From: "Saved by Windows Internet Explorer 8" Subject: Survey Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 10:32:23 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/related; type="text/html"; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_000A_01CF44F0.D8E9BB30" X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.1.7600.16807 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_000A_01CF44F0.D8E9BB30 Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: file://P:\IRP\Compliance_Reports\IPEDS\HR_Human_Resources_Survey\FY2013\hr_umk13.htm Survey


Revised=20 Human Resources 2012-13
Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
User ID:=20 29C0011
Human Resources = Overview
  Welcome to the IPEDS Human Resources (HR) = survey=20 component. This survey collects important information about = your=20 institution's faculty and staff.  
  Recent changes  
  • New=20 occupational categories replaced the primary = function/occupational=20 activity categories previously used in the IPEDS HR = survey. The=20 change was required to align the IPEDS HR categories with = the 2010=20 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) System. For = additional=20 information on the IPEDS HR survey and how it relates to = the 2010=20 SOC system, refer to the section of the IPEDS HR = instructions=20 called, "Reporting Staff by Occupational = Category."
  • A = few other=20 changes were made to the IPEDS HR survey that is = applicable to=20 degree-granting institutions. These changes can be found = in the=20 section of the IPEDS HR instructions called, "Changes in=20 Reporting."
  • Survey=20 became part of the IPEDS Spring data = collection.
  • The NEW=20 IPEDS HR/SOC Information Center can be found at the = following=20 website: (The=20 new center includes, but is not limited to the following = links:=20 New (2012-13) IPEDS Occupational Categories and 2010 SOC=20 crosswalk; 2012-13 IPEDS HR survey material; Standard = Occupational=20 Classification (SOC) System material; IPEDS HR/SOC Browse = Tool;=20 and Web Tutorials.)
  • To = download=20 the survey materials for this component: Survey Materials
  Data reporting reminders:  
  • Enter data=20 on each displayed screen. If a screen is not applicable, = enter at=20 least one zero in a field on the screen.
  • Report staff members difficult to categorize in the = =93Human=20 Resources Survey Evaluation=94 box at the end of the=20 survey.
  You must enter data on each displayed = screen. If a=20 screen is not applicable, you must enter at least one zero = in a=20 field on the screen.  
  To access your prior year data submission = for this=20 component: Reported Data  

If you have questions = about=20 completing this survey, please contact the IPEDS Help = Desk at=20 1-877-225-2568.
Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
User ID:=20 29C0011
Human=20 Resources Screening Questions
         &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;            = ;                    &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;            = ;          
Does your institution = have any=20 part-time=20 staff?
If you answer Yes to = this=20 question, you will be provided the screens to report = part-time=20 staff.
  Yes   No
Does your institution = have 15 or=20 more full-time staff?
  Yes   No
Do ALL of the = instructional=20 staff at your institution fall into any of the following = categories?
If you answer Yes to = any of=20 the questions below, the full-time instructional staff = screens of=20 Part G are NOT applicable to your institution = and you=20 will NOT be required to report data for the full-time = instructional staff screens of Part G. However, Part = G will=20 still be required for reporting data for full-time = non-instructional=20 staff.
    No   Yes Are ALL of the instructional staff = military=20 personnel?
    No   Yes Do ALL of the instructional staff = contribute their=20 services (e.g., members of a religious order)?
    No   Yes Do ALL of the instructional staff teach=20 pre-clinical or clinical medicine?
The reporting of data = by gender=20 AND race/ethnicity is optional this year as it is in = even-numbered=20 years.
Do you wish to report data by = gender AND=20 race/ethnicity this year?
If you answer No, = screens to=20 report data by employment status (full-time and part-time) = and=20 occupational category will be displayed.
If you answer=20 Yes, screens to report data by employment status = (full-time=20 and part-time), occupational category, and gender AND = race/ethnicity=20 will be displayed and you must complete all applicable=20 screens.
  No, I will not report data by gender and=20 race/ethnicity this=20 = year           &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;            = ;            =             &= nbsp;         
  Yes, I will report data by gender and=20 race/ethnicity this=20 = year           &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;            = ;            =             &= nbsp;         
You may use the space = below to=20 provide context for the data you've reported = above.
Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
User ID:=20 29C0011
Human=20 Resources Screening Questions
         &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;            = ;                    &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;            = ;                    &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;            = ;          
Does your institution = have a=20 tenure system?
If you answer Yes to = this=20 question, you will be provided the screens to report some = data by=20 tenure status.
  Yes   No
Does your institution = have=20 graduate assistants?
If you answer Yes to = this=20 question, you will be provided the screens to report = graduate=20 assistants.
  Yes   No
Did your institution = hire any=20 full-time permanent staff who were included on the = payroll of=20 the institution between July 1 and October 31, 2012 = either=20 for the first time (new to the institution) or = after a break in service AND who were still = on the=20 payroll of the institution as of November 1, 2012? = (Exclude=20 persons who have returned from sabbatical leave OR full-time = Postsecondary Staff who are working less-than-9-month=20 contracts.)
If you answer Yes to = this=20 question and your institution has 15 or more full-time = staff, you=20 will be provided the screens to report full-time = permanent new=20 hires in Part H.
  Yes   No
Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
User ID:=20 29C0011
Part=20 A - Full-time instructional staff
Number of full-time instructional staff with faculty = status=20 who are tenured =
by=20 academic rank, gender, and race/ethnicity=20

