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How can the University address these reporting needs in the short-term during PeopleSoft implementation and in the long-term once PeopleSoft is fully implemented? What strategies are needed to leverage new technologies and best practices to support reporting? What resources, if any, are needed to implement any proposed interim and long-term reporting strategies? THE RESPONSE Task Force Structure and Activities The Task Force consisted of representatives of each major functional area and campus. Bob Mullen, Assistant Director of Institutional Research and Planning, chaired the Task Force. Dr. Bonnie Bourne, Consultant, provided support for the Task Force and facilitated the meetings. A list of Task Force members can be found in Appendix A. The task force: examined the Universitys reporting environment and identified causes of reporting difficulties; identified reporting Internal Best Practices at the University of Missouri; reviewed reporting Best Practices at other higher education institutions; conducted over 30 focus group sessions system-wide and talked to over 350 faculty, staff, students, and administrators; formulated an overall Reporting Strategy; and formulated long-term and short-term reporting recommendations. FINDINGS Causes of Reporting Difficulties The task force discovered that many critical reporting needs at all levels (operational, analytical, and executive) are not being met. The University of Missouris reporting environment has the following shortcomings: Information needs of the University of Missouri from the highest level down to the end user level are not consistently being met. Academic information needs are particularly problematic (see Appendix B). Duplication of effort and inefficient use of resources. Highly complex data structures. Lack of data element dictionary and end-user documentation available to users for both the operational systems and current reporting environment. Lack of widely distributed standardized tools. End users have inadequate training. End users have inadequate access to data to perform their jobs. Inadequate resources to meet the current reporting needs. Cross-application reporting is very difficult. Person, not process, dependency for data accuracy and information reporting. High levels of frustration with current reporting environment. Internal Best Practices The University of Missouri faculty and staff are using the following practices that facilitate reporting: Use of internally developed web-reports and ability to download data from web. Willingness to share reporting solutions informally. Ability to do simple queries using PeopleSoft Query. Ability to drill down to details in some reports. Existing legacy data warehouses and data marts as well as transitional tables to make reporting a continuous process while PeopleSoft is being implemented. Best Practices from Other Institutions The Task Force reviewed how other institutionssingle campus as well as multiple campus entitiessupport reporting processes. Institutions which appear to have well-developed reporting strategies have the following characteristics: Well developed, in-depth reporting and data access strategies and plans. Transaction systems and reporting/decision support functions are separate but coordinated entities. Integrated data stores or data warehouses to support their reporting and strategic planning needs. Established new processes, functions, units, and roles to support reporting. Decision support/reporting environments are university-wide, crossing traditional organizational and functional boundaries. Conclusions The current reporting environment is inefficient and does not adequately address the overall reporting needs of the organization. This limits the range of data available for strategic planning and operational decision-making. To improve reporting and information access, the task force recommends that a new reporting and analytic environment be established with the following characteristics: Provides a central repository for enterprise data used in reporting and analysis. Contains accessible data with data structures optimized for reporting and analysis. Is user driven. Incorporates external, comparative, and historical data. Incorporates cross-functional information from multiple transaction systems and data sources. Incorporates benchmarking information. Provides quality data and information with greater data reliability, accuracy, consistency, timeliness, and completeness. Fosters collaboration among technical staff, functional staff, and end users to meet the clients need for information. Leverages/maximizes the value of investment in current and proposed IT technology plans. Outcomes of this environment include: Reduces inefficiencies and duplication of efforts. Empowers end-users by making data and information available in an intuitive format. Provides a flexible environment to meet a wide range of end-user needs and skill levels. Provides a long-term strategy that can support reporting from multiple administrative systems and vendors. Ensures continuous process-improvement of reporting. Provides ready access to external comparative data. RECOMMENDED STRATEGY The recommended reporting strategy is to create a user-driven information repository separate from the transactional systems. This repository will serve as a single source for reporting and information needs. It will be collaboratively designed and maintained, utilizing as a foundation the existing expertise of the various business units of the University of Missouri system. The new reporting strategy establishes reporting as a process and develops one of the Universitys vital resources. RECOMMENDATIONS A successful reporting strategy encompasses more than technology. Therefore, the recommendations address four inter-related dimensions: technology, organization, people, and process. Technology The Task Force recommends a technical infrastructure for data and reporting comprised of components to meet a variety of end-user needs and skills. Definitions of underlined terms are in Appendix C. Create an Information Repository that is independent of underlying transaction systems. The Information Repository includes (but is not limited to): Current Reporting Instances - snapshots of the transaction systems taken on a regular basis and used primarily for operational reporting needs. Data Warehouses - a complete store of enterprise-wide data optimized for reporting. Data Marts - a subset of transformed or summarized data optimized to facilitate data analysis. Report