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 Revised IPEDS Reporting Year Student = Financial=20 Aid 2012-13 (2011-12 Data)
Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
User ID:=20 29C0011
IPEDS Student Financial = Aid=20 Component Overview
Public Academic Reporters
  Welcome to the Student Financial Aid (SFA) = component of the U.S. Department of Education=E2=80=99s = Integrated=20 Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). The purpose of = the SFA=20 component is to collect information about financial aid = provided to=20 various groups of undergraduate students at your=20 institution.

  Changes to This Year=E2=80=99s SFA = Component=20
  • Only one year of data will be collected for existing=20 institutions. New institutions will need to report = multiple years=20 of data. Changes to prior years of data must be made in = the Prior=20 Year Revision System.
  • SFA is now part of the Winter collection. The Winter=20 collection will close for keyholders on February 6, 2013. =
  • In Part E (data for Group 4), Column 2 has been = revised for=20 clarity. It now more clearly matches with the data in = Column=20 3.
  Data Reporting=20 Reminders

Throughout this = component, you=20 will be asked to report information for different groups of=20 students.=20
  • Group 1: All undergraduate students
  • Group 2: Of Group 1, full-time, first-time=20 degree/certificate-seeking students
  • Group 3: Of Group 2, students who paid the=20 in-state/in-district tuition rate and were awarded any=20 grant/scholarship aid from the federal government, = state/local=20 government, or the institution
  • Group 4: Of Group 2, students who paid the=20 in-state/in-district tuition rate and were awarded any = Title IV=20 federal student aid
Consult the instructions and = screens to=20 make sure you are reporting the correct aid amounts for the = correct=20 groups of students.

  College Affordability and Transparency=20 Lists
Net price amounts calculated in SFA will be = used to=20 populate the Department=E2=80=99s College Affordability and = Transparency=20 lists.

Interactive Edits and Error = Messages
SFA=20 contains interactive edits that will check for blank fields, = invalid=20 values, or values that fall outside expected ranges. Some = error=20 messages will require you to confirm or explain the values = that you=20 entered. Some error messages are fatal and will require you = to=20 contact the IPEDS Help Desk at 1-877-225-2568 for=20 resolution.

Context Boxes
You will find = optional=20 text boxes throughout SFA. Context boxes allow you to = provide more=20 information about the data you enter. Some of these context = boxes=20 may be made available to the public on College Navigator, so = make=20 sure that the information you enter can be understood easily = by=20 students, parents, and the general = public.


To download the = survey=20 materials for this component: Survey Materials

If you have questions = about=20 completing this component, please contact the IPEDS Help = Desk at=20 1-877-225-2568.
Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
User ID:=20 29C0011
Part=20 A
Part A - Establish Your = Groups
Part A establishes the number = of=20 students in various groups. Note that the numbers on this = screen=20 will be carried forward to other parts of the Student = Financial Aid=20 component.