As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity


    No academic

    Nonresident = alien              3
    Hispanic/Latino              1
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native              0
    Asian              36
    Black or African = American              9
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander              0
    White              170
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown              3
    Total men  115  105  2  0  0  0  222
    Nonresident = alien              0
    Hispanic/Latino              3
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native              0
    Asian              11
    Black or African = American              13
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander              0
    White              95
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown              0
    Total women  49  72  1  0  0  0  122
    Total (men+women)  164  177  3  0  0  0  344
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Full-time instructional staff
    Number of full-time instructional staff with faculty = status=20 who are on tenure=20 track
    by academic rank, gender, and race/ethnicity=20

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity


    No academic

    Nonresident = alien              11
    Hispanic/Latino              3
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native              1
    Asian              10
    Black or African = American              0
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander              0
    White              27
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown              1
    Total men  0  6  47  0  0  0  53
    Nonresident = alien              8
    Hispanic/Latino              1
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native              0
    Asian              2
    Black or African = American              4
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander              0
    White              30
    Two or more races              2
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown              1
    Total women  0  2  45  1  0  0  48
    Total (men+women)  0  8  92  1  0  0  101
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Full-time instructional staff
    Number of full-time instructional staff with faculty = status=20 who are not on = tenure=20 track
    with multi-year=20 contract
    by academic rank, gender, and race/ethnicity =

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity


    No academic

    Nonresident = alien              0
    Hispanic/Latino              0
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native              0
    Asian              0
    Black or African = American              0
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander              0
    White              0
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown              0
    Total men  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Nonresident = alien              0
    Hispanic/Latino              0
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native              0
    Asian              0
    Black or African = American              0
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander              0
    White              0
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown              0
    Total women  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Total (men+women)  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Full-time instructional staff
    Number of full-time instructional staff with faculty = status=20 who are not on = tenure=20 track
    with annual=20 contract
    by academic rank, gender, and race/ethnicity =

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity


    No academic

    Nonresident = alien              3
    Hispanic/Latino              3
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native              0
    Asian              3
    Black or African = American              7
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander              0
    White              105
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown              3
    Total men  12  24  57  14  15  2  124
    Nonresident = alien              3
    Hispanic/Latino              10
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native              1
    Asian              6
    Black or African = American              12
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander              0
    White              118
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown              0
    Total women  6  29  66  24  22  3  150
    Total (men+women)  18  53  123  38  37  5  274
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Full-time instructional staff
    Number of full-time instructional staff with faculty = status=20 who are not on = tenure=20 track
    with less than=20 annual contract
    by academic rank, gender, and = race/ethnicity=20

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity


    No academic

    Nonresident = alien              0
    Hispanic/Latino              0
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native              0
    Asian              0
    Black or African = American              0
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander              0
    White              2
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown              0
    Total men  0  0  0  2  0  0  2
    Nonresident = alien              0
    Hispanic/Latino              0
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native              0
    Asian              0
    Black or African = American              0
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander              0
    White              0
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown              0
    Total women  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Total (men+women)  0  0  0  2  0  0  2
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Full-time instructional staff
    Number of full-time instructional staff without = faculty=20 status
    by gender and race/ethnicity=20

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Total
    Nonresident = alien  
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  
    Black or African = American  
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander  
    Two or more races  
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown  
    Total men  0
    Nonresident = alien  
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  
    Black or African = American  
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander  
    Two or more races  
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown  
    Total women  1
    Total (men+women)  1
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Full-time instructional staff
    Number of full-time instructional staff
    by tenure = status,=20 medical school status, and function=20

    As of November 1, 2012

      Tenured On Tenure = Track Not on Tenure = Track Without Faculty status Total
    Multi-year = contract Annual = contract Less-than-annual=20 contract
    Non-medical and = function  330  96  0  257  2  1  686
      Instruction  320  92  0  245  2  0  659
        Exclusively credit              659
        Exclusively not-for-credit              0
        Combined credit/not-for-credit              0
      Instruction/research/public=20 service              27
    Medical and = function  14  5  0  17  0  0  36
      Instruction  13  5  0  16  0  0  34
        Exclusively credit              34
        Exclusively not-for-credit              0
        Combined credit/not-for-credit              0
      Instruction/research/public=20 service              2
    Total carried forward = from=20 previous screens  344  101  0  274  2  1  722
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Full-time instructional staff - Totals
    Total number of full-time instructional staff
    by = gender=20 and race/ethnicity=20

    As of November 1, 2012

    Race/ethnicity Total men Total women Total (men+women)
    Nonresident = alien  17  11  28
    Hispanic/Latino  7  14  21
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  1  1  2
    Asian  49  19  68
    Black or African = American  16  29  45
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander  0  0  0
    White  304  244  548
    Two or more races  0  2  2
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown  7  1  8
    Total  401  321  722
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 B - Full-time non-instructional staff
    Number of full-time non-instructional staff
    by=20 occupational category, gender, and race/ethnicity=20

