Fall Enrollment 2009-10
Institution: University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
User ID: 29C0011
Race and Ethnicity Reporting Method
Which method of reporting race and ethnicity will you use for this component?
   NEW race/ethnicity categories (9 categories):
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  •     Nonresident alien
        American Indian or Alaska Native
        Black or African American
        Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
        Two or more races
        Race and ethnicity unknown
       OLD race/ethnicity categories (7 categories):
        Nonresident alien
        Black, non-Hispanic
        American Indian/Alaska Native
        Asian/Pacific Islander
        White, non-Hispanic
        Race and ethnicity unknown
       MIXTURE of new and old race/ethnicity categories (all 14 categories will show on each screen):
      NEW categories:
      Notes for NEW categories:
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  •     Hispanic/Latino
        American Indian or Alaska Native
        Black or African American
        Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
        Two or more races
      OLD categories:
        Black, non-Hispanic
        American Indian/Alaska Native
        Asian/Pacific Islander
        White, non-Hispanic
      Categories used in BOTH New and Old:
        Nonresident alien
        Race and ethnicity unknown

    Institution: University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part C Selection
    Completion of Part C (Residence of First-Time Undergraduates Students) is optional this year.
    If you answer 'Yes' to the question below, you will be given Part C and be expected to complete the screens. If you select 'No', you will skip Part C.

    Do you wish to complete Part C this year?
          Yes, I will complete Part C                                                                      
         No, I will not complete Part C                                                                      
    You may use the space below to provide context for the data you've reported above.

    Institution: University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part A - Fall Enrollment for Full-Time Undergraduate Students
    Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2009
      Full-time Undergraduate Students
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Students enrolled for credit Degree/certificate-seeking Non-degree/
    undergraduate students
    First-time Transfer-in Continuing Total degree/certificate-seeking
    Nonresident alien        131    164
    Hispanic/Latino        117    117
    American Indian or Alaska Native        9    9
    Asian        164    164
    Black or African American        287    287
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander        1    1
    White        1,563    1,564
    Two or more races        35    35
    Race and ethnicity unknown        277    280
    Total men  369  454  1,761  2,584  37  2,621
    Total men prior year  383  396  1,664  2,443  28  2,471
    Nonresident alien        68    80
    Hispanic/Latino        182    182
    American Indian or Alaska Native        25    25
    Asian        258    258
    Black or African American        627    630
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander        3    3
    White        2,125    2,125
    Two or more races        36    36
    Race and ethnicity unknown        304    304
    Total women  610  630  2,388  3,628  15  3,643
    Total women prior year  592  532  2,238  3,362  29  3,391
    Total men+women  979  1,084  4,149  6,212  52  6,264
    Total men+women prior year  975  928  3,902  5,805  57  5,862

    Institution: University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part A - Fall Enrollment for Part-time Undergraduate Students
    Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2009
      Part-time Undergraduate Students
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Students enrolled for credit Degree/certificate-seeking Non-degree/
    undergraduate students
    First-time Transfer-in Continuing Total degree/certificate-seeking
    Nonresident alien        6    20
    Hispanic/Latino        29    53
    American Indian or Alaska Native        4    10
    Asian        34    51
    Black or African American        94    121
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander        1    3
    White        402    831
    Two or more races        3    11
    Race and ethnicity unknown        86    185
    Total men  10  151  498  659  626  1,285
    Total men prior year  16  112  502  630  715  1,345
    Nonresident alien        8    23
    Hispanic/Latino        44    70
    American Indian or Alaska Native        7    11
    Asian        33    52
    Black or African American        184    277
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander        0    2
    White        471    1,150
    Two or more races        8    17
    Race and ethnicity unknown        95    230
    Total women  15  214  621  850  982  1,832
    Total women prior year  17  201  698  916  1,138  2,054
    Total men + women  25  365  1,119  1,509  1,608  3,117
    Total men+women prior year  33  313  1,200  1,546  1,853  3,399