In the fields below, report the number = of=20 students in each of the following groups.
  =20 Fall 2011 YOUR PRIOR YEAR DATA
Fall 2010
01. Group 1
All = undergraduate=20 students
02. Group 2
Of those in = Group 1,=20 those who are full-time, first-time = degree/certificate-seeking
  02a. Of those in Group 2, those who were = awarded any=20 Federal Work Study, loans to students, or grant or = scholarship aid=20 from the federal government, state/local government, the=20 institution, or other sources known to the institution    1,036
  02b. Of those in Group 2, those who were = awarded any=20 loans to students or grant or scholarship aid from the = federal=20 government, state/local government, or the institution    1,017
03. Group 3
Of those in = Group 2,=20 those who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate and = were=20 awarded grant or scholarship aid from the federal = government,=20 state/local government, or the institution
04. Group 4
Of those in = Group 2,=20 those who paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate and = were=20 awarded any Title IV federal student aid
Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
User ID:=20 29C0011
Part=20 B
Part B - Enter = Information ¶¶Òõ¶ÌÊÓƵ=20 Group 1
Part B includes information = about Group=20 1. Group 1 students are all undergraduate students enrolled = in Fall=20 2011.
For this part, = report:
For These Students The Following Type(s) of = Aid Awarded in This = Period
  • All undergraduate students enrolled in Fall = 2011
  • Grant or scholarship aid from the federal = government
  • Grant or scholarship aid from state/local = government
  • Grant or scholarship aid from the institution
  • Grant or scholarship aid from other sources known to = the=20 institution
  • Loans to students from the federal = government
  • Any time during academic year = 2011-12
In the fields below, report = the=20 number of Group 1 students and the total amount of aid = awarded to=20 these students for each type of aid.
Information from = Part=20 A: Fall = 2011
Group 1
All=20 undergraduate students
(This number is carried forward = from Part=20 A, Line 01.)
Aid = Type 2011-12
Number of Group 1 students who were = awarded=20 aid Percentage of Group 1 students who were = awarded=20 aid Total amount of aid awarded to Group 1=20 students Average amount of aid awarded to Group = 1=20 students
01. Grant or scholarship aid from the federal=20 government, state/local government, the institution, and = other=20 sources known to the institution    57    5,926
02. Pell grants    34    3,911
03. Federal student loans    51    9,853
=20 You may use the space below to provide context for data = you've=20 reported above. These context notes may be posted on the = College=20 Navigator website and should be written to be understood by = students=20 and parents.
Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
User ID:=20 29C0011
Part=20 C, Page 1
Part C, Page 1 - Enter=20 Information about Group 2
Part C includes information = about Group=20 2. Group 2 students are all full-time, first-time=20 degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled = in Fall=20 2011.
In the fields below, report = the=20 number of Group 2 students paying in-district, in-state, and = out-of-state tuition rates. If your institution does not = offer=20 different rates, report all students as paying in-state = tuition=20 rates.
Information from = Part=20 A: Fall = 2011
Group = 2
Full-time,=20 first-time degree/certificate-seeking = undergraduates
(This number=20 is carried forward from Part A, Line 02)
Group 2 = students:   YOUR PRIOR YEAR DATA
Fall = 2011 Fall 2010
Number of Group 2 students Percentage of Group 2 students Percentage of Group 2 = students
01. 01a. paying in-district = tuition=20 rates    0  0
  01b. paying in-state = tuition=20 rates    75  77
  01c. paying out-of-state = tuition=20 rates    25  23
  01d. Unknown (calculated value)
This value = is=20 calculated using the following formula: = [A02-(C01a+C01b+C01c)]
 0  0  0
Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
User ID:=20 29C0011
Part=20 C, Page 2
Part C, Page 2 - = Enter=20 Information about Group 2
Part C includes financial aid=20 information about Group 2. Group 2 students are all = full-time,=20 first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students = enrolled in Fall 2011.
For this part, = report:
For These Students The Following Type(s) of = Aid Awarded in This = Period
  • Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking = undergraduate=20 students enrolled in Fall 2011
  • Grant or scholarship aid from the federal = government
  • Grant or scholarship aid from state/local = government
  • Grant or scholarship aid from the institution
  • Loans to students from the federal government and from = other=20 sources, including private or other loans
  • Do not include grant or scholarship aid from = private or=20 other sources
  • Do not include PLUS loans or loans made to = anyone other=20 than the student
  • Any time during academic year 2011-12
  • For program reporters, this is the aid year period = from July=20 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012.
In the fields below, report = the=20 number of Group 2 students and the total amount of aid = awarded to=20 these students for each type of aid. Enter unduplicated = student=20 counts within a category (e.g., Pell grants). However, a = student can=20 appear in more than one aid = category.
Information from = Part=20 A: Fall = 2011
Group = 2
Full-time,=20 first-time degree/certificate-seeking = undergraduates
(This number=20 is carried forward from Part A, Line 02)
Group 2a
Of = those in=20 Group 2, those who were awarded any Federal Work Study, = loans to=20 students, or grant or scholarship aid from the federal = government,=20 state/local government, the institution, or other sources = known to=20 the institution
(This number is carried forward from Part = A, Line=20 02a)
Group 2b
Of = those in=20 Group 2, those who were awarded any loans to students or = grant or=20 scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local = government,=20 or the institution
(This number is carried forward from = Part A,=20 Line 02b)
Group 3
Of = those in=20 Group 2, those who were awarded grant or scholarship aid = from the=20 federal government, state/local government, or the = institution
Fall 2011 Fall 2010
Number of Group 2 students who were = awarded=20 aid Percentage of Group 2 students who were = awarded=20 aid Total amount of aid awarded to Group 2=20 students Average amount of aid awarded to Group = 2=20 students Average amount of aid awarded to Group = 2=20 students
01. Grants or scholarships from = the federal=20 government, state/local government, or the institution    85  6,108,513  6,450  5,562
  02. Federal = grants    42  2,034,033  4,319  4,979
    02a. Pell grants    42    4,096  4,195
    02b. Other federal grants    7    1,296  1,088
  03. State/local government = grants or scholarships (grants/scholarships/waivers)    43    1,000  984
  04. Institutional = grants or=20 scholarships (scholarships/fellowships)
   69   =20  4,701  3,913
05. Loans to = students    60  4,140,688  6,236  6,202
    05a. Federal loans    59    5,770  5,761
    05b. Other loans (including private loans)    3    12,079  10,859
=20 You may use the space below to provide context for the data = you've=20 reported above. These context notes may be posted on the = College=20 Navigator website and should be written to be understood by = students=20 and parents. For example, institutions may report here other = sources=20 of private aid not included in the categories = above.
Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
User ID:=20 29C0011
Part=20 D
Part D - Enter = Information about=20 Group 3
Part D includes financial aid=20 information about Group 3. Group 3 students are all = full-time,=20 first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students = enrolled in Fall 2011 who paid the in-state or in-district = tuition=20 rate and were awarded grant or scholarship aid from the = following=20 sources: the federal government, state/local government, or = the=20 institution. The information you report in this part will be = used in=20 Part F to calculate average institutional net = price.
For this part = report:
For These Students The Following Type(s) of = Aid Awarded in This = Period
  • Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking = undergraduate=20 students enrolled in Fall 2011 who paid the in-state or=20 in-district tuition rate and were awarded grant or = scholarship aid=20 from the following sources: the federal government, = state/local=20 government, or the institution
  • Do not include students who were awarded only = grant or=20 scholarship aid from private or other sources, or students = who=20 were awarded only non-grant aid
  • Grant or scholarship aid from the federal = government
  • Grant or scholarship aid from state/local = government
  • Grant or scholarship aid from the institution
  • Do not include grant or scholarship aid from = private or=20 other sources
  • Any time during academic year = 2011-12
In the fields below, report = the=20 number of Group 3 students with each type of living = arrangement and=20 the total amount of grant or scholarship aid from the = federal=20 government, state/local government, or the institution = awarded to=20 these students.
Information from=20 Part A: 2011-2012 YOUR PRIOR
2010-2011 2009-2010
Group = 3
Full-time,=20 first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students = who=20 paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate and were = awarded grant=20 or scholarship aid from the following sources: the federal=20 government, state/local government, or the = institution
(This=20 number is carried forward from Part A, Line 03)
 843  764  645
01. Report the = number of Group=20 3 students with the following living arrangements: 2011-12 YOUR PRIOR
2010-11 2009-10
  01a. On-campus    464  407
  01b. Off-campus (with = family)    131  106
  01c. Off-campus (not with=20 family)    78  65
  01d. Unknown (calculated)
This value is = calculated=20 using the following formula: [A03-(D01a+D01b+D01c)]
 70  91  67
02. Report the total amount of = grant or=20 scholarship aid from the federal government, state/local = government,=20 or the institution awarded to Group 3 students    3,952,517  3,358,088
03. Average grant or scholarship = aid from=20 the federal government, state/local government, or the = institution=20 awarded to Group 3 students (calculated value).
This = value is=20 calculated using the following formula: [D02/A03]
 5,489  5,173  5,206
You may use the space = below to=20 provide context for the data you've reported = above.
Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
User ID:=20 29C0011
Part=20 E
Part E =E2=80=93 Enter = Information about=20 Group 4
Part E includes financial aid=20 information about Group 4. Group 4 students are all = full-time,=20 first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students = enrolled in Fall 2011 who paid the in-state or in-district = tuition=20 rate and were awarded any Title IV federal student aid, = including=20 federal grants or federal student loans. The information you = report=20 in this part will be used in Part G to calculate average=20 institutional net price by income level.
For this part, = report:
For These Students The Following Type(s) of = Aid Awarded in This = Period
  • Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking = undergraduate=20 students enrolled in Fall 2011 who paid the in-state or=20 in-district tuition rate and were awarded any Title IV = federal=20 student aid
  • Grant or scholarship aid from the federal = government
  • Grant or scholarship aid from state/local = government
  • Grant or scholarship aid from the institution
  • Do not include grant or scholarship aid from = private or=20 other sources
  • Do not include loan amounts
  • Do not include Federal Work Study = amounts
  • Any time during academic year = 2011-12
In the fields below, report = the=20 number of Group 4 students with each type of living = arrangement and=20 the total amount of grant or scholarship aid from the = federal=20 government, state/local government, or the institution = awarded to=20 these students by income level.
Information from = Part=20 A: 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10
Group = 4
Full-time,=20 first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students = who=20 paid the in-state or in-district tuition rate and were = awarded any=20 Title IV federal student aid
(This number is carried = forward from=20 Part A, Line 04)
 710  614  515
01. Report the = number of Group=20 4 students with the following living arrangements: 2011-12 YOUR PRIOR
2010-11 2009-10
  01a. On-campus    416  351
  01b. Off-campus (with = family)    104  106
  01c. Off-campus (not with=20 family)    94  58
  01d. Unknown (calculated)
This = value is=20 calculated using the formula: [A04-(E01a+E01b+E01c)]
 19  0  0
  Number of Group 4 students who were = awarded any=20 Title IV aid Number of Group 4 students who were = awarded any=20 grant or scholarship aid from the following sources: the = federal=20 government, state/local government, or the = institution Total amount of grant or scholarship = aid=20 awarded to Group 4 students from the following sources: the = federal=20 government, state/local government, or the = institution Average amount of grant or scholarship = aid=20 awarded to Group 4 students from the following sources: the = federal=20 government, state/local government, or the = institution
  Col. 1 Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4
02. =20 Income level
  02a. $0-30,000        7,541
  02b. $30,001-48,000        6,892
  02c. $48,001-75,000        4,740
  02d. $75,001-110,000        3,095
  02e. $110,001 and more        2,781
  02f. Total all income levels  710 =20  661  3,928,981  5,534
  Col. 1 Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4
03. Income level
  03a. $0-30,000  191  189  1,512,178  7,917
  03b. $30,001-48,000  111  106  791,075  7,127
  03c. $48,001-75,000  123  56  510,512  4,151
  03d. $75,001-110,000  104  4  324,428  3,120
  03e. $110,001 and more  85  1  225,717  2,655
  03f. Total all income levels  614  356  3,363,910  5,479
  Col. 1 Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4
04. Income level
  04a. $0-30,000  159  157  1,392,003  8,755
  04b. $30,001-48,000  80  76  572,764  7,160
  04c. $48,001-75,000  93  38  434,755  4,675
  04d. $75,001-110,000  109  5  308,205  2,828
  04e. $110,001 and more  74  1  154,860  2,093
  04f. Total all income levels  515  277  2,862,587  5,558
You may use the space = below to=20 provide context for the data you've reported = above.
Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
User ID:=20 29C0011
Part=20 F
Part F =E2=80=93 Net = Price Calculation=20 for Group 3
The following net price = calculation is=20 based on information that your institution reported in the=20 Institutional Characteristics component and the Student = Financial=20 Aid component. For more information about the data your = institution=20 reported in the Institutional Characteristics component, = please=20 contact your institution=E2=80=99s IPEDS = Keyholder.
  2011-12 YOUR PRIOR
2010-11 2009-10
  Components of cost of=20 attendance      
01. Published tuition and required = fees=20 (lower of in-district or in-state)  9,029  8,602  8,273
02. Books and supplies  1,376  1,382  1,180
03. Room and board and other = expenses by=20 living arrangement      
  03a. On campus  16,441  15,972  15,490
  03b. Off-campus (with = family)  9,450  8,008  8,000
  03c. Off-campus (not with=20 family)  17,820  16,678  16,320
04. Number of Group 3 students = by living=20 arrangement      
  04a. On campus  535  464  407
  04b. Off-campus (with = family)  163  131  106
  04c. Off-campus (not with=20 family)  75  78  65
  04d. Unknown  70  91  67
05. Weighted average for room = and board=20 and other expenses by living arrangement (excluding unknown=20 values)
See instructions for the formula for this=20 calculation
 15,101  14,504  14,210
06. Total cost of = attendance
This=20 value is calculated using the following formula: = [F01+F02+F05]
 25,506  24,488  23,663
07. Average amount of grant or=20 scholarship aid awarded to Group 3 students from the = following=20 sources: the federal government, state/local government, and = the=20 institution  5,489  5,173  5,206
08. Average institutional net = price for=20 Group 3 students
This value is calculated using the = following=20 formula: [F06-F07]
 20,017  19,315  18,457
As required by the Higher = Education=20 Opportunity Act of 2008, these amounts will be posted on the = U.S.=20 Department of Education=E2=80=99s College Navigator website = and used in the=20 U.S. Department of Education=E2=80=99s College Affordability = and=20 Transparency Lists.