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Postsecondary = Teachers
    Instructional Staff =
    (carried=20 forward
    from Part A)
    Research Public = Service
    Nonresident = alien  17    
    Hispanic/Latino  7    
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  1    
    Asian  49    
    Black or African = American  16    
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander  0    
    White  304    
    Two or more races  0    
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown  7    
    Total men  401  28  1
    Nonresident = alien  11    
    Hispanic/Latino  14    
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  1    
    Asian  19    
    Black or African = American  29    
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander  0    
    White  244    
    Two or more races  2    
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown  1    
    Total women  321  8  2
    Total (men+women)  722  36  3
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 B - Full-time non-instructional staff
    Number of full-time non-instructional staff
    by=20 occupational category, gender, and race/ethnicity=20

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Archivists, Curators, = and=20 Museum Technicians Librarians Library = Technicians Other Teachers and = Instructional=20 Support Staff
    Nonresident = alien        
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native        
    Black or African = American        
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander        
    Two or more races        
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown        
    Total men  0  10  9  16
    Nonresident = alien        
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native        
    Black or African = American        
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander        
    Two or more races        
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown        
    Total women  4  22  19  51
    Total (men+women)  4  32  28  67
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 B - Full-time non-instructional staff
    Number of full-time non-instructional staff
    by=20 occupational category, gender, and race/ethnicity=20

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Management = Occupations Business and Financial = Operations Occupations Computer, Engineering, = and=20 Science Occupations Community Service, = Legal, Arts,=20 and Media Occupations Healthcare = Practitioners and=20 Technical Occupations
    Nonresident = alien          
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native          
    Black or African = American          
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander          
    Two or more races          
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown          
    Total men  111  19  107  71  241
    Nonresident = alien          
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native          
    Black or African = American          
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander          
    Two or more races          
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown          
    Total women  179  57  88  114  158
    Total (men+women)  290  76  195  185  399
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 B - Full-time non-instructional staff
    Number of full-time non-instructional staff
    by=20 occupational category, gender, and race/ethnicity=20

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Service = Occupations Sales and Related=20 Occupations Office and = Administrative=20 Support Occupations Natural Resources,=20 Construction, and Maintenance Occupations Production, = Transportation, and=20 Material Moving Occupations Grand Total
    (All full-time = staff)
    Nonresident = alien            77
    Hispanic/Latino            32
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native            2
    Asian            102
    Black or African = American            100
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander            2
    White            887
    Two or more races            5
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown            18
    Total men  91  0  42  71  7  1,225
    Nonresident = alien            32
    Hispanic/Latino            74
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native            2
    Asian            71
    Black or African = American            233
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander            2
    White            980
    Two or more races            21
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown            20
    Total women  92  0  318  1  1  1,435
    Total (men+women)  183  0  360  72  8  2,660
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 B - Full-time non-instructional staff
    Number of full-time non-instructional staff
    by = tenure=20 status, medical school status and occupational category=20

    As of November 1, 2012

    Medical school = status and=20 occupational category Tenured On Tenure = Track Not on Tenure = Track Without Faculty status Total
    Multi-year = contract Annual = contract Less-than-annual=20 contract
    Postsecondary Teachers = -=20 Research              26
    Postsecondary Teachers = - Public=20 Service              3
    Archivists, Curators, = and=20 Museum Technicians              4
    Librarians              31
    Library = Technicians              28
    Other Teachers and = Instructional=20 Support Staff              53
    Management = Occupations              277
    Business and Financial = Operations Occupations              73
    Computer, Engineering, = and=20 Science Occupations              184
    Community Service, = Legal, Arts,=20 and Media Occupations              166
    Healthcare = Practitioners and=20 Technical Occupations              21
    Postsecondary Teachers = -=20 Research              10
    Postsecondary Teachers = - Public=20 Service              0
    Archivists, Curators, = and=20 Museum Technicians              0
    Librarians              1
    Library = Technicians              0
    Other Teachers and = Instructional=20 Support Staff              14
    Management = Occupations              13
    Business and Financial = Operations Occupations              3
    Computer, Engineering, = and=20 Science Occupations              11
    Community Service, = Legal, Arts,=20 and Media Occupations              19
    Healthcare = Practitioners and=20 Technical Occupations              378
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 B - Full-time non-instructional staff
    Number of full-time non-instructional staff
    by = medical=20 school status and occupational category=20

    As of November 1, 2012

    Occupational category Total Non-Medical Medical
    Service = Occupations  183    
    Sales and Related=20 Occupations  0    
    Office and = Administrative=20 Support Occupations  360    
    Natural Resources,=20 Construction, and Maintenance Occupations  72    
    Production, = Transportation, and=20 Material Moving Occupations  8    
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 C - Full-time summary non-medical
    Summary of full-time, non-medical school, = staff
    by tenure=20 status and occupational category=20