    Institution: University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part A - Fall Enrollment for Graduate Students
    Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2009
    When reporting graduate students, make sure to include counts for postbaccalaureate professional programs (formerly first-professional)
      Graduate Students
  • Report Hispanic/Latino individuals of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Students enrolled for credit Total full-time Total part-time Total graduate students
    Nonresident alien      436
    Hispanic/Latino      62
    American Indian or Alaska Native      4
    Asian      148
    Black or African American      124
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander      0
    White      1,445
    Two or more races      11
    Race and ethnicity unknown      231
    Total men  1,421  1,040  2,461
    Total men prior year  1,400  997  2,397
    Nonresident alien      270
    Hispanic/Latino      91
    American Indian or Alaska Native      12
    Asian      180
    Black or African American      253
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander      0
    White      1,914
    Two or more races      16
    Race and ethnicity unknown      221
    Total women  1,428  1,529  2,957
    Total women prior year  1,357  1,466  2,823
    Total men + women  2,849  2,569  5,418
    Total men+women prior year  2,757  2,463  5,220

    Institution: University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part A - Fall Enrollment Summary
    Fall Enrollment Summary
    Students enrolled for credit Total full-time
    Total part-time
    Grand total,
    all students
    Nonresident alien  412  208  620
    Hispanic/Latino  148  84  232
    American Indian or Alaska Native  13  10  23
    Asian  280  83  363
    Black or African American  336  196  532
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander  1  3  4
    White  2,388  1,452  3,840
    Two or more races  43  14  57
    Race and ethnicity unknown  421  275  696
    Total men  4,042  2,325  6,367
    Nonresident alien  231  142  373
    Hispanic/Latino  227  116  343
    American Indian or Alaska Native  32  16  48
    Asian  396  94  490
    Black or African American  713  447  1,160
    Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander  3  2  5
    White  3,000  2,189  5,189
    Two or more races  42  27  69
    Race and ethnicity unknown  427  328  755
    Total women  5,071  3,361  8,432
    Grand Total  9,113  5,686  14,799

    Institution: University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part B: Fall Enrollment by Age and Gender for Full-time Undergraduate Students
    Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2009
    Age Full-time Undergraduate Students
      Men Women
    Under 18    
    65 and over    
    Age unknown/unreported  0  0
    Total full-time undergraduate students (from part A)  2,621  3,643

    Institution: University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part B - Fall Enrollment by Age and Gender for Part-time Undergraduate Students
    Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2009
    Age Part-time Undergraduate Students
      Men Women
    Under 18    
    65 and over    
    Age unknown/unreported  0  0
    Total part-time undergraduate students (from part A)  1,285  1,832

    Institution: University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part B - Fall Enrollment by Age and Gender for Full-time Graduate Students
    Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2009
    Age Full-time Graduate Students
      Men Women
    Under 18    
    65 and over    
    Age unknown/unreported  0  0
    Total full-time graduate students (from part A)  1,421  1,428

    Institution: University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part B - Fall Enrollment by Age and Gender for Part-time Graduate Students
    Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2009
    Age Part-time Graduate Students
      Men Women
    Under 18    
    65 and over    
    Age unknown/unreported  0  1
    Total part-time graduate students (from part A)  1,040  1,529

    Institution: University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part C - High School Graduates
    Does your institution have any first-time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students who graduated from high school or received their GED within the past 12 months?
          Yes, we have students who graduated high school or received their GED in the past 12 months.
         No, we do not have any students who graduated high school or received their GED in the past 12 months.
    You may use the space below to provide context for the data you've reported above.

    Institution: University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part C - Residence of First-time Undergraduate Students
    NOTE: These data are optional this year.
    Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2009
    State of residence when student
    was first admitted
    FIPS Code Total first-time,
    Of students in column 1, those who graduated from
    high school OR received a
    GED in the past 12 months
    Alabama 01    
    Alaska 02    
    Arizona 04    
    Arkansas 05    
    California 06    
    Colorado 08    
    Connecticut 09    
    Delaware 10    
    District of Columbia 11    
    Florida 12    
    Georgia 13    
    Hawaii 15    
    Idaho 16    
    Illinois 17    
    Indiana 18    
    Iowa 19    
    Kansas 20    
    Kentucky 21    
    Louisiana 22    
    Maine 23    

    Institution: University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part C - Residence of First-time Undergraduate Students
    NOTE: These data are optional this year.
    Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2009
    State of residence when student
    was first admitted
    FIPS Code Total first-time,
    Of students in column 1, those who graduated from
    high school OR received a
    GED in the past 12 months
    Maryland 24    
    Massachusetts 25    
    Michigan 26    
    Minnesota 27    
    Mississippi 28    
    Missouri 29    
    Montana 30    
    Nebraska 31    
    Nevada 32    
    New Hampshire 33    
    New Jersey 34    
    New Mexico 35    
    New York 36    
    North Carolina 37    
    North Dakota 38    
    Ohio 39    
    Oklahoma 40    
    Oregon 41    
    Pennsylvania 42    
    Rhode Island 44    

