = margin-left: 5px; } ------=_NextPart_000_0000_01D27AEB.89B17F60 Content-Type: text/css; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: file:///P:/IRP/Compliance_Reports/IPEDS/HR_Human_Resources_Survey/FY2017/umc_files/Style.css body { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; margin-top: 0pt; margin-left: = 0px; } { border: 1pt solid rgb(25, 25, 112); } td.heading { font-family: Verdana; background-color: rgb(195, 213, 220); } table { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; } .title { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold; } .pagetitle { border: 1px ridge rgb(115, 148, 155); border-image: none; height: 14px; = color: rgb(42, 89, 89); padding-bottom: 4px; font-family: Verdana; = font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal; vertical-align: middle; = background-color: rgb(195, 213, 220); } .pagetitleCommon { height: 14px; color: rgb(42, 89, 89); padding-bottom: 4px; font-family: = Verdana; font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal; vertical-align: middle; = background-color: rgb(195, 213, 220); } .menuSubItem { padding: 2px; text-align: left; } tr.heading { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; background-color: rgb(195, 213, = 220); } .heading { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; background-color: rgb(195, 213, = 220); } .headingBlankFOrm { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11pt; font-weight: bold; } .smallheading { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9pt; background-color: rgb(195, 213, = 220); } .shade { font-family: Arial, Verdana; background-color: rgb(229, 234, 240); } .shade_calc { font-family: Arial, Verdana; background-color: rgb(238, 232, 170); } .shade_db { font-family: Arial, Verdana; background-color: rgb(159, 212, 169); } .shade_calc_foreign { font-family: Arial, Verdana; background-color: rgb(230, 230, 250); } .shade_calc_foreign_py { color: red; font-family: Arial, Verdana; background-color: rgb(230, = 230, 250); } .smallFontForReport { font-family: Arial; font-size: 10px; } .vertical_align_bottom { vertical-align: bottom; } a:link { color: black; } a:visited { color: black; } .py { color: red; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; } .textbox { font-family: "Courier New"; font-size: 12px; } li { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9pt; } .surveymenu { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 9pt; } table.paging { page-break-after: always; } .warning { color: red; font-family: Verdana; font-weight: bold; } .surveymenu2 { color: rgb(204, 0, 0); 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} a.white:link { color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; = font-weight: 600; text-decoration: underline; background-color: blue; } a.white:hover { color: red; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: 600; = text-decoration: underline; background-color: blue; } a.white:visited { color: red; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: 600; = text-decoration: underline; background-color: blue; } .admin_navigation { color: white; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold; = background-color: rgb(219, 112, 147); } .question { font-size: 10pt; font-weight: 600; } table.border { border: 1px solid black; } .yellowbg { background-color: rgb(238, 232, 170); } { border-width: 1pt; border-style: none solid solid none; border-color: = rgb(25, 25, 112) lightsteelblue lightsteelblue rgb(25, 25, 112); } td.boxheading { border-width: 1pt 1pt medium medium; border-style: solid solid none = none; border-color: steelblue; background-color: rgb(195, 213, 220); 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background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); } .button-p { padding: 0px; border: 1px solid rgb(115, 148, 155); border-image: none; = color: rgb(42, 89, 89); font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; = background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); } td.content { border: 1px solid rgb(195, 213, 220); border-image: none; } .info { color: blue; font-family: Verdana; font-weight: bold; } th.import_layout_header { border: 1px solid black; border-image: none; font-family: Arial, = Helvetica, Sans-Serif; background-color: rgb(229, 234, 240); } td.import_layout_header { border: 1px solid black; border-image: none; font-family: Arial, = Helvetica, Sans-Serif; background-color: rgb(229, 234, 240); } td.import_layout { border: 1px solid black; border-image: none; } p.import_layout { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; } hr.line { border-top-color: rgb(195, 213, 220); border-bottom-color: white; = border-top-width: 1px; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-top-style: = solid; border-bottom-style: solid; } table.layout { border: currentColor; border-image: none; border-collapse: collapse; } tr.gv-header th { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-image: none; height: 25px; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: rgb(210, 223, = 229); } tr.gv-row td { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-image: none; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; } tr.gv-row-alt td { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-image: none; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: rgb(243, 245, = 247); } tr.gv-row-selected td { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-image: none; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; font-weight: bold; = background-color: rgb(228, 219, 215); } tr.gv-row-edit td { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-image: none; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: rgb(250, 249, = 238); } tr.gv-footer td { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-image: none; height: 25px; = padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: rgb(210, 223, = 229); } tr.gv-pager td { border: 1px solid rgb(210, 223, 229); border-image: none; text-align: = center; padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; background-color: = rgb(210, 223, 229); } table.layout { border: currentColor; border-image: none; border-collapse: collapse; } table.grid-view-like { border: 1px solid rgb(181, 199, 205); border-collapse: collapse; } { color: black; font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none; } { color: white; font-size: 8pt; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; = background-color: rgb(91, 112, 119); } .DynamicHoverStyleHidden { visibility: hidden; position: absolute; } .DynamicHoverStyleVisible { visibility: visible; position: absolute; } .SharedMenuStyle { padding: 0px; height: 24px; color: black; font-family: Arial; = font-size: 10pt; font-weight: normal; cursor: pointer; } .StaticMenuStyle { margin: auto; height: 24px; text-align: center; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); = font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; = background-color: rgb(244, 239, 225); } .StaticMenuItemStyle { color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; = font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(244, 239, 225); } .StaticSelectedStyle { height: 24px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; font-size: = 11px; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(195, 213, 220); } .StaticHoverStyle { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; = background-color: rgb(241, 245, 246); } .DynamicMenuStyle { border-width: 0px 1px 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(195, = 213, 220); border-image: none; text-align: left; color: rgb(255, 255, = 255); padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; background-color: rgb(241, = 245, 246); } .DynamicMenuItemStyle { height: 15px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); padding-right: 2px; padding-left: = 4px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; background-color: rgb(241, = 245, 246); } .DynamicSelectedStyle { height: 15px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); padding-right: 2px; padding-left: = 4px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; background-color: rgb(241, = 245, 246); } .DynamicHoverStyle { height: 15px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); padding-right: 2px; padding-left: = 4px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; background-color: rgb(244, = 239, 225); } .StaticMenuStyleAdmin { height: 24px; text-align: center; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: = Verdana; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(225, = 233, 244); } .StaticMenuItemStyleAdmin { color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; = font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(225, 233, 244); } .StaticSelectedStyleAdmin { height: 24px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; font-size: = 11px; font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(195, 213, 220); } .StaticHoverStyleAdmin { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; = background-color: rgb(241, 245, 246); } .DynamicMenuStyleAdmin { border-width: 0px 1px 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(195, = 213, 220); border-image: none; text-align: left; color: rgb(255, 255, = 255); padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; background-color: rgb(241, = 245, 246); } .DynamicMenuItemStyleAdmin { height: 15px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); padding-right: 2px; padding-left: = 4px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; background-color: rgb(241, = 245, 246); } .DynamicSelectedStyleAdmin { height: 15px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); padding-right: 2px; padding-left: = 4px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; background-color: rgb(241, = 245, 246); } .DynamicHoverStyleAdmin { height: 15px; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); padding-right: 2px; padding-left: = 4px; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; background-color: rgb(225, = 233, 244); } .NarrEdits p { font-family: Verdana !important; font-size: 12px !important; } .NewTextBox { padding-left: 10px; } div.modalPopupTransparent { background: rgb(204, 204, 204); left: 0px; top: 0px; position: = absolute; -moz-opacity: .45; } div.modalPopupWindow { padding: 8px; border: 2px solid black; border-image: none; text-align: = left; position: absolute; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); } .indexSubHeader { color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px; = font-weight: bold; } .pointer { position: absolute; z-index: 666; } .varMouseover_wrapper { left: 572px; top: 278px; width: 435px; height: auto; position: = absolute; z-index: 300; } .var { position: relative; z-index: 0; } .var .var-content { width: 427px; height: auto; position: relative; z-index: 2; } .varMouseover { width: 430px; height: auto; text-align: left; font-size: 9pt; } .varMouseover p { line-height: 18px; padding-right: 15px; padding-left: 15px; } .greenTitleVarDesc { height: auto; color: rgb(51, 102, 153); font-family: Verdana; = font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; } .varDescClose { color: rgb(51, 51, 51); line-height: 18px; font-family: Verdana; = font-size: 11px; } .Index_headline { text-align: left; color: rgb(51, 102, 153); font-family: Verdana; = font-size: 11px; font-weight: normal; background-color: rgb(183, 203, = 221); } .Index_text { text-align: left; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: Verdana; = font-size: 11px; font-weight: normal; 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