Human Resources 2010-11
Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Human Resources Overview
  Welcome to the IPEDS Human Resources (HR) survey component. This survey collects important information about your institution's staff.  
  Data Reporting Reminders  
  You must enter data on each displayed screen. If a screen is not applicable, you must enter at least one zero in a field on the screen.  
To download the survey materials for this component:
  To access your prior year data submission for this component:  

If you have questions about completing this survey, please contact the IPEDS Help Desk at 1-877-225-2568.

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Human Resources Screening Questions
Does your institution have any part-time staff?
If you answer Yes to this question, you will be provided the screens to report part-time staff.
                                             Yes No
Do ALL of the instructional staff at your institution fall into any of the following categories?
If you answer Yes to any of the questions below, the Salaries section is NOT applicable to your institution and you will NOT be required to report data for the Salaries section.
  No Yes Are ALL of the instructional staff military personnel?
  No Yes Do ALL of the instructional staff contribute their services (e.g., members of a religious order)?
  No Yes Do ALL of the instructional staff teach pre-clinical or clinical medicine?
The completion of the Fall Staff section is optional this year as it is in even-numbered years.
Do you wish to complete the Fall Staff section this year?
If you answer No, screens to report Fall Staff data will not be displayed.
If you answer Yes, screens to report Fall Staff data will be displayed and you must complete ALL applicable Fall Staff screens.
No, I will not complete the Fall Staff section this year                                                                      
Yes, I will complete the Fall Staff section this year                                                                      
You may use the space below to provide context for the data you've reported above.

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Human Resources Screening Questions
Did your institution hire any full-time permanent staff who were included on the payroll of the institution between July 1 and October 31, 2010 either for the first time or after a break in service AND who were still on the payroll of the institution as of November 1, 2010? (Exclude persons who have returned from sabbatical leave OR full-time staff who are working less-than-9-month contracts/teaching periods and whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service.)
If you answer Yes to this question and your institution has 15 or more full-time staff, you will be provided the screens to report full-time permanent new hires in the Fall Staff section (long version).
                                             Yes No

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part A - Employees by Assigned Position - Full-time staff, non-medical school
Number of full-time staff (non medical) by faculty status and primary function/occupational activity
As of November 1, 2010
Primary function/
occupational activity
(mutually exclusive categories)
Faculty status Without
Tenured On tenure track Not on
tenure track/
no tenure system
Primarily instruction          1,264
Instruction/research/public service          85
Primarily instruction + Instruction/research/public service  638  244  467  0  1,349
Primarily research          373
Primarily public service          405
Primarily instruction + Instruction/research/public service + Primarily research + Primarily public service  748  275  1,104  0  2,127
Executive/administrative/managerial          697
Other professionals (support/service)          2,418
Technical and paraprofessionals      1,149
Clerical and secretarial      2,022
Skilled crafts      507
Service/Maintenance      1,262
Total full time (non medical)  797  275  1,104  8,006  10,182
Total from prior year 790 286 1,063 7,914 10,053

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part A - Employees by Assigned Position - Full-time staff, medical school
****  Applicable to institutions with M.D. or D.O. programs  ****

Number of full-time staff (medical school) by faculty status and primary function/occupational activity

As of November 1, 2010
Primary function/
occupational activity
(mutually exclusive categories)
Faculty status Without
Tenured On tenure track Not on
tenure track/
no tenure system
Primarily instruction          409
Instruction/research/public service          442
Primarily instruction + Instruction/research/public service  87  60  704  0  851
Primarily research          89
Primarily public service          14
Primarily instruction + Instruction/research/public service + Primarily research + Primarily public service  108  67  779  0  954
Executive/administrative/managerial          80
Other professionals (support/service)          341
Technical and paraprofessionals      108
Clerical and secretarial      449
Skilled crafts      0
Service/Maintenance      6
Total full time (medical school)  108  67  779  984  1,938
Total from prior year 112 62 746 1,007 1,927
If employees in other health-related disciplines are grouped with your medical school employees, please list the other health-related disciplines here.

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part B - Employees by Assigned Position - Part-time staff, non-medical school
Number of part-time staff (non medical) by faculty status and primary function/occupational activity
As of November 1, 2010
Primary function/
occupational activity
(mutually exclusive categories)
Faculty status Without
Total Graduate assistants
Tenured On tenure track Not on
tenure track/
no tenure system
Primarily instruction          710  
Instruction/research/public service          213  
Primarily instruction + Instruction/research/public service  9  4  910  0  923  1,737
Primarily research          73  
Primarily public service          59  
Primarily instruction + Instruction/research/public service + Primarily research + Primarily public service  10  4  1,041  0  1,055  2,368
Executive/administrative/managerial          41  
Other professionals (support/service)          1,320  
Technical and paraprofessionals      544  
Clerical and secretarial      494  
Skilled crafts      21  
Service/Maintenance      922  
Total part time (non medical)  10  4  1,041  3,342  4,397  2,368
Total from prior year 10 5 981 3,288 4,284 2,260

