Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-KANSAS CITY (178402) User ID: 29a0011
Part A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2001
Full-time undergraduate students
Students enrolled for credit
Degree/certificate-seeking Non-degree/

undergraduate students

Other degree/ certificate-

Nonresident alien 107  110  113 
Black, non-Hispanic 33  137  170  172 
American Indian/Alaska Native 15  16  16 
Asian/Pacific Islander 29  103  132  132 
Hispanic 12  49  61  61 
White, non-Hispanic 200  984  1,184  1,191 
Race/ethnicity unknown 13  77  90  90 
Total men 291  1,472  1,763  12  1,775 
Total men prior year 298           1,679 
Nonresident alien 78  86  93 
Black, non-Hispanic 55  332  387  391 
American Indian/Alaska Native 16  21  21 
Asian/Pacific Islander 48  113  161  162 
Hispanic 13  93  106  108 
White, non-Hispanic 303  1,403  1,706  1,715 
Race/ethnicity unknown 14  88  102  103 
Total women 446  2,123  2,569  24  2,593 
Total women prior year 391           2,340 
Total men + women 737 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-KANSAS CITY (178402) User ID: 29a0011
Part A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2001
Part-time undergraduate students
Students enrolled for credit
Degree/certificate-seeking Non-degree/

undergraduate students

Other degree/ certificate-

Nonresident alien 47  53  62 
Black, non-Hispanic 68  70  48  118 
American Indian/Alaska Native 11 
Asian/Pacific Islander 33  33  23  56 
Hispanic 32  36  34  70 
White, non-Hispanic 422  429  807  1,236 
Race/ethnicity unknown 39  40  78  118 
Total men 20  647  667  1,004  1,671 
Total men prior year 10           1,717 
Nonresident alien 51  55  18  73 
Black, non-Hispanic 145  149  96  245 
American Indian/Alaska Native 15 
Asian/Pacific Islander 31  32  40  72 
Hispanic 32  33  37  70 
White, non-Hispanic 495  500  1,196  1,696 
Race/ethnicity unknown 43  44  45  89 
Total women 16  805  821  1,439  2,260 
Total women prior year          2,355 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-KANSAS CITY (178402) User ID: 29a0011
Part A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2001
Graduate students
Students enrolled for credit Total full-time
Total part-time
Nonresident alien 155  160 
Black, non-Hispanic 26  62 
American Indian/Alaska Native
Asian/Pacific Islander 15 
Hispanic 17 
White, non-Hispanic 226  549 
Race/ethnicity unknown 12  50 
Total men 433  857 
Total men prior year 461  823 
Nonresident alien 107  114 
Black, non-Hispanic 59  175 
American Indian/Alaska Native 12 
Asian/Pacific Islander 13  30 
Hispanic 11  37 
White, non-Hispanic 294  1,021 
Race/ethnicity unknown 17  96 
Total women 505  1,485 
Total women prior year 548  1,521 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-KANSAS CITY (178402) User ID: 29a0011
Part A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2001
First-professional students
Students enrolled for credit Total full-time
Total part-time
Nonresident alien 19 
Black, non-Hispanic 21 
American Indian/Alaska Native 10 
Asian/Pacific Islander 97 
Hispanic 19 
White, non-Hispanic 461  13 
Race/ethnicity unknown 49 
Total men 676  18 
Total men prior year 659 
Nonresident alien
Black, non-Hispanic 28 
American Indian/Alaska Native
Asian/Pacific Islander 98 
Hispanic 25 
White, non-Hispanic 480  24 
Race/ethnicity unknown 25 
Total women 667  29 
Total women prior year 642  14 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-KANSAS CITY (178402) User ID: 29a0011
Part A - Fall Enrollment - Summary by race/ethnicity
Fall enrollment totals
Students enrolled for credit Total full-time
Total part-time
Grand total,
all students
Prior year
Nonresident alien 287  223  510  472 
Black, non-Hispanic 219  181  400  360 
American Indian/Alaska Native 28  15  43  41 
Asian/Pacific Islander 233  74  307  318 
Hispanic 88  87  175  161 
White, non-Hispanic 1,878  1,798  3,676  3,685 
Race/ethnicity unknown 151  168  319  305 
Total men 2,884  2,546  5,430  5,342 
Nonresident alien 208  187  395  356 
Black, non-Hispanic 478  420  898  877 
American Indian/Alaska Native 28  27  55  45 
Asian/Pacific Islander 273  103  376  349 
Hispanic 144  108  252  228 
White, non-Hispanic 2,489  2,741  5,230  5,201 
Race/ethnicity unknown 145  188  333  364 
Total women 3,765  3,774  7,539  7,420 
Grand Total 6,649  6,320  12,969 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-KANSAS CITY (178402) User ID: 29a0011
Part B - Fall Enrollment by age and gender
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2001
Age Full-time undergraduate students
Men Women
Under 18 17  27 
18-19 517  767 
20-21 483  749 
22-24 387  527 
25-29 195  237 
30-34 89  108 
35-39 39  66 
40-49 31  89 
50-64 20 
65 and over
Age unknown
Total full-time undergraduate students (from part A) 1,775  2,593 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-KANSAS CITY (178402) User ID: 29a0011
Part B - Fall Enrollment by age and gender
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2001
Age Part-time undergraduate students
Men Women
Under 18 686  1,098 
18-19 195  206 
20-21 68  102 
22-24 198  221 
25-29 202  228 
30-34 102  124 
35-39 72  82 
40-49 92  128 
50-64 30  55 
65 and over
Age unknown 23  10 
Total part-time undergraduate students (from part A) 1,671  2,260 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-KANSAS CITY (178402) User ID: 29a0011
Part B - Fall Enrollment by age and gender
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2001
Age Full-time graduate students
Men Women
Under 18      
22-24 140  153 
25-29 114  171 
30-34 81  54 
35-39 39  38 
40-49 36  57 
50-64 10  21 
65 and over
Age unknown
Total full-time graduate students (from part A) 433  505 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-KANSAS CITY (178402) User ID: 29a0011
Part B - Fall Enrollment by age and gender
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2001
Age Part-time graduate students
Men Women
Under 18      
22-24 92  149 
25-29 243  410 
30-34 188  261 
35-39 96  159 
40-49 144  316 
50-64 84  173 
65 and over
Age unknown
Total part-time graduate students (from part A) 857  1,485 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-KANSAS CITY (178402) User ID: 29a0011
Part B - Fall Enrollment by age and gender
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2001
Age Full-time first-professional students
Men Women
Under 18      
20-21 91  120 
22-24 268  320 
25-29 208  139 
30-34 60  45 
35-39 24  16 
40-49 15  18 
65 and over      
Age unknown
Total full-time, first-professional students (from part A) 676  667 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-KANSAS CITY (178402) User ID: 29a0011
Part B - Fall Enrollment by age and gender
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2001
Age Part-time first-professional students
Men Women
Under 18      
65 and over      
Age unknown
Total part-time, first-professional students (from part A) 18  29 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-KANSAS CITY (178402) User ID: 29a0011
Part C - Residence of first-time first-year students
NOTE: Data are optional for Fall 2001.
State of residence when student
was first admitted
FIPS Code Total first-time, first-year
(degree-seeking only)
Those who graduated from
high school in the past 12 months
Alabama 01      
Alaska 02      
Arizona 04
Arkansas 05
California 06
Colorado 08
Connecticut 09      
Delaware 10      
District of Columbia 11      
Florida 12
Georgia 13
Hawaii 15
Idaho 16      
Illinois 17
Indiana 18      
Iowa 19
Kansas 20 74  70 
Kentucky 21      
Louisiana 22      
Maine 23      