    As of November 1, 2012


    Occupational = category Tenured On Tenure Track Not on Tenure Track Without Faculty status Total
    Multi-year contract Annual contract Less-than-annual contract
    Postsecondary Teachers  333  97  0  282  2  1  715
      Instruction  320  92  0  245  2  0  659
        Exclusively credit  320  92  0  245  2  0  659
        Exclusively not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
        Combined credit/not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
      Instruction/research/public = service  10  4  0  12  0  1  27
       Research  3  0  0  23  0  0  26
       Public = Service  0  1  0  2  0  0  3
    Archivists, Curators, and = Museum=20 Technicians  0  0  0  0  0  4  4
    Librarians  0  0  0  27  0  4  31
    Library Technicians  0  0  0  0  0  28  28
    Other Teachers and = Instructional Support=20 Staff  0  0  0  7  0  46  53
    Management Occupations  33  1  0  0  0  243  277
    Business and Financial = Operations=20 Occupations  0  0  0  3  0  70  73
    Computer, Engineering, and = Science=20 Occupations  0  0  0  100  1  83  184
    Community Service, Legal, = Arts, and=20 Media Occupations  0  0  0  11  0  155  166
    Healthcare Practitioners and = Technical=20 Occupations  0  0  0  1  0  20  21
    Service Occupations    183
    Sales and Related = Occupations    0
    Office and Administrative = Support=20 Occupations    326
    Natural Resources, = Construction, and=20 Maintenance Occupations    72
    Production, Transportation, = and Material=20 Moving Occupations    8
    Total    2,141
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 C - Full-time summary medical
    Summary of full-time, medical school, staff
    by = tenure=20 status and occupational category=20

    As of November 1, 2012

    Occupational = category Tenured On Tenure Track Not on Tenure Track Without Faculty status Total
    Multi-year contract Annual contract Less-than-annual contract
    Postsecondary Teachers  15  5  0  26  0  0  46
      Instruction  13  5  0  16  0  0  34
        Exclusively credit  13  5  0  16  0  0  34
        Exclusively not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
        Combined credit/not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
      Instruction/research/public = service  1  0  0  1  0  0  2
       Research  1  0  0  9  0  0  10
       Public = Service  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Archivists, Curators, and = Museum=20 Technicians  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Librarians  0  0  0  1  0  0  1
    Library Technicians  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Other Teachers and = Instructional Support=20 Staff  0  0  0  8  0  6  14
    Management Occupations  1  0  0  0  0  12  13
    Business and Financial = Operations=20 Occupations  0  0  0  0  0  3  3
    Computer, Engineering, and = Science=20 Occupations  0  0  0  6  0  5  11
    Community Service, Legal, = Arts, and=20 Media Occupations  0  0  0  0  0  19  19
    Healthcare Practitioners and = Technical=20 Occupations  0  0  0  378  0  0  378
    Service Occupations    0
    Sales and Related = Occupations    0
    Office and Administrative = Support=20 Occupations    34
    Natural Resources, = Construction, and=20 Maintenance Occupations    0
    Production, Transportation, = and Material=20 Moving Occupations    0
    Total    519
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 G - Salary Worksheet
    Number of full-time, non-medical, instructional = staff for=20 calculation of total number of months
    As of November 1, 2012
    Gender and academic rank =20 9-Month Contract or Employment agreement =20 10-Month Contract or Employment agreement =20 11-Month Contract or Employment agreement =20 12-Month Contract or Employment agreement Total employees for Salary reporting Total Number of Months Total full-time, non-medical, = instructional staff=20 from Part A =20 Balance
    Professors          116  1,116    
    Associate professors          132  1,299    
    Assistant professors          100  1,023    
    Instructors          14  138    
    Lecturers          15  147    
    No academic rank          1  12    
    Total men  267  0  0  111  378  3,735    
    Professors          51  492    
    Associate professors          99  1,011    
    Assistant professors          109  1,116    
    Instructors          23  231    
    Lecturers          22  222    
    No academic rank          3  36    
    Total women  192  0  0  115  307  3,108    
    Total (men + women)  459  0  0  226  685  6,843  686  1
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 G - Salary outlays for full-time instructional staff
    Salary outlays for full-time, non-medical, = instructional=20 staff
    by gender and academic rank=20

    As of November 1, 2012

    Gender and academic rank Headcount
    (from Part = G,
    screen 1)=20 OR Total employees for Salary reporting
    Total Number
    of Months =
    (from=20 Part G,
    screen 1)
    =20 Salary Outlays Weighted average Salaries per=20 month
    Professors  116  1,116    11,885
    Associate professors  132  1,299    8,660
    Assistant professors  100  1,023    7,266
    Instructors  14  138    5,618
    Lecturers  15  147    3,424
    No academic rank  1  12    3,333
    Total men  378  3,735  33,263,871  8,906
    Professors  51  492    10,858
    Associate professors  99  1,011    7,854
    Assistant professors  109  1,116    6,452
    Instructors  23  231    5,249
    Lecturers  22  222    3,488
    No academic rank  3  36    3,611
    Total women  307  3,108  22,600,575  7,272
    Total (men + = women)  685  6,843  55,864,446  8,164
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 G - Salary outlays for full-time non-instructional staff
    Salary outlays for full-time, non-medical, = non-instructional=20 staff
    by occupational category=20

