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reports – they are out there, but may not be working well for everyone Queries in Finance – not widely used/users aren’t trained Feeders Daily and monthly processingSystem/Functional problems – Encumbrances Grant/Project reporting – does not provide what those users need Revenues – shows billed but not collected System performance is an issue – down time Consistency and data integrity No high-level campus reporting MOBIUS Not user friendly Hard to use Users unaware of availabilityKnowledgeable users Timing/accuracy of feeders Format/presentation of reports are poor Creates rework or dual data entry No effective repository for reports are created centrallyWeb reports QueriesPerformance measures/ratios Position management Fee data by college/schoolEducation/Training – on reports we already have Common repository for reports Testing reports/changes – make sure users’ needs are metHREmployees getting paid Single instance ad hoc reporting by technical staff Some reports and queries (developed by technical staff) are being providedCross instance reporting Delivered reports are not adequate Effective dated tables are not good for reporting Due to complexity of data structure, the average user cannot produce a report, i.e. labels No data dictionary and standards Joining tables (PS Query limitations) Effective dating is complex Limited reporting tools available to average userReporting instance access Various reportsData dictionary Ad hoc reporting by end users Management reportsCross instance access easier Improve tools and train users on data access Design and implement data warehouse/data mart structures Create/cultivate technical positions to work with functional  StudentDownloaded data easily accessed by non-technical functional staff Four-campus, mandated reports, written by UM/MIS office (so they are all the same) Functional users knowledgeable of data structure and can provide information as needed to technical staff Campuses have the tools for production and ad hoc reporting Web applications Highly technical staff working with users Improvements are not being made in legacy because focus is on PS implementation – changes on hold Difficult to hire staff with experience in legacy tools When downloads don’t work, refreshed data is not available No UMDW refresh on all SIS tables at MU Need to closely define selection criteria Time, due to volume of requests Everything related to student records Some HR dataUMDW HR crosswalk table (SSN, EmplID) HR address dataSystems need to be continuously improved and at the time, understandably, legacy is not With institutional need-to-know, data should be accessible (HR) Academic AffairsFinance/Accounting system Responsiveness of person asked for informationGrants Payroll Added burden we put on HR staff HAMP reportsDo not know what is available Time required for IR to respond to complex ad hoc reportsAlmost nothing, other than pulling FBMO information off web Admissions/exceptions/session Enrollment Faculty work loads End of date on grants Weekly report on account deficits Vacation/sick leave balances Increase documentation requirement on ProcardIRGeneral access to data (IPEDS, etc.) SQR’sSecurity (complicated) Integrated reporting capablility Full understanding of table and data structure in PeopleSoft Disseminating of reports Inadequate central response (except for Ben) MOBIUS “POC” Documentation (absence of – what’s there and how to use) Security Retaining and integrating data from a variety of sourcesPeopleSoft: GL, Student, Grant Non-PeopleSoft UIDS, UMDW, MOBIUSGift information Documentation TrendMake security less ponderous Searchable, quality documentation Exchange of information between users Make sure reports tie Document business processes of users Platform that allows different levels of access to data, use of various tools “Drill-down” capabilities End/Fiscal UsersHR query (UMR) Processing electronic JE’s Use of classes to certain degreeFinancial reports No encumbrance on IS IS & BU don’t balance Can’t get encumbrance by class IS “Checklist” often missing transactions Incorrect encumbrance Encumbrance drill-down YTD Actual drill-down on IS – include more than they should Can’t print PeopleSoft screens FY02 year-end close!!!!Encumbrances not in format neededShadow (i.e. electronic 60s) “programs”DeptID reports not in format needed Leave accrual reports do not show current hours processed (just balances and YTD taken) (call Linda for solution) Report of JEs processedTraining – what’s out there for us to utilize Look at what will truly eliminate “shadow systems,” i.e. allow for adjusting encumbrances Involve more true end users Fiscal officers communication (campus and system-wide) Attachment A – Page  PAGE 6 \ˆ°6 »ĻŠÖ×ŲŁŚŻüłóźåźŪźó0JCJmHnHu0JCJj0JCJU 5CJ\CJ5\ 0[\aw‘ō%Zˆ‰”•–—˜™š›œžŸ ”¢żżųļééééééä¼éééééééééééééééFf$If $$Ifa$$a$»Üżż¢£¤„¦§Ø©Ŗ«­®Æ°±ü6>[y†ĒńłłłłłłłłłļļļļļŲŲŲŲŲĮĮŲ & F ĘhÜ„Ü„ćž$If^„Ü`„ćž & F ĘŠ¬„¬„U’$If^„¬`„U’ Ęu$If$Ifń;Zat€ž²ĶõQ]e•°ąž7 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