Do you wish to provide = additional=20 context notes?
Yes    No   
=20 You may use the space below to provide context for = these=20 data. These context notes may be posted on the College = Navigator=20 website and should be written to be understood by students = and=20 parents.
Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
User ID:=20 29C0011
Part=20 G
Part G =E2=80=93 Net = Price Calculation=20 for Group 4
The following net price = calculation is=20 based on information that your institution reported in the=20 Institutional Characteristics component and the Student = Financial=20 Aid component. For more information about the data your = institution=20 reported in the Institutional Characteristics component, = please=20 contact your institution=E2=80=99s IPEDS = Keyholder.
  2011-12 YOUR PRIOR
2010-11 2009-10
  Components of cost of=20 attendance      
01. Published tuition and required = fees=20 (lower of in-district or in-state)  9,029  8,602  8,273
02. Books and supplies  1,376  1,382  1,180
03. Room and board and other = expenses by=20 living arrangement      
  03a. On campus  16,441  15,972  15,490
  03b. Off-campus (with = family)  9,450  8,008  8,000
  03c. Off-campus (not with=20 family)  17,820  16,678  16,320
04. Number of Group 4 students = by living=20 arrangement      
  04a. On campus  488  416  351
  04b. Off-campus (with = family)  132  104  106
  04c. Off-campus (not with=20 family)  71  94  58
  04d. Unknown  19  0  0
05. Weighted average for room = and board=20 and other expenses by living arrangement (excluding unknown=20 values)
See instructions for the formula for this=20 calculation
 15,247  14,731  14,042
06. Total cost of attendance by = income=20 level
This value is calculated using the following = formula:=20 [G01+G02+G05]
 25,652  24,715  23,495
07. Average amount of grant or=20 scholarship aid awarded to Group 4 students from the = following=20 sources: the federal government, state/local government, and = the=20 institution  5,534  5,479  5,558
  07a. $0-30,000  7,541  7,917  8,755
  07b. $30,001-48,000  6,892  7,127  7,160
  07c. $48,001-75,000  4,740  4,151  4,675
  07d. $75,001-110,000  3,095  3,120  2,828
  07e. $110,001 and more  2,781  2,655  2,093
08. Average institutional net = price for=20 Group 4 students
This value is calculated using the = following=20 formula: [G06-G07]
  08a. $0-30,000  18,111  16,798  14,740
  08b. $30,001-48,000  18,760  17,588  16,335
  08c. $48,001-75,000  20,912  20,564  18,820
  08d. $75,001-110,000  22,557  21,595  20,667
  08e. $110,001 and more  22,871  22,060  21,402
As required by the Higher = Education=20 Opportunity Act of 2008, these amounts will be posted on the = U.S.=20 Department of Education=E2=80=99s College Navigator = website.