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-KANSAS CITY (178402) User ID: 29a0011
Part C - Residence of first-time first-year students
NOTE: Data are optional for Fall 2001.
State of residence when student
was first admitted
FIPS Code Total first-time, first-year
(degree-seeking only)
Those who graduated from
high school in the past 12 months
Maryland 24      
Massachusetts 25      
Michigan 26      
Minnesota 27
Mississippi 28
Missouri 29 615  552 
Montana 30      
Nebraska 31
Nevada 32      
New Hampshire 33      
New Jersey 34
New Mexico 35      
New York 36
North Carolina 37
North Dakota 38
Ohio 39
Oklahoma 40
Oregon 41      
Pennsylvania 42
Rhode Island 44

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-KANSAS CITY (178402) User ID: 29a0011
Part C - Residence of first-time first-year students
NOTE: Data are optional for Fall 2001.
State of residence when student
was first admitted
FIPS Code Total first-time, first-year
(degree-seeking only)
Those who graduated from
high school in the past 12 months
South Carolina 45      
South Dakota 46
Tennessee 47
Texas 48
Utah 49      
Vermont 50      
Virginia 51
Washington 53
West Virginia 54      
Wisconsin 55
Wyoming 56
State Unknown 57      
American Samoa 60      
Federated States
of Micronesia
Guam 66      
Marshall Islands 68      
Northern Marianas 69      
Palau 70      
Puerto Rico 72      
Virgin Islands 78      
Foreign Countries 90 14 
Unknown 98   
Total first-time,
first-year students
(FT+PT from part A)
773  688 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-KANSAS CITY (178402) User ID: 29a0011
Part D - 12-month enrollment & instructional activity
Unduplicated count by student level
Total unduplicated count Prior year
Undergraduate level students 11,105  11,252 
Graduate level students 5,354  5,389 
First-professional students 1,412  1,385 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-KANSAS CITY (178402) User ID: 29a0011
Part D - 12-month enrollment & instructional activity
Instructional activity
Level of course Total 12-month activity
Contact hour activity for occupational (undergraduate) programs

Credit hour activity for academic programs;
  Undergraduate programs 168,554 
  Graduate programs 51,071 

Institution: UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-KANSAS CITY (178402) User ID: 29a0011
Part E - Additional information
Total entering class - Fall 2001
Number of full-time first-time degree-seeking undergraduates
    (this is your fall cohort reported in Part A)
Total entering students at undergraduate level, Fall 2001 2,059 
Percentage of entering class represented by your GRS cohort 36