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part B - Employees by Assigned Position - Part-time staff, medical school
****  Applicable to institutions with M.D. or D.O. programs  ****

Number of part-time staff (medical school) by faculty status and primary function/occupational activity

As of November 1, 2010
Primary function/
occupational activity
(mutually exclusive categories)
Faculty status Without
Total Graduate assistants
Tenured On tenure track Not on
tenure track/
no tenure system
Primarily instruction          178  
Instruction/research/public service/clinical          10  
Primarily instruction + Instruction/research/public service/clinical  9  6  173  0  188  80
Primarily research          14  
Primarily public service          9  
Primarily instruction + Instruction/research/public service/clinical + Primarily research + Primarily public service  11  8  192  0  211  123
Executive/administrative/managerial          3  
Other professionals (support/service)          61  
Technical and paraprofessionals      35  
Clerical and secretarial      53  
Skilled crafts      0  
Service/Maintenance      1  
Total part time (medical school)  11  8  192  153  364  123
Total from prior year 12 13 178 168 371 112
If employees in other health-related disciplines are grouped with your medical school employees, please list the other health-related disciplines here.

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part C - Employees by Assigned Position - Total number of staff
Total number of staff by employment status and primary function/occupational activity
As of November 1, 2010
Primary function/occupational activity Full-time Full-time
from prior year
Part-time Part-time
from prior year
Graduate assistants Graduate assistants
from prior year
Total including Graduate assistants
Primarily instruction  1,673  1,593  888  491  1,568  1,497  4,129
Instruction/research/public service  527  504  223  580  249  264  999
Primarily instruction + Instruction/research/public service  2,200  2,097  1,111  1,071  1,817  1,761  5,128
Primarily research  462  478  87  61  596  537  1,145
Primarily public service  419  436  68  67  78  74  565
Primarily instruction + Instruction/research/public service + Primarily research + Primarily public service  3,081  3,011  1,266  1,199  2,491  2,372  6,838
Executive/administrative/managerial  777  768  44  38  0    821
Other professionals (support/service)  2,759  2,728  1,381  1,383  0    4,140
Technical and paraprofessionals  1,257  1,218  579  602  0    1,836
Clerical and secretarial  2,471  2,508  547  553  0    3,018
Skilled crafts  507  503  21  19  0    528
Service/Maintenance  1,268  1,244  923  861  0    2,191
Grand total  12,120  11,980  4,761  4,655  2,491  2,372  19,372

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part D - Salaries - Full-time instructional staff by contract length/teaching period - Headcount
Number of full-time instructional staff by contract length/teaching period, gender, and academic rank
As of November 1, 2010
Gender and academic rank
Professors        275
Associate professors        245
Assistant professors        183
Instructors        33
Lecturers        5
No academic rank        53
Total men  6  554  234  794
Total men from prior year    541  225  
Professors        83
Associate professors        153
Assistant professors        195
Instructors        67
Lecturers        5
No academic rank        52
Total women  14  338  203  555
Total women from prior year    328  190  
Total (men + women)  20  892  437  1,349
Total from EAP, full-time non-medical section
(Primarily instruction +
Instruction/research/public service lines)
Total from prior year (Salaries section)  13  869  415  1,297

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part D - Salaries - Full-time instructional staff on 9/10-month contracts/teaching periods - Faculty status
****   Applicable to 4-year degree-granting institutions and above only   ****

Number of full-time instructional staff on 9/10-month contracts/teaching periods by faculty status, gender, and academic rank
As of November 1, 2010

Gender and academic rank
Faculty status
Total from Part D
(Headcount screen)


On tenure track
Not on
tenure track/
no tenure system
Professors          202
Associate Professors          186
Assistant Professors          137
Instructors          12
Lecturers          4
No academic rank          13
Total men  349  117  88  0  554
Total men prior year  345  122  74  0  541
Professors          68
Associate Professors          117
Assistant Professors          130
Instructors          16
Lecturers          3
No academic rank          4
Total women  153  94  91  0  338
Total women prior year  146  97  85  0  328
Total (men + women)  502  211  179  0  892

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part D - Salaries - Full-time instructional staff on 11/12-month contracts/teaching periods - Faculty status
****   Applicable to 4-year degree-granting institutions and above only   ****

Number of full-time instructional staff on 11/12-month contracts/teaching periods by faculty status, gender, and academic rank
As of November 1, 2010

Gender and academic rank
Faculty status
Total from Part D
(Headcount screen)


On tenure track
Not on
tenure track/
no tenure system
Professors          73
Associate Professors          59
Assistant Professors          45
Instructors          16
Lecturers          1
No academic rank          40
Total men  105  15  114  0  234
Total men prior year  101  18  106  0  225
Professors          15
Associate Professors          36
Assistant Professors          65
Instructors          41
Lecturers          2
No academic rank          44
Total women  31  18  154  0  203
Total women prior year  30  21  139  0  190
Total (men + women)  136  33  268  0  437

