Fall Enrollment 2007-08
Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part Selection
Completion of Part C (Residence of first-time undergraduate students) is optional this year.
You are encouraged to complete this section in order to provide the most complete information about your institution.
Do you wish to complete Part C this year? If you select yes, you will see Part C and be expected to complete the screens. If you select no, you will skip Part C.
      Yes, I will complete Part C
     No, I will not complete Part C

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2007
CIPCODE: 99.0000 -- Summary
  Full-time undergraduate students

Students enrolled for credit
Degree/certificate-seeking Non-degree/

undergraduate students




Nonresident alien        117    126
Black, non-Hispanic        515    515
American Indian/Alaska Native        52    52
Asian/Pacific Islander        249    250
Hispanic        161    161
White, non-Hispanic        8,320    8,323
Race/ethnicity unknown        315    315
Total men  2,231  478  7,020  9,729  13  9,742
Total men prior year  2,223      9,816    9,827
Nonresident alien        110    136
Black, non-Hispanic        751    751
American Indian/Alaska Native        62    62
Asian/Pacific Islander        268    268
Hispanic        196    196
White, non-Hispanic        8,843    8,848
Race/ethnicity unknown        281    281
Total women  2,673  413  7,425  10,511  31  10,542
Total women prior year  2,563      10,376    10,398
Total men + women  4,904  

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2007
CIPCODE: 99.0000 -- Summary
  Part-time undergraduate students

Students enrolled for credit
Degree/certificate-seeking Non-degree/

undergraduate students




Nonresident alien        27    30
Black, non-Hispanic        31    39
American Indian/Alaska Native        5    5
Asian/Pacific Islander        12    22
Hispanic        11    13
White, non-Hispanic        455    504
Race/ethnicity unknown        19    23
Total men  35  51  474  560  76  636
Total men prior year  30      520    634
Nonresident alien        13    19
Black, non-Hispanic        25    30
American Indian/Alaska Native        5    5
Asian/Pacific Islander        21    28
Hispanic        8    9
White, non-Hispanic        497    555
Race/ethnicity unknown        17    20
Total women  43  86  457  586  80  666
Total women prior year  22    493    625

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2007
CIPCODE: 99.0000 -- Summary
  Graduate students

Students enrolled for credit
Total full-time
Total part-time
Nonresident alien    
Black, non-Hispanic    
American Indian/Alaska Native    
Asian/Pacific Islander    
White, non-Hispanic    
Race/ethnicity unknown    
Total men  1,180  1,083
Total men prior year  1,215  1,056
Nonresident alien    
Black, non-Hispanic    
American Indian/Alaska Native    
Asian/Pacific Islander    
White, non-Hispanic    
Race/ethnicity unknown    
Total women  1,538  1,907
Total women prior year  1,586  1,741

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part A - Fall Enrollment by race/ethnicity and gender
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2007
CIPCODE: 99.0000 -- Summary
  First-professional students

Students enrolled for credit
Total full-time
Total part-time
Nonresident alien    
Black, non-Hispanic    
American Indian/Alaska Native    
Asian/Pacific Islander    
White, non-Hispanic    
Race/ethnicity unknown    
Total men  543  10
Total men prior year  536  11
Nonresident alien    
Black, non-Hispanic    
American Indian/Alaska Native    
Asian/Pacific Islander    
White, non-Hispanic    
Race/ethnicity unknown    
Total women  552  6
Total women prior year  548  7

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part A - Fall Enrollment - Summary by race/ethnicity
Fall enrollment totals
CIPCODE: 99.0000 -- Summary
Students enrolled for credit Total full-time
Total part-time
Grand total,
all students
Prior year
Nonresident alien  492  300  792  785
Black, non-Hispanic  566  71  637  621
American Indian/Alaska Native  62  10  72  69
Asian/Pacific Islander  282  48  330  334
Hispanic  191  31  222  230
White, non-Hispanic  9,464  1,190  10,654  10,649
Race/ethnicity unknown  408  79  487  591
Total men  11,465  1,729  13,194  13,279
Nonresident alien  456  205  661  629
Black, non-Hispanic  846  103  949  925
American Indian/Alaska Native  73  22  95  100
Asian/Pacific Islander  340  61  401  413
Hispanic  237  44  281  267
White, non-Hispanic  10,285  2,016  12,301  11,904
Race/ethnicity unknown  395  128  523  667
Total women  12,632  2,579  15,211  14,905
Grand Total  24,097  4,308  28,405  

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part B - Fall Enrollment by age and gender
NOTE: These data are mandatory this year.
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2007
Age Full-time undergraduate students
  Men Women
Under 18    
65 and over    
Age unknown/unreported  2  0
Total full-time undergraduate students (from part A)  9,742  10,542

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part B - Fall Enrollment by age and gender
NOTE: These data are mandatory this year.
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2007
Age Part-time undergraduate students
  Men Women
Under 18    
65 and over    
Age unknown/unreported  0  1
Total part-time undergraduate students (from part A)  636  666

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part B - Fall Enrollment by age and gender
NOTE: These data are mandatory this year.
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2007
Age Full-time graduate students
  Men Women
Under 18    
65 and over    
Age unknown/unreported  0  0
Total full-time graduate students (from part A)  1,180  1,538

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part B - Fall Enrollment by age and gender
NOTE: These data are mandatory this year.
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2007
Age Part-time graduate students
  Men Women
Under 18    
65 and over    
Age unknown/unreported  1  1
Total part-time graduate students (from part A)  1,083  1,907