Library - a centralized, organized repository containing categorized links to day-to-day managerial as well as analytical data and reports. The repository will utilize the web and other technologies to empower the users in their reporting activities. Organization In order to ensure that reporting needs are met at all levels, the reporting strategy recommends an organizational structure that builds links between system, campus, and business unit executives, functional leaders, technical staff, and end-users. The Task Force explored several organizational structures to support the recommendations of the Task Force. As a result of these discussions, the Task Force recommends: One UM System Vice-President be identified as an executive owner and sponsor of the organization and resources needed to implement these recommendations. This executive will ensure system-wide coordination and accountability, provide the resources needed, and oversee the creation and maintenance of the Information Repository. The executive sponsor appoints a system-wide point person. This point person will be responsible for the design and creation of the Information Repository as well as facilitating communications between end-users, functional user groups, and technical staff. Using a similar model, each campus or business unit needs a liaison or executive sponsor, appointed by the campus Chancellor or business units CEO. The campus executive sponsor will provide accountability and coordination at the campus or business unit level. They also act as the chief liaison with the system executive sponsor and point person. Following the model at the system level, each campus or business unit needs to have a point person for operational needs. This person must possess a comprehensive knowledge of their respective campus or business unit functions and reporting needs. The position will be directly involved in the design, creation, and maintenance of the system-wide Information Repository as well as working with campus constituents to help resolve campus or business unit specific reporting needs. This structure will enable individual campuses and business units to meet their own unique reporting needs while also providing a mechanism for centralized development and maintenance of a system-wide Information Repository to meet common reporting needs. Information needs and technical expertise currently resident on individual campuses or business units can be channeled into the creation of the system-wide Information Repository through the operational point person. (See Appendix D). People To achieve its vision for reporting and information, technical and functional human resources must be aligned to support this vision by: Creating work teams of functional leaders, technical staff, and end users to develop the Information Repository. Campus, system, technical, and functional staff working collaboratively, on a project-by-project basis, to implement these recommendations. Continuing investment in people via training, sponsoring of formal/informal users groups, and functional area meetings. Processes Processes must be in place to allow people within the organization to make effective use of technology. These processes must encourage and facilitate communication among end-users, technical staff, and functional staff, as well as encourage the sharing of solutions and resources at all levels. Establish mechanisms by which end-users can share needs, issues, and solutions among themselves, technical staff, and functional staff. Institute a continuous process of feedback via Focus Groups, surveys, and direct communications with the units responsible for implementing the recommendations. INTERIM STRATEGY Implementing many of the changes outlined by the Task Force will involve considerable amounts of time, energy, and talent to accomplish. There are, however, a number of first steps that were identified in order to help in the short term. Technical and functional groups currently part of the implementation teams work collaboratively to immediately evaluate and address selected quick wins as identified by the Task Force (See Appendix E). Perform an immediate technical and functional review of current software tools for extracting data and reporting. Following the review, any recommendations for new software, hardware, and/or consulting services needed should be evaluated and a recommendation forwarded to the University General Officers/CEO. Attention be given to the unmet reporting needs of executive and academic administrators. With UM System Academic Affairs' facilitation and leadership, faculty and academic administrators at various levels in the organization will begin creating consistent definitions and measures of data and the identification of the units of analysis. When, and where appropriate, functional and technical staff will be brought into the discussions. REQUIRED RESOURCES Developing a robust reporting strategy requires material investment in people, hardware, software, and training. The current reporting environment cannot be sustained. It is not possible to implement these strategies and recommendations without dedicating new resources or realigning existing resources. Appendices Appendix A. Task Force Members Appendix B: Academic Administration Information Needs Appendix C Information Repository Component Descriptions and Definitions Appendix D Organization of Roles and Responsibilities Appendix E: Quick Wins by Campus Please note, additional information including Task Force meeting minutes, Focus Group notes, the Task Force charge, characteristics of an Effective Reporting Strategy, copies of all presentations made during the meetings, a review of best practices and how other institutions have organized their reporting support, a list of quick wins and themes can be found at the following web URL:  HYPERLINK "http://www.system.missouri.edu/planning/taskforce.html" http://www.system.missouri.edu/planning/taskforce.html Appendix A. Task Force Members  Appendix B: Academic Administration Information Needs It became clear at both the Task Force meetings as well as Focus Group sessions that the greatest, and perhaps most critical gap between information need and information availability was among academic administrators, ranging from Department Chairs to Provosts. More specifically the Task Force members were struck by the acute need for accurate academic reporting in light of Task Force on the Reduction of Academic Costs recommendations, the new Program Viability Audits, and other responses to current economic challenges requiring timely and