Do you wish to provide = additional=20 context notes?
Yes    No   
=20 You may use the space below to provide context for = these=20 data. These context notes may be posted on the College = Navigator=20 website and should be written to be understood by students = and=20 parents.
Institution:=20 University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
User ID:=20 29C0011
Prepared=20 by
This survey component was = prepared=20 by:
     Keyholder    SFA Contact    HR Contact    Finance Contact    Other  
How long did it take to = prepare this=20 survey component?   hours   minutes  
The name of the preparer is = being=20 collected so that we can follow up with the appropriate = person in=20 the event that there are questions concerning the data. The=20 Keyholder will be copied on all email correspondence to = other=20 preparers.
The time it took to prepare = this=20 component is being collected so that we can continue to = improve our=20 estimate of the reporting burden associated with IPEDS. = Please=20 include in your estimate the time it took for you to review=20 instructions, query and search data sources, complete and = review the=20 component, and submit the data through the Data Collection=20 System.
Thank you for your=20 assistance.
Institution: University of = Missouri-Kansas=20 City (178402) User ID: = 29C0011
IPEDS=20 Student Financial Aid (SFA) Survey Summary

IPEDS collects important information regarding = your=20 institution. All data reported in IPEDS survey components become = available=20 in the IPEDS Data Center and appear as aggregated data in various=20 Department of Education reports. Additionally, some of the = reported data=20 appears specifically for your institution through the College = Navigator=20 website and is included in your institution=E2=80=99s Data = Feedback Report (DFR).=20 The purpose of this summary is to provide you an opportunity to = view some=20 of the data that, when accepted through the IPEDS quality control = process,=20 will appear on the College Navigator website and/or your DFR. = College=20 Navigator is updated approximately three months after the data = collection=20 period closes and Data Feedback Reports will be available through = the ExPT=20 and sent to your institution=E2=80=99s CEO in November 2013.