    As of November 1, 2012

    Occupational category
    =20 Number of
    full-time staff
    =20 Total salary outlays
    Postsecondary Teachers = -=20 Research  26  
    Postsecondary Teachers = - Public=20 Service  3  
    Library and = Instructional=20 Support Occupations  116  
    Management = Occupations  277  
    Business and Financial = Operations Occupations  73  
    Computer, Engineering, = and=20 Science Occupations  184  
    Community Service, = Legal, Arts,=20 and Media Occupations  166  
    Healthcare = Practitioners and=20 Technical Occupations  21  
    Service = Occupations  183  
    Sales and Related=20 Occupations  0  
    Office and = Administrative=20 Support Occupations  326  
    Natural Resources,=20 Construction, and Maintenance Occupations  72  
    Production, = Transportation, and=20 Material Moving Occupations  8  
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 D - Part-time staff
    Number of part-time staff
    by occupational = category,=20 gender, and race/ethnicity=20

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Postsecondary = Teachers
    Instructional = Staff Research Public = Service
    Nonresident = alien      
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native      
    Black or African = American      
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander      
    Two or more races      
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown      
    Total men  220  5  3
    Nonresident = alien      
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native      
    Black or African = American      
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander      
    Two or more races      
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown      
    Total women  205  2  2
    Total (men+women)  425  7  5
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 D - Part-time staff
    Number of part-time non-instructional staff
    by=20 occupational category, gender, and race/ethnicity=20

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Archivists, Curators, = and=20 Museum Technicians Librarians Library = Technicians Other Teachers and = Instructional=20 Support Staff Library and = Instructional=20 Support Occupations
    Nonresident = alien          6
    Hispanic/Latino          2
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native          1
    Asian          4
    Black or African = American          3
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander          0
    White          37
    Two or more races          0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown          0
    Total men  0  0  1  52  53
    Nonresident = alien          1
    Hispanic/Latino          2
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native          1
    Asian          6
    Black or African = American          5
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander          0
    White          40
    Two or more races          0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown          0
    Total women  0  1  3  51  55
    Total (men+women)  0  1  4  103  108
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 D - Part-time staff
    Number of part-time staff
    by occupational = category,=20 gender, and race/ethnicity=20

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Management = Occupations Business and Financial = Operations Occupations Computer, Engineering, = and=20 Science Occupations Community Service, = Legal, Arts,=20 and Media Occupations Healthcare = Practitioners and=20 Technical Occupations
    Nonresident = alien          
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native          
    Black or African = American          
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander          
    Two or more races          
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown          
    Total men  3  4  20  11  2
    Nonresident = alien          
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native          
    Black or African = American          
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander          
    Two or more races          
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown          
    Total women  8  11  32  13  13
    Total (men+women)  11  15  52  24  15
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 D - Part-time staff
    Number of part-time staff
    by occupational = category,=20 gender, and race/ethnicity=20

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Service = Occupations Sales and Related=20 Occupations Office and = Administrative=20 Support Occupations Natural Resources,=20 Construction, and Maintenance Occupations Production, = Transportation, and=20 Material Moving Occupations Grand Total
    (All part-time = staff)
    Nonresident = alien            8
    Hispanic/Latino            7
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native            4
    Asian            9
    Black or African = American            19
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander            0
    White            293
    Two or more races            0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown            6
    Total men  4  4  17  0  0  346
    Nonresident = alien            6
    Hispanic/Latino            14
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native            3
    Asian            23
    Black or African = American            37
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander            0
    White            328
    Two or more races            5
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown            3
    Total women  28  2  48  0  0  419
    Total (men+women)  32  6  65  0  0  765
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 D - Graduate assistants
    Number of graduate=20 assistants
    by occupational category, gender, and = race/ethnicity

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Teaching Research Management Business and Financial = Operations Computer, Engineering, = and=20 Science Community Service, = Legal, Arts,=20 and Media Library and = Instructional=20 Support Healthcare = Practitioners and=20 Technical Total
    Nonresident = alien                  105
    Hispanic/Latino                  7
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native                  0
    Asian                  9
    Black or African = American                  12
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander                  0
    White                  159
    Two or more races                  0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown                  1
    Total men  184  71  0  0  0  0  38  0  293
    Nonresident = alien                  58
    Hispanic/Latino                  7
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native                  1
    Asian                  11
    Black or African = American                  14
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander                  0
    White                  155
    Two or more races                  1
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown                  3
    Total women  139  85  0  0  0  0  26  0  250
    Total (men+women)  323  156  0  0  0  0  64  0  543
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 E - Part-time staff
    Number of part-time staff
    by tenure status, = medical=20 school status and occupational category=20

