IPEDS Reporting Year 12-month Enrollment 2007-08 (2006-07 Data)
Institution: University of Missouri-Rolla (178411)
User ID: 29C0011

12-Month Selection/Instructional Activity Type
 Please indicate which 12-month period you will use to report your unduplicated count and activity hours.
      July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007
     September 1, 2006 through August 31, 2007
Instructional activity data may be reported on Part B in units of contact hours or credit hours. Please indicate which units are used by the institution to measure instructional activity
      Contact hours
     Credit hours
     Both contact and credit hours (some programs measured in contact hours and others measured in credit hours)

Institution: University of Missouri-Rolla (178411)
User ID: 29C0011

Part A - Unduplicated Count
12-month unduplicated count by race/ethnicity and gender
for the 2006-07 academic year
  Undergraduate students Graduate students
Nonresident alien    
Black, non-Hispanic    
American Indian/Alaska Native    
Asian/Pacific Islander    
White, non-Hispanic    
Race/ethnicity unknown    
Total men  3,659  1,307
Nonresident alien    
Black, non-Hispanic    
American Indian/Alaska Native    
Asian/Pacific Islander    
White, non-Hispanic    
Race/ethnicity unknown    
Total women  1,121  402
Grand total  4,780  1,709
Prior year data  
Unduplicated headcount (2005-06)  4,607  1,730
Total enrollment Fall 2006
(Unduplicated count reported above is expected to be greater than this number.)
 4,515  1,343

Institution: University of Missouri-Rolla (178411)
User ID: 29C0011

Part B - Instructional Activity
12-month instructional activity

Do not include first-professional students
Level of course Total 12-month activity
Credit hour activity for academic programs  
  Undergraduate programs  
Credit hour activity for academic programs  
  Graduate programs  
Based on the hours reported, the institution's estimated full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment is:
Undergraduates 4,178
Graduates 873
The above numbers were calculated using our FTE Calculation Method
If the numbers calculated for FTE are accurate, please click on 'No' below and save the page. If they are not accurate, please click on 'Yes' below and save the page. If you clicked 'Yes', the system will provide you with the opportunity to enter more accurate numbers. This option should be used ONLY if you use a different calculation that leads to more accurate numbers. Note: Make sure you reported the correct hours for instructional activity, which could also lead to an inaccurate FTE calculation.
Based on the information provided above, would you like to enter a more accurate number for FTE enrollment? Yes No

Institution:  University of Missouri-Rolla (178411) User ID:  29C0011
Explanation Report

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