Please review your data for accuracy. If you have = questions=20 about the data displayed below after reviewing the data reported = on the=20 survey screens, please contact the IPEDS Help Desk at: = 1-877-225-2568 or=20

Total grant aid = received by all=20 undergraduate students $34,143,352
Number of undergraduate = students=20 who received a Pell Grant 3,424
Percentage of FTFT = students=20 receiving any financial aid 92%
  Percentage of FTFT students = receiving grant=20 aid by type Average amount of grant aid = received by=20 type
Total 85% $6,450
Federal = Government 42% $4,319
Pell 42% $4,096
Other = Federal 7% $1,296
State/Local=20 Government 43% $1,000
Institutional 69% $4,701
  Percentage of FTFT students = receiving loans=20 by type Average amount of loans received by = type
Total 60% $6,236
Federal 59% $5,770
Non-federal 3% $12,079
Average net price for = FTFT=20 students who receive grant aid $20,017
Average net price for = FTFT=20 students who receive Title IV federal student aid  
$0 = =E2=80=93=20 30,000 $18,111
$30,001 =E2=80=93=20 48,000 $18,760
$48,001 =E2=80=93=20 75,000 $20,912
$75,001 =E2=80=93=20 110,000 $22,557
$110,001 and=20 more $22,871


Institution:  University of Missouri-Kansas City=20 (178402) User ID:  29C0011
Edit Report
Student Financial = Aid 
University of = Missouri-Kansas=20 City (178402) Source Description Severity Resolved Options Screen: Part C,=20 Page 2 - Enter Information about Group 2 Screen Entry The average amount of this type of = aid awarded=20 to Group 2 students (4,701) is outside the expected range of = between=20 3,131 and 4,695 when compared with the prior year value. = Please=20 check the number of students and the total amount of aid = awarded to=20 these students, and fix or explain the discrepant values. = (Error=20 #7147) Explanation Yes   Reason: After reviewing the data we submit on = this=20 question, we determined that some institutional scholarships = and=20 endowments had been excluded from this field in previous = years. The=20 update to this field is an effort to reflect the additional=20 scholarships that were not previously included in this = field. Screen: Part E -=20 Enter Information about Group 4 Screen Entry The total number of Group 4 students = who were=20 awarded any grant aid across all income levels (658) is = outside of=20 the expected range of between 196 and 516 based on the prior = year=20 value. Please fix your data or explain the discrepancy. = (Error=20 #7334) Explanation Yes   Reason: The increase is due to a new group of = students=20 being classified as in=20 = district.
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