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part B - Fall Enrollment by age and gender
NOTE: These data are mandatory this year.
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2007
Age Full-time first-professional students
  Men Women
Under 18    
65 and over    
Age unknown/unreported  2  0
Total full-time, first-professional students (from part A)  543  552

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part B - Fall Enrollment by age and gender
NOTE: These data are mandatory this year.
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2007
Age Part-time first-professional students
  Men Women
Under 18    
65 and over    
Age unknown/unreported  0  0
Total part-time, first-professional students (from part A)  10  6

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part C - Freshmen Question
Do you have any first-time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who graduated from high school or received their GED within the last 12-months?
      Yes, I have students who graduated high school or received their GED in the past 12 months.
     No, I do not have any students who graduated high school or received their GED in the past 12 months.
     We do not currently track recent high school graduates/GED recipients, however, we will track these students in future years to meet mandatory IPEDS requirements

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part C - Residence of first-time undergraduate students
NOTE: These data are optional this year.
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2007
State of residence when student
was first admitted
FIPS Code Total first-time
certificate-seeking only)
Those who graduated from
high school OR received a
GED in the past 12 months
Alabama 01    
Alaska 02    
Arizona 04    
Arkansas 05    
California 06    
Colorado 08    
Connecticut 09    
Delaware 10    
District of Columbia 11    
Florida 12    
Georgia 13    
Hawaii 15    
Idaho 16    
Illinois 17    
Indiana 18    
Iowa 19    
Kansas 20    
Kentucky 21    
Louisiana 22    
Maine 23    

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part C - Residence of first-time undergraduate students
NOTE: These data are optional this year.
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2007
State of residence when student
was first admitted
FIPS Code Total first-time
undergraduate (degree/
certificate-seeking only)
Those who graduated from
high school OR received a
GED in the past 12 months
Maryland 24    
Massachusetts 25    
Michigan 26    
Minnesota 27    
Mississippi 28    
Missouri 29    
Montana 30    
Nebraska 31    
Nevada 32    
New Hampshire 33    
New Jersey 34    
New Mexico 35    
New York 36    
North Carolina 37    
North Dakota 38    
Ohio 39    
Oklahoma 40    
Oregon 41    
Pennsylvania 42    
Rhode Island 44    

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part C - Residence of first-time undergraduate students
NOTE: These data are optional this year.
Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2007
State of residence when student
was first admitted
FIPS Code Total first-time
undergraduate (degree/
certificate-seeking only)
Those who graduated from
high school OR received a
GED in the past 12 months
South Carolina 45    
South Dakota 46    
Tennessee 47    
Texas 48    
Utah 49    
Vermont 50    
Virginia 51    
Washington 53    
West Virginia 54    
Wisconsin 55    
Wyoming 56    
State Unknown 57    
American Samoa 60    
Federated States
of Micronesia
Guam 66    
Marshall Islands 68    
Northern Marianas 69    
Palau 70    
Puerto Rico 72    
Virgin Islands 78    
Foreign Countries 90    
Residence unknown/
98  5  
Total first-time
undergraduate students
(FT+PT from part A)
   4,982  4,893

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part D - Total Entering Class
Total Entering Class - Fall 2007
Number of full-time first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates
   (your fall cohort reported in Part A)
Total entering students at undergraduate level, Fall 2007
Note: This number should include first-time (both part-time and full-time)
students as well as students transferring to the institution in Fall 2007.
Percentage of entering class represented by your GRS cohort  80

Institution: University of Missouri-Columbia (178396)
User ID: 29C0011
Part E - Retention Rates
Retention rates will be automatically calculated based on information provided by the institution.
Data to be entered by the institution:*
  • Full- and part-time bachelor's cohorts from Fall 2006 (include only FIRST-TIME students);
  • Exclusions from each of these cohorts (see below for allowed exclusions); and
  • Number of students from these cohorts who are still enrolled in Fall 2007 (include students that re-enrolled and students with continuous enrollment).
Use your institution’s official fall reporting date or October 15 when counting students. The student status (full- or part-time) should be based on the fall 2006 status, even if this has changed by fall 2007 (e.g., if a student has gone from part-time to full-time, report them as part of the part-time cohort).

*Report full-time and part-time separately in their appropriate boxes.
In the Exclusions boxes (for both full- and part-time), report the number of students who left the institution for any of the following reasons:
  • Died or were totally and permanently disabled;
  • Serve in the armed forces (including those called to active duty);
  • Serve with a foreign aid service of the Federal Government (e.g., Peace Corps); or
  • Serve on official church missions.
The system will subtract these from the cohort prior to calculating the retention rate. Do not include students who transferred into the institution as part of your fall cohort.

Retention rates (for both full- and part-time) will be computed by the system and will appear in the 2nd column after clicking Save.

For institutions that use a full-year cohort: Use the 3 month period of August 1 through October 31 to define the retention cohort.
  Retention Rates  
Full-Time Fall 2006 Cohort      
Full-Time Exclusions    
Full-Time Adjusted Fall 2006 Cohort  4,786    
Full-Time Students from Fall 2006
Still Enrolled in Fall 2007
 85 %
Part-Time Fall 2006 Cohort      
Part-Time Exclusions    
Part-Time Adjusted Fall 2006 Cohort  52    
Part-Time Students from Fall 2006
Still Enrolled in Fall 2007
 56 %

Institution:  University of Missouri-Columbia (178396) User ID:  29C0011
Explanation Report
Number Source Location Description Severity Accepted
Screen: Part-time undergraduates
1 Row 24
Column 2
Upload File The number entered, 43, does not lie within the expected range of between 11 and 33 based on enrollment reported last year. Please explain. Explanation Yes
Reason: This figure was re-verified and proven to be correct.