    Institution: University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part C - Residence of First-time Undergraduate Students
    NOTE: These data are optional this year.
    Enrollment as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15, 2009
    State of residence when student
    was first admitted
    FIPS Code Total first-time,
    Of students in column 1, those who graduated from
    high school OR received a
    GED in the past 12 months
    South Carolina 45    
    South Dakota 46    
    Tennessee 47    
    Texas 48    
    Utah 49    
    Vermont 50    
    Virginia 51    
    Washington 53    
    West Virginia 54    
    Wisconsin 55    
    Wyoming 56    
    State Unknown 57    
    American Samoa 60    
    Federated States
    of Micronesia
    Guam 66    
    Marshall Islands 68    
    Northern Marianas 69    
    Palau 70    
    Puerto Rico 72    
    Virgin Islands 78    
    Foreign Countries 90    
    Residence unknown/
    98  2  
    Total first-time,
    degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates
    (FT+PT from part A)
       1,004  909

    Institution: University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part D - Total Undergraduate Entering Class
    Total Undergraduate Entering Class, Fall 2009
    D1 Number of full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates from Part A (your GRS cohort)  979
    D2 Total first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates (full-time + part-time) from Part A  1,004
    D3 Total transfer-in degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates (full-time + part-time) from Part A  1,449
    D4 Total non-degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates (full-time + part-time) from Part A  1,660
    D5 Of the total non-degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates displayed on line 4, the number that are new to the institution (entering the institution for the first time)  
    D6 Total entering students at the undergraduate level
    Note: This is calculated as first-time students (line D2) + students transferring to the institution (line D3) + non-degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates entering in Fall 2009 (line D5).
    D7 Percentage of undergraduate entering class represented by your GRS cohort (line D1/line D6)  40

    Institution: University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part E - First-time Bachelor's Cohort Retention Rates
    Retention rates will be calculated based on information provided below.
    Academic reporters report retention data as of the institution's official fall reporting date or as of October 15. Program reporters report retention data on students enrolled in the institution at any time between August 1 and October 31.

    If there are no students to be reported in a cohort, please enter zero. Do not leave the field blank.
    When reporting data below, remember to:
    • Include only first-time bachelor's students in your full- and part-time cohorts. Do not include students who transferred into your institution.
    • Determine student status (full- or part-time) using Fall 2008 status (e.g. if a student was part-time in Fall 2008, report them in the part-time cohort regardless of their Fall 2009 status).
    • Report in the exclusions boxes the number of students from each cohort who left the institution for any of the following reasons: died or were totally and permanently disabled; to serve in the armed forces (including those called to active duty); to serve with a foreign aid service of the Federal Government (e.g. Peace Corps); or to serve on official church missions.
    The system will subtract exclusions from the original cohorts and use adjusted cohorts for calculating retention rates. Retention rates will be calculated by the system after clicking 'Save.'


    Preloaded cohort
              Full-time, first-time Fall 2008 bachelor's cohort      975
              Exclusions from the cohort    
              Adjusted cohort  974    
              Students from Fall 2008 cohort still enrolled as of Fall 2009    
              Full-time, first-time Fall 2008 bachelor's cohort retention rate  74 %  

              Part-time, first-time Fall 2008 bachelor's cohort      33
              Exclusions from the cohort    
              Adjusted cohort  33    
              Students from Fall 2008 cohort still enrolled as of Fall 2009    
              Part-time, first-time bachelor's cohort retention rate  42 %  
    You may use the space below to provide context for the data you've reported above.

    Institution: University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402)
    User ID: 29C0011
    Part F - Student-to-Faculty Ratio
    Please provide your institution's student-to-faculty ratio (i.e., student-to-instructional staff) for Fall 2009. The student-to-faculty ratio and any accompanying context that is provided will be displayed on College Navigator.

    Note: Logic in this item is similar to item I-2 from the Common Data Set data collection.

    Click here to use a worksheet to help you determine the student-to-faculty ratio
      Student-to-faculty ratio   to 1
    You may use the space below to provide context for the data you've reported above.
    These context notes will be posted on the College Navigator website, and should be written to be understood by students and parents.

    Institution:  University of Missouri-Kansas City (178402) User ID:  29C0011
    Explanation Report
    There are no explanations for selected survey and institution