ࡱ> M Fbjbj== PWWZl4<h,<I%dJJF$$$$$$$$& ( $"$i %i i i $i $i i "H$$> i<Z`$$4%0I%h$,)i )$i <<Office of the Vice President for Finance & Administration 215 University Hall Columbia, Missouri Telephone (573) 882-3611 Fax (573) 882=6809 University of Missouri system COLUMBIA KANSAS CITY ROLLA ST. LOUIS an equal opportunity institution December 16, 2002 To: Debbie Braun Barb Breen Art Brooks Cindy Clements Jennifer Doll Steve Graham Lawrence Kaptain Karen Kirkwood Craig Klimczak Linda Koch Cindy Martin Pat Morton Mike Nolan Ben Phelps Tom Eyssell Pat Schwartz Laura Stoll Larry Westermeyer Nancy Zielke David Saphian Kandis Smith Michael Ray From: Natalie Nikki Krawitz, Vice President for Finance and Administration Re: Task Force on Reporting Strategies Vice Presidents Steve Lehmkuhle, Ralph Caruso, Ken Hutchinson, and I are sponsoring a Task Force on Reporting Strategies. The task force is to recommend to the Vice Presidents an overall plan that the University would implement to enhance reporting capabilities of administrative and academic units. Enclosed you will find a preliminary description of activities. This recommendation will be presented to the Vice Presidents no later than the end of May 2003. The task force will need to examine: How can the University enhance reporting capabilities and respond to the data needs of faculty, administrators, and staff? How can the University address these reporting needs in the short-term during PeopleSoft implementation and in the long-term once PeopleSoft is fully implemented? What strategies are needed to leverage new technologies and best practices to support reporting? What resources, if any, are needed to implement any proposed interim and long-term reporting strategies? The Task Force will be chaired by Bob Mullen, Assistant Director of Institutional Research and Planning. The membership of the Task Force will consist of representatives of each major functional area and campus. You have been recommended as a Task Force member, and I hope you will be willing and able to participate. Please forward to Bob Mullen your willingness to serve on this Task Force. At this time, the specific tasks of the Task Force are still being formulated, but we are anticipating that the group will need to meet no more than four times over the next few months. Once Bob has heard from each member, our office will make arrangements for the first meeting of the task force for early January. Thank you. cc: Manuel Pacheco, President General Officers Task Force on Reporting Strategies Preliminary Description of Activities The Task Force is to recommend an overall reporting strategy to the University Vice Presidents. While the Task Force will be rather large about 15 members, great care is being taken to have members that are representative of each major administrative system, each level of the University, as well as each campus. The Task Force will include several faculty members representing academic administration, staff, and end-users from departmental and divisional levels, and managers of functional areas. The finance, human resources, and student areas each have representatives on the group and there are liaisons with financial aid and grants and grants managers. While compiling the list of recommended members, an ancillary list of advisors was also developed. The advisors are those in the University community who need to be informed and apprised of the groups activities and will provide input on draft recommendations via email and phone calls. In addition to this group of advisors, the Task Force will sponsor focus group meetings on each of the campuses. The campus focus groups will enable the Task Force to solicit, from a variety of levels and functional areas, common areas of information and data needed to support reporting system-wide. The findings from these focus groups will become an integral part of the recommended strategy that the Task Force will compile. It is expected that the Task Force will meet four times, in Columbia, between January and the end of April of 2003. Each meeting tentatively has been scheduled to address the following areas: Meeting 1: Team Charge, scope, organization, and goals. What are the current reporting plans? How are people meeting current reporting needs? Begin discussions needed to develop an interim plan for reporting. Meeting 2: What are other PeopleSoft higher education customers doing for reporting? What are some of the Best Practices from the higher education community? Presentation of the campus focus group findings. Meeting 3: Complete presentation of the campus focus group findings. What UM/campus resources are needed? Completion of first draft of recommendation. Meeting 4: Completion of recommendations. Presentation to Vice Presidents. Schedule of follow-up activities for Task Force and/or members.  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