    As of November 1, 2012

    Medical school = status and=20 occupational category Tenured On Tenure = Track Not on Tenure = Track Without Faculty status Total
    Multi-year = contract Annual = contract Less-than-annual=20 contract
    Postsecondary = Teachers  12  1  0  16  389  4  422
      Instruction  12  0  0  15  378  4  409
        Exclusively credit              409
        Exclusively not-for-credit              0
        Combined credit/not-for-credit              0
      Instruction/research/public=20 service              4
      Research              4
      Public = Service              5
    Archivists, Curators, = and=20 Museum Technicians              0
    Librarians              1
    Library = Technicians              4
    Other Teachers and = Instructional=20 Support Staff              103
    Management = Occupations              9
    Business and Financial = Operations Occupations              15
    Computer, Engineering, = and=20 Science Occupations              51
    Community Service, = Legal, Arts,=20 and Media Occupations              24
    Healthcare = Practitioners and=20 Technical Occupations              12
    Postsecondary = Teachers  1  0  0  1  13  0  15
      Instruction  1  0  0  1  10  0  12
        Exclusively credit              12
        Exclusively not-for-credit              0
        Combined credit/not-for-credit              0
      Instruction/research/public=20 service              0
      Research              3
      Public = Service              0
    Archivists, Curators, = and=20 Museum Technicians              0
    Librarians              0
    Library = Technicians              0
    Other Teachers and = Instructional=20 Support Staff              0
    Management = Occupations              2
    Business and Financial = Operations Occupations              0
    Computer, Engineering, = and=20 Science Occupations              1
    Community Service, = Legal, Arts,=20 and Media Occupations              0
    Healthcare = Practitioners and=20 Technical Occupations              3
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 E - Part-time staff
    Number of part-time staff
    by medical school = status and=20 occupational category=20

    As of November 1, 2012

    Occupational category Total Non-Medical Medical
    Service = Occupations  32    
    Sales and Related=20 Occupations  6    
    Office and = Administrative=20 Support Occupations  65    
    Natural Resources,=20 Construction, and Maintenance Occupations  0    
    Production, = Transportation, and=20 Material Moving Occupations  0    
    Graduate Assistants  543  541  2
      Teaching  323    
      Research  156    
      Management  0    
      Business and Financial = Operations  0    
      Computer, Engineering, = and=20 Science  0    
      Community Service, = Legal, Arts,=20 and Media  0    
      Library and = Instructional=20 Support  64    
      Healthcare = Practitioners and=20 Technical  0    
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 F - Part-time summary non-medical
    Summary of part-time staff
    by tenure status and=20 occupational category=20

    As of November 1, 2012

    Occupational = category Tenured On Tenure Track Not on Tenure Track Without Faculty status Total
    Multi-year contract Annual contract Less-than-annual contract
    Postsecondary Teachers  12  1  0  16  389  4  422
      Instruction  12  0  0  15  378  4  409
        Exclusively credit  12  0  0  15  378  4  409
        Exclusively not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
        Combined credit/not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
      Instruction/research/public = service  0  0  0  1  3  0  4
       Research  0  1  0  0  3  0  4
       Public = Service  0  0  0  0  5  0  5
    Archivists, Curators, and = Museum=20 Technicians  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Librarians  0  0  0  1  0  0  1
    Library Technicians  0  0  0  0  0  4  4
    Other Teachers and = Instructional Support=20 Staff  0  0  0  0  92  11  103
    Management Occupations  0  0  0  0  0  9  9
    Business and Financial = Operations=20 Occupations  0  0  0  0  0  15  15
    Computer, Engineering, and = Science=20 Occupations  0  0  0  9  35  7  51
    Community Service, Legal, = Arts, and=20 Media Occupations  0  0  0  0  0  24  24
    Healthcare Practitioners and = Technical=20 Occupations  0  0  0  0  1  11  12
    Service Occupations    32
    Sales and Related = Occupations    6
    Office and Administrative = Support=20 Occupations    63
    Natural Resources, = Construction, and=20 Maintenance Occupations    0
    Production, Transportation, = and Material=20 Moving Occupations    0
    Graduate Assistants    541
      Teaching    323
      Research    154
      Management    0
      Business and Financial = Operations    0
      Computer, Engineering, and = Science    0
      Community Service, Legal, = Arts, and=20 Media    0
      Library and Instructional = Support    64
      Healthcare Practitioners and=20 Technical    0
    Total    1,283
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 F - Part-time summary medical
    Summary of part-time, medical school, staff
    by = tenure=20 status and occupational category=20