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part E - Salaries - Full-time instructional staff on 9/10-month contracts/teaching periods - Salary outlays
Salaries of full-time instructional staff on 9/10-month contracts/teaching periods by gender and academic rank
As of November 1, 2010
Gender and academic rank Total from Part D
(Headcount screen)
Salary outlays
Average salary
Prior year
Average salary
Professors  202    113,613  113,934
Associate professors  186    77,059  77,848
Assistant professors  137    62,951  61,751
Instructors  12    43,949  43,235
Lecturers  4    41,509  40,387
No academic rank  13    49,069  50,335
Total men  554  47,238,421  85,268  85,648
Professors  68    99,483  99,837
Associate professors  117    69,366  70,094
Assistant professors  130    60,815  60,372
Instructors  16    45,010  43,001
Lecturers  3    24,371  29,333
No academic rank  4    37,250  45,500
Total women  338  23,728,886  70,204  70,201
Total (men + women)  892  70,967,307  79,560  79,817

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part E - Salaries - Full-time instructional staff on 11/12-month contracts/teaching periods - Salary outlays
Salaries of full-time instructional staff on 11/12-month contracts/teaching periods by gender and academic rank
As of November 1, 2010
Gender and academic rank Total from Part D
(Headcount screen)
Salary outlays Average salary Prior year
Average salary
Professors  73    145,330  145,663
Associate professors  59    89,109  87,325
Assistant professors  45    76,221  78,756
Instructors  16    52,044  49,060
Lecturers  1    52,000  41,519
No academic rank  40    41,452  41,806
Total men  234  21,839,177  93,330  94,406
Professors  15    117,598  122,632
Associate professors  36    84,919  83,558
Assistant professors  65    69,807  71,079
Instructors  41    47,489  48,555
Lecturers  2    42,042  32,003
No academic rank  44    34,195  33,866
Total women  203  12,894,176  63,518  65,241
Total (men + women)  437  34,733,353  79,481  81,053

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part F - Salaries - Full-time instructional staff on 9/10-month contracts/teaching periods - Fringe benefits
Fringe benefits of full-time instructional staff on 9/10-month contracts/teaching periods
As of November 1, 2010

Fringe benefits



Prior year
Average expenditures
Retirement plans (other than Social Security) - Vested within 5-years        
Retirement plans (other than Social Security) - Vested after 5-years      5,387  5,776
Medical/dental plans      6,225  6,080
Group life insurance      66  77
Other insurance benefits (cafeteria plan, etc.)        
Guaranteed disability income protection      227  235
Tuition plan (dependents only)        
Housing plan        
Social Security taxes      5,769  5,792
Unemployment compensation taxes      167  65
Worker's compensation taxes      573  543
Other benefits in kind with cash options        
Total expenditures    16,273,244    

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part F - Salaries - Full-time instructional staff on 11/12-month contracts/teaching periods - Fringe benefits
Fringe benefits of full-time instructional staff on 11/12-month contracts/teaching periods
As of November 1, 2010

Fringe benefits



Prior year
Average expenditures
Retirement plans (other than Social Security) - Vested within 5-years        
Retirement plans (other than Social Security) - Vested after 5-years      5,029  5,268
Medical/dental plans      6,424  6,088
Group life insurance      71  79
Other insurance benefits (cafeteria plan, etc.)        
Guaranteed disability income protection      230  232
Tuition plan (dependents only)        
Housing plan        
Social Security taxes      5,567  5,655
Unemployment compensation taxes      167  69
Worker's compensation taxes      572  552
Other benefits in kind with cash options        
Total expenditures    7,744,022    

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part G - Fall Staff - Full-time instruction/research/public service staff - Tenured
Number of full-time staff with faculty status who are Tenured and whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service by academic rank, gender, and race/ethnicity
As of November 1, 2010
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity


    No academic

    Nonresident alien              0
    Hispanic/Latino              14
    American Indian or Alaska Native              0
    Asian              92
    Black or African American              11
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander              1
    White              513
    Two or more races              1
    Race and ethnicity unknown              6
    Total men  385  253  0  0  0  0  638
    Nonresident alien              1
    Hispanic/Latino              6
    American Indian or Alaska Native              0
    Asian              14
    Black or African American              9
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander              0
    White              188
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity unknown              0
    Total women  94  121  3  0  0  0  218
    Total (men+women)  479  374  3  0  0  0  856
    Total from EAP    856

    Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part G - Fall Staff - Full-time instruction/research/public service staff - On tenure track
    Number of full-time staff with faculty status who are On tenure track and whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service by academic rank, gender, and race/ethnicity
    As of November 1, 2010
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity


    No academic

    Nonresident alien              25
    Hispanic/Latino              13
    American Indian or Alaska Native              2
    Asian              20
    Black or African American              7
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander              0
    White              130
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity unknown              5
    Total men  2  22  176  0  0  2  202
    Nonresident alien              15
    Hispanic/Latino              6
    American Indian or Alaska Native              0
    Asian              14
    Black or African American              4
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander              0
    White              99
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity unknown              2
    Total women  1  8  131  0  0  0  140
    Total (men+women)  3  30  307  0  0  2  342
    Total from EAP    342

    Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part G - Fall Staff - Full-time instruction/research/public service staff - Not on tenure track/no tenure system
    Number of full-time staff with faculty status who are Not on tenure track and whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service OR number of full-time staff whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service and who work at an institution with No tenure system by academic rank, gender, and race/ethnicity
    As of November 1, 2010
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity


    No academic

    Nonresident alien              217
    Hispanic/Latino              11
    American Indian or Alaska Native              1
    Asian              86
    Black or African American              24
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander              1
    White              708
    Two or more races              2
    Race and ethnicity unknown              10
    Total men  39  85  225  44  6  661  1,060
    Nonresident alien              80
    Hispanic/Latino              16
    American Indian or Alaska Native              5
    Asian              63
    Black or African American              23
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander              0
    White              629
    Two or more races              1
    Race and ethnicity unknown              6
    Total women  11  67  179  82  6  478  823
    Total (men+women)  50  152  404  126  12  1,139  1,883
    Total from EAP    1,883

    Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part G - Fall Staff - Full-time instruction/research/public service staff - Without faculty status
    Number of full-time staff Without faculty status whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service by gender and race/ethnicity
    As of November 1, 2010
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Total
    Nonresident alien  
    American Indian or Alaska Native  
    Black or African American  
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander  
    Two or more races  
    Race and ethnicity unknown  
    Total men  0
    Nonresident alien  
    American Indian or Alaska Native  
    Black or African American  
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander  
    Two or more races  
    Race and ethnicity unknown  
    Total women  0
    Total (men+women)  0
    Total from EAP  0

    Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part G - Fall Staff - Full-time instruction/research/public service staff - Totals
    Total number of full-time staff whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service by gender and race/ethnicity
    As of November 1, 2010
      Total men Total women Total (men+women)
    Nonresident alien  242  96  338
    Hispanic/Latino  38  28  66
    American Indian or Alaska Native  3  5  8
    Asian  198  91  289
    Black or African American  42  36  78
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander  2  0  2
    White  1,351  916  2,267
    Two or more races  3  1  4
    Race and ethnicity unknown  21  8  29
    Total (must equal Part H (next part))  1,900  1,181  3,081

    Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part H - Fall Staff - Full-time instruction/research/public service staff by contract length/teaching period - Headcount
    Number of full-time staff whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service by contract length/teaching period, gender, and race/ethnicity
    (Include all staff from these functions, including those with and without faculty status.)
    As of November 1, 2010
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity
    Total from
    Part G
    Nonresident alien        242  242
    Hispanic/Latino        38  38
    American Indian or Alaska Native        3  3
    Asian        198  198
    Black or African American        42  42
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander        2  2
    White        1,351  1,351
    Two or more races        3  3
    Race and ethnicity unknown        21  21
    Total men  13  596  1,291  1,900  1,900
    Nonresident alien        96  96
    Hispanic/Latino        28  28
    American Indian or Alaska Native        5  5
    Asian        91  91
    Black or African American        36  36
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander        0  0
    White        916  916
    Two or more races        1  1
    Race and ethnicity unknown        8  8
    Total women  16  349  816  1,181  1,181
    Total (men+women)  29  945  2,107  3,081  3,081
    Total from EAP    3,081  
    Total (men+women) from Fall 2009  20  924  2,067    

    Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part H - Fall Staff - Full-time instruction/research/public service staff on 9/10-month contracts/teaching periods - Salary class intervals
    Number of full-time staff on 9/10-month contracts/teaching periods whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service by salary class intervals, gender, and race/ethnicity
    (Include all staff from these functions, including those with and without faculty status.)
    As of November 1, 2010
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Below $30,000 30,000-39,999 40,000-49,999 50,000-64,999 65,000-79,999 80,000-99,999 100,000 and above Total from
    Part H (Headcount screen)
    Nonresident alien                26
    Hispanic/Latino                19
    American Indian or Alaska Native                2
    Asian                76
    Black or African American                15
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander                0
    White                447
    Two or more races                1
    Race and ethnicity unknown                10
    Total men  2  16  46  112  126  139  155  596
    Nonresident alien                15
    Hispanic/Latino                11
    American Indian or Alaska Native                0
    Asian                28
    Black or African American                15
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander                0
    White                278
    Two or more races                0
    Race and ethnicity unknown                2
    Total women  5  16  29  132  80  48  39  349
    Total (men+women)  7  32  75  244  206  187  194  945

    Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part H - Fall Staff - Full-time instruction/research/public service staff on 11/12-month contracts/teaching periods - Salary class intervals
    Number of full-time staff on 11/12-month contracts/teaching periods whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service by salary class intervals, gender, and race/ethnicity
    (Include all staff from these functions, including those with and without faculty status.)
    As of November 1, 2010
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Below $30,000 30,000-39,999 40,000-49,999 50,000-64,999 65,000-79,999 80,000-99,999 100,000 and above Total from
    Part H (Headcount screen)
    Nonresident alien                212
    Hispanic/Latino                19
    American Indian or Alaska Native                1
    Asian                122
    Black or African American                27
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander                2
    White                895
    Two or more races                2
    Race and ethnicity unknown                11
    Total men  17  123  274  278  99  107  393  1,291
    Nonresident alien                81
    Hispanic/Latino                15
    American Indian or Alaska Native                4
    Asian                63
    Black or African American                21
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander                0
    White                626
    Two or more races                1
    Race and ethnicity unknown                5
    Total women  38  99  221  183  73  66  136  816
    Total (men+women)  55  222  495  461  172  173  529  2,107

    Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part I - Fall Staff - Full-time executive/administrative/managerial staff - Salary class intervals
    Number of full-time executive/administrative/managerial staff by salary class intervals, gender, and race/ethnicity
    As of November 1, 2010
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Below $30,000 30,000-39,999 40,000-49,999 50,000-64,999 65,000-79,999 80,000-99,999 100,000 and above Total
    Nonresident alien                0
    Hispanic/Latino                5
    American Indian or Alaska Native                3
    Asian                5
    Black or African American                18
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander                0
    White                365
    Two or more races                3
    Race and ethnicity unknown                1
    Total men  0  15  33  68  71  67  146  400
    Nonresident alien                0
    Hispanic/Latino                4
    American Indian or Alaska Native                0
    Asian                3
    Black or African American                12
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander                0
    White                354
    Two or more races                0
    Race and ethnicity unknown                4
    Total women  0  8  31  130  76  70  62  377
    Total (men+women)  0  23  64  198  147  137  208  777
    Total from EAP    777

    Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part I - Fall Staff - Full-time other professional (support/service) staff - Salary class intervals
    Number of full-time other professional (support/service) staff by salary class intervals, gender, and race/ethnicity
    As of November 1, 2010
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Below $30,000 30,000-39,999 40,000-49,999 50,000-64,999 65,000-79,999 80,000-99,999 100,000 and above Total
    Nonresident alien                19
    Hispanic/Latino                9
    American Indian or Alaska Native                5
    Asian                30
    Black or African American                38
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander                0
    White                842
    Two or more races                5
    Race and ethnicity unknown                9
    Total men  69  173  245  238  124  31  77  957
    Nonresident alien                20
    Hispanic/Latino                22
    American Indian or Alaska Native                7
    Asian                59
    Black or African American                45
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander                0
    White                1,628
    Two or more races                3
    Race and ethnicity unknown                18
    Total women  116  379  454  555  201  55  42  1,802
    Total (men+women)  185  552  699  793  325  86  119  2,759
    Total from EAP    2,759

    Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part I - Fall Staff - Full-time technical and paraprofessional staff - Salary class intervals
    Number of full-time technical and paraprofessional staff by salary class intervals, gender, and race/ethnicity
    As of November 1, 2010
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Below $20,000 20,000-29,999 30,000-39,999 40,000-49,999 50,000 and above Total
    Nonresident alien            4
    Hispanic/Latino            7
    American Indian or Alaska Native            2
    Asian            13
    Black or African American            19
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander            0
    White            451
    Two or more races            2
    Race and ethnicity unknown            7
    Total men  18  130  173  98  86  505
    Nonresident alien            4
    Hispanic/Latino            8
    American Indian or Alaska Native            2
    Asian            14
    Black or African American            52
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander            0
    White            662
    Two or more races            1
    Race and ethnicity unknown            9
    Total women  8  287  295  93  69  752
    Total (men+women)  26  417  468  191  155  1,257
    Total from EAP    1,257

    Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part I - Fall Staff - Full-time clerical and secretarial staff - Salary class intervals
    Number of full-time clerical and secretarial staff by salary class intervals, gender, and race/ethnicity
    As of November 1, 2010
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Below $20,000 20,000-29,999 30,000-39,999 40,000-49,999 50,000 and above Total
    Nonresident alien            0
    Hispanic/Latino            3
    American Indian or Alaska Native            0
    Asian            5
    Black or African American            20
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander            1
    White            223
    Two or more races            0
    Race and ethnicity unknown            4
    Total men  33  141  66  15  1  256
    Nonresident alien            1
    Hispanic/Latino            24
    American Indian or Alaska Native            14
    Asian            31
    Black or African American            173
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander            2
    White            1,948
    Two or more races            8
    Race and ethnicity unknown            14
    Total women  72  1,264  698  157  24  2,215
    Total (men+women)  105  1,405  764  172  25  2,471
    Total from EAP    2,471

    Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part I - Fall Staff - Full-time skilled crafts staff - Salary class intervals
    Number of full-time skilled crafts staff by salary class intervals, gender, and race/ethnicity
    As of November 1, 2010
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Below $20,000 20,000-29,999 30,000-39,999 40,000-49,999 50,000 and above Total
    Nonresident alien            0
    Hispanic/Latino            2
    American Indian or Alaska Native            6
    Asian            0
    Black or African American            23
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander            0
    White            450
    Two or more races            0
    Race and ethnicity unknown            6
    Total men  1  11  138  287  50  487
    Nonresident alien            0
    Hispanic/Latino            0
    American Indian or Alaska Native            0
    Asian            0
    Black or African American            1
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander            0
    White            19
    Two or more races            0
    Race and ethnicity unknown            0
    Total women  0  3  11  6  0  20
    Total (men+women)  1  14  149  293  50  507
    Total from EAP    507

    Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part I - Fall Staff - Full-time service/maintenance staff - Salary class intervals
    Number of full-time service/maintenance staff by salary class intervals, gender, and race/ethnicity
    As of November 1, 2010
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Below $20,000 20,000-29,999 30,000-39,999 40,000-49,999 50,000 and above Total
    Nonresident alien            1
    Hispanic/Latino            18
    American Indian or Alaska Native            9
    Asian            9
    Black or African American            158
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander            2
    White            490
    Two or more races            2
    Race and ethnicity unknown            12
    Total men  78  500  105  14  4  701
    Nonresident alien            1
    Hispanic/Latino            36
    American Indian or Alaska Native            5
    Asian            9
    Black or African American            147
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander            0
    White            355
    Two or more races            5
    Race and ethnicity unknown            9
    Total women  99  425  35  7  1  567
    Total (men+women)  177  925  140  21  5  1,268
    Total from EAP    1,268

    Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part I - Fall Staff - Full-time staff (excluding instruction/research/public service staff) - Totals
    Total number of full-time staff by primary function/occupational activity, gender, and race/ethnicity
    (excluding instruction/research/public service staff)

    As of November 1, 2010


    Gender and race/ethnicity Executive/ administrative/ managerial Other professionals (support/service)
    Technical and paraprofessionals
    Clerical and secretarial
    Skilled crafts

    Service/ Maintenance
    Nonresident alien  0  19  4  0  0  1  24
    Hispanic/Latino  5  9  7  3  2  18  44
    American Indian or Alaska Native  3  5  2  0  6  9  25
    Asian  5  30  13  5  0  9  62
    Black or African American  18  38  19  20  23  158  276
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander  0  0  0  1  0  2  3
    White  365  842  451  223  450  490  2,821
    Two or more races  3  5  2  0  0  2  12
    Race and ethnicity unknown  1  9  7  4  6  12  39
    Total men  400  957  505  256  487  701  3,306
    Nonresident alien  0  20  4  1  0  1  26
    Hispanic/Latino  4  22  8  24  0  36  94
    American Indian or Alaska Native  0  7  2  14  0  5  28
    Asian  3  59  14  31  0  9  116
    Black or African American  12  45  52  173  1  147  430
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander  0  0  0  2  0  0  2
    White  354  1,628  662  1,948  19  355  4,966
    Two or more races  0  3  1  8  0  5  17
    Race and ethnicity unknown  4  18  9  14  0  9  54
    Total women  377  1,802  752  2,215  20  567  5,733
    Total (men+women)  777  2,759  1,257  2,471  507  1,268  9,039
    Total from EAP  777  2,759  1,257  2,471  507  1,268  9,039

    Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part J - Fall Staff - Part-time professional staff
    Number of part-time staff by primary function/occupational activity, gender, and race/ethnicity
    As of November 1, 2010
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity
    Staff whose primary
    responsibility is
    instruction, research,
    and/or public service


    Other professionals
    Nonresident alien      
    American Indian or Alaska Native      
    Black or African American      
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander      
    Two or more races      
    Race and ethnicity unknown      
    Total men  676  15  270
    Nonresident alien      
    American Indian or Alaska Native      
    Black or African American      
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander      
    Two or more races      
    Race and ethnicity unknown      
    Total women  590  29  1,111
    Total (men+women)  1,266  44  1,381
    Total from EAP  1,266  44  1,381

    Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part J - Fall Staff - Part-time non-professional staff
    Number of part-time staff by primary function/occupational activity, gender, and race/ethnicity
    As of November 1, 2010
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Technical and
    Clerical and

    Skilled crafts
    Nonresident alien        
    American Indian or Alaska Native        
    Black or African American        
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander        
    Two or more races        
    Race and ethnicity unknown        
    Total men  221  88  21  442
    Nonresident alien        
    American Indian or Alaska Native        
    Black or African American        
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander        
    Two or more races        
    Race and ethnicity unknown        
    Total women  358  459  0  481
    Total (men+women)  579  547  21  923
    Total from EAP  579  547  21  923

    Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part J - Fall Staff - Graduate assistants and part-time grand total
    Number of part-time staff by primary function/occupational activity, gender, and race/ethnicity
    As of November 1, 2010
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity
    (includes Part-time
    Professionals and
    Part-time Non-professionals)
    Graduate assistants
    Part-time grand total
    (includes graduate assistants)
    Nonresident alien  34    429
    Hispanic/Latino  22    50
    American Indian or Alaska Native  11    14
    Asian  40    67
    Black or African American  100    126
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander  1    2
    White  1,501    2,289
    Two or more races  1    8
    Race and ethnicity unknown  23    35
    Total men  1,733  1,287  3,020
    Nonresident alien  36    370
    Hispanic/Latino  58    92
    American Indian or Alaska Native  23    28
    Asian  78    118
    Black or African American  176    224
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander  5    5
    White  2,612    3,341
    Two or more races  5    10
    Race and ethnicity unknown  35    44
    Total women  3,028  1,204  4,232
    Total (men+women)  4,761  2,491  7,252
    Total from EAP  4,761  2,491  7,252

    Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part K - Fall Staff - Total number of staff
    Total number of staff by employment status, gender, and race/ethnicity
    As of November 1, 2010
    Gender and race/ethnicity Full-time men Full-time women Part-time men Part-time women Total men Total women
    Nonresident alien  266  122  429  370  695  492
    Hispanic/Latino  82  122  50  92  132  214
    American Indian or Alaska Native  28  33  14  28  42  61
    Asian  260  207  67  118  327  325
    Black or African American  318  466  126  224  444  690
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander  5  2  2  5  7  7
    White  4,172  5,882  2,289  3,341  6,461  9,223
    Two or more races  15  18  8  10  23  28
    Race and ethnicity unknown  60  62  35  44  95  106
    Grand total  5,206  6,914  3,020  4,232  8,226  11,146

    Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part L - Fall Staff - New hires - Full-time instruction/research/public service staff - Faculty status
    Number of full-time permanent new hires whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service by faculty status, gender, and race/ethnicity
    (Hired full time between July 1 and October 31, 2010 and
    still on payroll of the institution as of November 1, 2010)
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Faculty status



    On tenure track
    Not on tenure track/
    no tenure system
    Nonresident alien          49
    Hispanic/Latino          2
    American Indian or Alaska Native          0
    Asian          12
    Black or African American          7
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander          0
    White          108
    Two or more races          1
    Race and ethnicity unknown          4
    Total men  6  24  153  0  183
    Nonresident alien          19
    Hispanic/Latino          5
    American Indian or Alaska Native          0
    Asian          12
    Black or African American          9
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander          0
    White          80
    Two or more races          0
    Race and ethnicity unknown          0
    Total women  3  21  101  0  125
    Total (men+women)  9  45  254  0  308

    Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part L - Fall Staff - New hires - Full-time staff by position
    Number of full-time permanent new hires by primary function/occupational activity, gender, and race/ethnicity
    (Hired full time between July 1 and October 31, 2010 and
    still on payroll of the institution as of November 1, 2010)
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Executive/




    Nonresident alien              4
    Hispanic/Latino              1
    American Indian or Alaska Native              0
    Asian              1
    Black or African American              14
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander              1
    White              124
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity unknown              1
    Total men  12  64  17  10  5  38  146
    Nonresident alien              4
    Hispanic/Latino              4
    American Indian or Alaska Native              2
    Asian              7
    Black or African American              29
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander              0
    White              245
    Two or more races              1
    Race and ethnicity unknown              4
    Total women  7  95  43  96  0  55  296
    Total (men+women)  19  159  60  106  5  93  442

    Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part L - Fall Staff - New hires - Totals
    Total number of full-time permanent new hires by gender and race/ethnicity

    (Hired full time between July 1 and October 31, 2010 and
    still on payroll of the institution as of November 1, 2010)


      Total men Total women Total (men+women)
    Nonresident alien  53  23  76
    Hispanic/Latino  3  9  12
    American Indian or Alaska Native  0  2  2
    Asian  13  19  32
    Black or African American  21  38  59
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander  1  0  1
    White  232  325  557
    Two or more races  1  1  2
    Race and ethnicity unknown  5  4  9
    Grand total  329  421  750

    Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Human Resources Survey Evaluation
    Were any staff members difficult to categorize? If so, please explain in the box below.

    Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) User ID: 29C0011
    Human Resources Component Summary
    (Applicable to Degree-granting institutions and Related Administrative Offices)

    IPEDS collects important information regarding your institution. All data reported in IPEDS survey components become available in the IPEDS Data Center and appear as aggregated data in various Department of Education reports. Additionally, some of the reported data appears specifically for your institution through the College Navigator website and is included in your institution’s Data Feedback Report (DFR). The purpose of this summary is to provide you an opportunity to view some of the data that, when accepted through the IPEDS quality control process, will appear on the College Navigator website and/or your DFR. College Navigator is updated approximately three months after the data collection period closes and Data Feedback Reports will be available through the ExPT and sent to your institution’s CEO in November 2011.

    Please review your data for accuracy. If you have questions about the data displayed below after reviewing the data reported on the survey screens, please contact the IPEDS Help Desk at: 1-877-225-2568 or ipedshelp@rti.org.