accurate data and information on faculty productivity, student learning outcomes, and other viability measures that cut across each of the major administrative functional areas. The best use of the intellectual capital and cultural assets of this institution requires having accurate and essential information. The most obvious challenge in academic reporting supportis related to the information needs of department chairs through Provosts. At the present time, there are many separate reports at the System, campus, and academic units levels that are often complex and lack the integration of data and information for the Universitys various administrative systems. These reports tend to support specific functional areas, but not the cross-functional perspective and needs of academic administration. It has become clear that a systematic approach is needed to support the specific information needs of academic administration. From the Task Force discussions, as well as the input from faculty and academic administrators attending the many Focus Group sessions, there evolved some profound examples of specific academic reporting needs not currently being met in an effective manner: Cost recovery Student headcount and credit hour (SCH) reporting Faculty teaching productivity Research productivity and success Cost effectiveness Student demand Student Satisfaction Comparative and historical data. Additionally, from the Focus Group sessions, here are some specific comments from individuals in the academic sector: In my perfect world this is what would occur at any point, our student credit hours would be able to be transferred into a formula to show that with this amount of students, we could expect in budget at this time of year. Student credit hours would be an in formula. Have a faculty load printout as it relates to productivity so we have a unit target maybe print out the full time faculty and we have a target of 270 credit hours in a semester then it would be there. Cost recovery what is the formula what are the elements and how can they be generated on a regular basis? Transparent admission process so that at any point we could call up the admission process and see exactly what this student needs to get in UMKC tracking of the status of the students faculty get very frustrated trying to get good students in and cant tell why they cant be in. Student Retention report. Need to be able to track co-curricular activities of students, their scholarships, and achievements so we can target alumni to help us financially with our program. A better system of tracking alumni a university or campus wide or by school (Several said this) and we also need profile of our students. I had a chance to work on an alumni effort and I had no idea that we had no data on our successful graduates. Student retention information especially transfer students many have transferred from other institutions. Room usage needed to re-calculate the indirect cost recovery rate trying to find the information that we need to determine which closets were closets and not research labs and what it was used for we need a central room inventory and who is in them. We had to actually get employee id numbers and how they were being paid. Space issues for externally funded research. Development records we need to know what goes on in this office and how it relates to us. We also need access to the office of development records on what are they doing for us who they have contacted, and who they have gotten money from. Academic Reporting for planning and resource allocations. The information needs of academic administrators are not simply lists of students needing advising or lists of faculty coming up for tenure. Rather they are more complex and often require integrating data from all internal administrative data systems as well as external systems to better support our student needs and the critical missions of the University instruction, research, public service, and economic development. Appendix C Information Repository Component Descriptions and Definitions The Information Repository Architecture includes (but is not limited to): Current Reporting Instances: These instances, for each of the major administrative systems, are snapshots of the transaction systems taken on a regular basis, usually daily. This process needs to continue and is essential to preventing contention between reporting and operational processes. The instances' main uses will be for operational and limited ad hoc reporting needs. It is likely that few beyond the technical groups responsible for the production systems will need to use these instances. The standard tools for accessing the reporting instances will include PeopleSoft delivered tools, such as PS Query, nVision, Crystal, and where applicable, SQR, native SQL, and OBDC connectivity. The data are structured as replicas of the operational systems and will be highly normalized and complex in nature. Data warehouses: The data warehouse will contain a complete and consistent store of enterprise-wide data from a variety of sources. The data warehouse contains data optimized for reporting so end users can access them intuitively in a business or functional context. The warehouse will be built to be the primary source for many end-user and functional analysts as well as being the source for most standard management information and reporting. The number of tables will be far fewer than what is found in the reporting instances, the data less complex, and structured to optimize reporting. While the data will tend to be less timely (depending on end-user needs) than what is in the reporting instances, there will be greater business intelligence or value added to the data. The tools for access include those previously mentioned in addition to supported reporting and analytical tools as well as web based tools for analysis, synthesizing, and disseminating data and information. Data Marts, Functional Tables, and Report Libraries: The data marts and functional tables will be a subset of transformed or summarized data fed from the data warehouses. These tables are optimized to facilitate data analysis related to distinct questions and information needs. The data marts and functional tables represent data and tables that are highly de-normalized that incorporate specific business rules or intelligence into the tables. From these, specific analytical and decision support applications are to be built as well as tables designed for integrating data across the system as well as across the administrative systems. Examples of this information are data