    As of November 1, 2012

    Occupational = category Tenured On Tenure Track Not on Tenure Track Without Faculty status Total
    Multi-year contract Annual contract Less-than-annual contract
    Postsecondary Teachers  1  0  0  1  13  0  15
      Instruction  1  0  0  1  10  0  12
        Exclusively credit  1  0  0  1  10  0  12
        Exclusively not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
        Combined credit/not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
      Instruction/research/public = service  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
       Research  0  0  0  0  3  0  3
       Public = Service  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Archivists, Curators, and = Museum=20 Technicians  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Librarians  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Library Technicians  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Other Teachers and = Instructional Support=20 Staff  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Management Occupations  0  0  0  0  0  2  2
    Business and Financial = Operations=20 Occupations  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Computer, Engineering, and = Science=20 Occupations  0  0  0  0  1  0  1
    Community Service, Legal, = Arts, and=20 Media Occupations  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Healthcare Practitioners and = Technical=20 Occupations  0  0  0  1  1  1  3
    Service Occupations    0
    Sales and Related = Occupations    0
    Office and Administrative = Support=20 Occupations    2
    Natural Resources, = Construction, and=20 Maintenance Occupations    0
    Production, Transportation, = and Material=20 Moving Occupations    0
    Graduate Assistants    2
      Teaching    0
      Research    2
      Management    0
      Business and Financial = Operations    0
      Computer, Engineering, and = Science    0
      Community Service, Legal, = Arts, and=20 Media    0
      Library and Instructional = Support    0
      Healthcare Practitioners and=20 Technical    0
    Total    25
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 H - New Hires - Full-time instructional staff
    Number of newly hired full-time permanent = instructional=20 staff
    by tenure status, gender, and race/ethnicity=20

    (Hired full time between July 1 and October 31, 2012 = and
    still=20 on payroll of the institution as of November 1,=20 2012)

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Tenured On Tenure = Track Not on Tenure Track Without Faculty status Total
    Multi-year = contract Annual = contract Less-than-annual=20 contract
    Nonresident = alien              2
    Hispanic/Latino              0
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native              0
    Asian              2
    Black or African = American              1
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander              0
    White              9
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown              3
    Total men  2  5  0  10  0  0  17
    Nonresident = alien              2
    Hispanic/Latino              1
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native              0
    Asian              1
    Black or African = American              3
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander              0
    White              16
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown              0
    Total women  1  9  0  13  0  0  23
    Total (men+women)  3  14  0  23  0  0  40
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 H - New Hires - Full-time staff
    Number of newly hired full-time staff
    by = occupational=20 category, gender, and race/ethnicity=20

    (Hired full time between July 1 and October 31, 2012 = and
    still=20 on payroll of the institution as of November 1, = 2012)

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Instructional Staff =
    (carried=20 forward from Part H, screen 1)
    Postsecondary Teachers Library and = Instructional=20 Support Occupations
    Research Public = Service
    Nonresident = alien  2      
    Hispanic/Latino  0      
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  0      
    Asian  2      
    Black or African = American  1      
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander  0      
    White  9      
    Two or more races  0      
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown  3      
    Total men  17  2  1  5
    Nonresident = alien  2      
    Hispanic/Latino  1      
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  0      
    Asian  1      
    Black or African = American  3      
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander  0      
    White  16      
    Two or more races  0      
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown  0      
    Total women  23  0  0  2
    Total (men+women)  40  2  1  7
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 H - New Hires - Full-time non-instructional staff
    Number of newly hired full-time non-instructional=20 staff
    by occupational category, gender, and = race/ethnicity

    (Hired full time between July 1 and October 31, 2012 = and
    still=20 on payroll of the institution as of November 1,=20 2012)

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Management = Occupations Business and Financial = Operations Occupations Computer, Engineering, = and=20 Science Occupations Community Service, = Legal, Arts,=20 and Media Occupations Healthcare = Practitioners and=20 Technical Occupations
    Nonresident = alien          
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native          
    Black or African = American          
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander          
    Two or more races          
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown          
    Total men  5  2  5  3  71
    Nonresident = alien          
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native          
    Black or African = American          
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander          
    Two or more races          
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown          
    Total women  6  3  2  8  48
    Total (men+women)  11  5  7  11  119
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 H - New Hires - Full-time non-instructional staff and Total New=20 Hires
    Number of newly hired full-time non-instructional = staff and=20 Total new hires
    by occupational category, gender, and=20 race/ethnicity=20

    (Hired full time between July 1 and October 31, 2012 = and
    still=20 on payroll of the institution as of November 1,=20 2012)


  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Service = Occupations Sales and Related=20 Occupations Office and = Administrative=20 Support Occupations Natural Resources,=20 Construction, and Maintenance Occupations Production, = Transportation, and=20 Material Moving Occupations Grand Total
    (All full-time new=20 hires)
    Nonresident = alien            12
    Hispanic/Latino            3
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native            0
    Asian            22
    Black or African = American            5
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander            0
    White            75
    Two or more races            0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown            4
    Total men  8  0  2  0  0  121
    Nonresident = alien            3
    Hispanic/Latino            4
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native            1
    Asian            10
    Black or African = American            16
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander            1
    White            78
    Two or more races            3
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown            3
    Total women  5  0  22  0  0  119
    Total (men+women)  13  0  24  0  0  240
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Human=20 Resources Survey Evaluation
    Were any staff members = difficult=20 to categorize? If so, please explain in the box = below.
    Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Prepared=20 by
    This survey component was = prepared=20 by:
         Keyholder    SFA Contact    HR Contact    Finance Contact    Other  
    How long did it take to = prepare this=20 survey component?   hours   minutes  
    The name of the preparer is = being=20 collected so that we can follow up with the appropriate = person in=20 the event that there are questions concerning the data. The=20 Keyholder will be copied on all email correspondence to = other=20 preparers.
    The time it took to prepare = this=20 component is being collected so that we can continue to = improve our=20 estimate of the reporting burden associated with IPEDS. = Please=20 include in your estimate the time it took for you to review=20 instructions, query and search data sources, complete and = review the=20 component, and submit the data through the Data Collection=20 System.
    Thank you for your=20 assistance.
    Institution: University of = Missouri-Kansas=20 City (178402) User ID: = 29C0011
    Human=20 Resources Component Summary
    (Applicable to Degree-granting = institutions=20 and Related Administrative Offices)