    Number of staff by employment status and primary function/occupational activity: Fall 2010
    Primary function/occupational activity Reported values FTE staff
      Number of
    full-time staff
    Number of
    part-time staff
    Total number of staff 12,120 4,761 13,707
    Professional staff 6,617 2,691 7,514
    Staff whose primary responsibility is instruction, research, and/or public service 3,081 1,266 3,503
    Primary instruction 1,673 888 1,969
    Instruction/research/public service 527 223 601
    Primarily research 462 87 491
    Primarily public service 419 68 442
    Executive/administrative/managerial 777 44 792
    Other professionals (support/service) 2,759 1,381 3,219
    Non-professional staff 5,503 2,070 6,193
    Technical and paraprofessional 1,257 579 1,450
    Clerical/secretarial 2,471 547 2,653
    Skilled crafts 507 21 514
    Service/Maintenance 1,268 923 1,576
    NOTE: Full-time-equivalent (FTE) staff is calculated by summing the total number of full-time staff from the Employees by Assigned Position (EAP) section of the IPEDS HR component and adding one-third of the total number of part-time staff from the EAP section. Graduate assistants are not included in the above figures. Many of the FTE figures are included in the DFR.
    Salaries of full-time instructional staff by contract length and academic rank: Academic year 2010-11
    Academic rank Reported values Equated 9-month
      Full-time instructional
    staff on
    9/10-month contracts
    Full-time instructional
    staff on
    11/12-month contracts
      Number of staff Salary outlays Number of staff Salary outlays Number of staff Average salaries
    All Ranks 892 $70,967,300 437 $34,733,350 1,329 $74,783
    Professor 270 $29,714,700 88 $12,373,040 358 $111,280
    Associate professor 303 $22,448,860 95 $8,314,499 398 $73,497
    Assistant professor 267 $16,530,150 110 $7,967,364 377 $61,138
    Instructor 28 $1,247,538 57 $2,779,736 85 $41,434
    Lecturer 7 $239,151 3 $136,084 10 $35,050
    No academic rank 17 $786,898 84 $3,162,629 101 $33,411
    NOTE: The above data are based on the Salaries section of the IPEDS HR component. The number of equated 9-month full-time instructional staff is the sum of staff on 9/10-month and 11/12-month contracts. The equated 9-month average salaries of full-time instructional staff (by rank) are calculated by multiplying the salary outlays (by rank) for staff on 11/12-month contracts by 0.8182 then adding the salary outlays (by rank) for staff on 9/10-month contracts. The resulting sum is then divided by the number of equated 9-month full-time instructional staff (by rank) to determine an average salary for each rank. Salaries of full-time instructional staff on less-than-9-month contracts are not collected. Also, salaries of medical school staff are not collected. The equated 9-month average salaries are included in the DFR.


    Institution:  University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) User ID:  29C0011
    Explanation Report
    Number Source Location Description Severity Accepted
    Global Edits
    1   Perform Edits The total number of employees in EAP for part-time primarily instruction entered, 888, has an expected range of between 344 and 638. Please explain this difference. Explanation Yes
    Reason: Faculty who were Instruction/research/public service had their primary function reassessed, causing some to fall in either Primarily instruction or Primarily research this year.
    2   Perform Edits The total number of employees in EAP for part-time instruction/research/public service entered, 223, has an expected range of between 406 and 754. Please explain this difference. Explanation Yes
    Reason: Faculty who were Instruction/research/public service had their primary function reassessed, causing some to fall in either Primarily instruction or Primarily research this year.
    3   Perform Edits The total number of employees in EAP for part-time primarily research entered, 87, has an expected range of between 43 and 79. Please explain this difference. Explanation Yes
    Reason: Faculty who were Instruction/research/public service had their primary function reassessed, causing some to fall in either Primarily instruction or Primarily research this year.
    Global Edits
    4   Perform Edits The average salary for one of the academic ranks in 11/12-month contracts, 52,000, is not within the expected range of between 33,216 and 49,822 based on the prior year value. Please fix or explain. Explanation Yes
    Reason: This is due to the reclassification of some Lecturers to the status of without academic rank.
    5   Perform Edits The average salary for one of the academic ranks in 11/12-month contracts, 42,042, is not within the expected range of between 25,603 and 38,403 based on the prior year value. Please fix or explain. Explanation Yes
    Reason: This is due to the reclassification of some Lecturers to the status of without academic rank.
    Global Edits
    6   Perform Edits The average expenditure for one of the benefits in 9/10-month contracts, 167, is not within the expected range of between 46 and 84. Please fix or explain. Explanation Yes
    Reason: This is a result of an increase to the state unemployment insurance rate.
    Global Edits
    7   Perform Edits The average expenditure for one of the benefits in 11/12-month contracts, 167, is not within the expected range of between 49 and 89. Please fix or explain. Explanation Yes
    Reason: This is a result of an increase to the state unemployment insurance rate.