    IPEDS collects important information regarding = your=20 institution. All data reported in IPEDS survey components become = available=20 in the IPEDS Data Center and appear as aggregated data in various=20 Department of Education reports. Additionally, some of the = reported data=20 appears specifically for your institution through the College = Navigator=20 website and is included in your institution=92s Data Feedback = Report (DFR).=20 The purpose of this summary is to provide you an opportunity to = view some=20 of the data that, when accepted through the IPEDS quality control = process,=20 will appear on the College Navigator website and/or your DFR. = College=20 Navigator is updated approximately three months after the data = collection=20 period closes and Data Feedback Reports will be available through = the ExPT=20 and sent to your institution=92s CEO in November 2013.

    Please review your data for accuracy. If you have = questions=20 about the data displayed below after reviewing the data reported = on the=20 survey screens, please contact the IPEDS Help Desk at: = 1-877-225-2568 or=20

    Number of staff by employment status and = occupational=20 category:
    Fall 2012
    Occupational=20 category FTE=20 staff   Instruction/research/public=20 service
    Reported values
    Number=20 of
    full-time staff
    Number=20 of
    part-time staff
    Total number of = staff 2,660 765 2,915
    Postsecondary=20 Teachers 761 437 907
    Instructional = Staff 722 425 864
    Instruction 693 421 833
    Exclusively = credit 693 421 833
    Exclusively=20 not-for-credit 0 0 0
    Combined=20 credit/not-for-credit 0 0 0
    29 4 30
    Research 36 7 38
    Public = Service 3 5 5
    Library and=20 Instructional Support Occupations 131 108 167
    Librarians, = Curators,=20 and Archivists 64 5 66
    Archivists, = Curators,=20 and Museum Technicians 4 0 4
    Librarians 32 1 32
    Library = Technicians 28 4 29
    Other Teachers = and=20 Instructional Support Staff 67 103 101
    Management=20 Occupations 290 11 294
    Business and = Financial=20 Operations Occupations 76 15 81
    Computer, = Engineering,=20 and Science Occupations 195 52 212
    Community = Service,=20 Legal, Arts, and Media Occupations 185 24 193
    Healthcare=20 Practitioners and Technical Occupations 399 15 404
    Service = Occupations 183 32 194
    Sales and = Related=20 Occupations 0 6 2
    Office and=20 Administrative Support Occupations 360 65 382
    Natural = Resources,=20 Construction, and Maintenance Occupations 72 0 72
    Production,=20 Transportation, and Material Moving Occupations 8 0 8
    NOTE:=20 Full-time-equivalent (FTE) staff is calculated by summing = the total=20 number of full-time staff and adding one-third of the total = number=20 of part-time staff. Graduate assistants are not included in = the=20 above figures. Many of the FTE figures may be included in = the=20 DFR.

      Salaries of full-time instructional staff by = contract=20 length and academic rank:
    Academic year 2012-13
    Academic rank Total employees for Salary reporting Total Number of Months Salary Outlays Weighted average Salaries per month9-month=20 contracts 10-month=20 contracts 11-month=20 contracts 12-month=20 contracts
    Full-time instructional staff
    All Ranks 459 226 685 6,843 $55,864,446 $8,164
    Professor 132 35 167 1,608 $18,605,447 $11,571
    Associate = professor 154 77 231 2,310 $19,189,795 $8,307
    Assistant = professor 123 86 209 2,139 $14,633,512 $6,841
    Instructor 25 12 37 369 $1,987,897 $5,387
    Lecturer 25 12 37 369 $1,277,795 $3,463
    No academic = rank 4 4 48 $170,000 $3,542
    NOTE: The above = data are=20 based on the Salary outlays part of the IPEDS HR component. = The=20 Weighted average salaries per month of full-time = instructional staff=20 by academic rank are calculated by adding the salary outlays = reported for Men plus Women by academic rank [reported on = the Part=20 G, Salary outlays screen] then dividing the sum by the = "Total Number=20 of Months" for Men plus Women by academic rank [calculated = from data=20 reported on the Part G, Salary Worksheet screen]. Salaries = of=20 full-time instructional staff on less-than-9-month contracts = are not=20 collected. Also, salaries of medical school staff are not = collected.=20 The weighted average salaries per month may be included in = the=20 = DFR.
    Institution:  University of Missouri-Kansas City=20 (178402) User ID:  29C0011
    Edit Report
    Human = Resources 
    University of = Missouri-Kansas=20 City (178402)   There are = no errors=20 for the selected survey and=20 = institution.
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