structures and tables specifically designed to support the reporting and analysis or cost recovery, faculty instructional loads, academic and administrative unit profiles to support strategic planning, as well as an executive information system incorporating the Universitys strategic planning indicators at the System level as well at each major academic and administrative unit level. External data for peer analysis will also be accessible in this area of the Information Repository. Tools for accessing the data will tend be highly analytical and will focus on multidimensional data reporting. The Report Library is envisioned as a centralized, organized web-space containing categorized links to day-to-day managerial as well as analytical data and reports. These web based reports will range from standard fixed reports to standard reports that can be modified on a limited bases by end-users to those reports supporting benchmarking models, cross-functional analysis, and executive level information. The Report Library will, when completed, provide a one-stop source for most reports and data to provide more ready access to information by end users and decision-makers. The diagram below depicts the major components of the Information Repository Architecture described above. Critical to the success of this Information Repository is that as data are moved from the reporting instance and gains additional business intelligence, it remain consistent and intuitive to the analyst and decision maker.  Appendix D Organization of Roles and Responsibilities System Level Roles and Responsibilities: 1. Executive sponsorship and ownership at VP/General Officer level Provides accountability for implementation. Assists in removing barriers to implementation. Provides resources (physical, technical, human resources, etc.) for implementation. Sets overall implementation policy. Supervises system point person (see responsibilities below). System point person, appointed by executive sponsor, for operational needs. Fills gap between functional offices and end users. Provides a direct communication link to Information Repository end-users. Designs and implements cross application requirements for the Information Repository. Responsible for implementation and maintenance of Information Repository. Facilitates and coordinates design and implementation process for data warehouses, data marts, and non-operational reporting. Works under guidance of executive sponsor and with system-wide functional users groups and officers. Maintain existing structure of cross campus/business unit functional groups. Campus/Business Unit Roles and Responsibilities Liaison or campus or business unit level sponsor, appointed by Chancellor or CEO. Provides campus level accountability for implementation. Assists in removing campus barriers to implementation. Provides campus level resources (physical, technical, human resources, etc.) for implementation. Advocates at the campus level overall implementation policy. Supervises Campus operational point person (see responsibilities below). Campus or business unit point person, appointed by Chancellor or CEO, for operational needs. Fills gap between campus functional offices and end users. Provides campus level communication links to Information Repository end-users. Assists in designing and implementing cross-application requirements for the Information Repository. Assists in the implementation and maintenance of Information Repository. Facilitates and coordinates design and implementation process for data warehouses, data marts, and non-operational reporting. Helps coordinate campus and business units to resolve specific campus information need. Works under guidance of campus liaison and campus functional user groups and officers. Characteristics of all roles: Commitment and passion for project. Point person needs to be dedicated solely to this role. Adequate resources must be made available. Common understanding about mission and vision of these key actors. Appendix E: Quick Wins by Campus UMC Increase number of table joins allowed Identify needed tables and grant access More user groups and appropriate level Publicize what is there now (e.g., finance) Opening up ability to create public queries More canned reports Identify process to get things fixed Access to more panels (e.g., addresses) More staff UMSL Remove inaccurate reports. Improve communications. User groups. Define and implement a formal end user review process to examine existing reports and suggest future enhancements. Publicize available reports. Reporting help web site. Web site of existing central data. Data element dictionary. HR/Payroll reporting. Offer more training focused on appropriate audiences. Identify, implement, and publicize a widely accessible problem and reporting tracking system. Include status of current problems during OTO. Enhance access to data and applications. Increase number of table joins that are allowed. Identify tables needed and grant access. Wider access to panels. Streamline procedure for obtaining access. Allow direct printing from PS panels. Ability to encumber funds for non-purchase order expenses with automatic reduction as disbursement occurs. Form 60 data entry and reporting improvements. Search capabilities in web time. UMR Improve training Improve process documentation Make grants module work Make less cumbersome to become authorized/access Enhance communication Sort/print HR reports by campus Implement Resource 25 Print quicker/Mobius slow/make easier Print PS screens ability Vacation sick leave reporting UMKC Inventory/Catalog of existing reports Training-End User vs. Faculty vs. Sr. Administrator Cost Recovery Information Timely What it means (training) Budget ReportIncome statement format that includes encumbrances Encumbrances reporting on payroll HR/Payroll Reporting Understanding whats available Leave absences, etc. Positions up for P/T Website of existing central data SCH Faculty workloads Budget Sr. Mgt campus budget/financial reports User Groups more frequent System performance availability ACADEMIC Data element dictionary Academic Titles Grants Training SCH SYSTEM Analyze campus issues and have a technical person write queries Offer more query training Reporting help web site List of tables and what they contain Helpful hints 4. 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Cindy Martin DBA (573) 884-0902 martincy@umsystem.edu UM Sys. Bill Edwards Director of Compensation (573) 882-3006 edwardsw@umsystem.edu UM Sys. Bob Mullen Ast Director IRP (573) 882-0004 mullenrw@umsystem.edu UM Sys. Bonita Lenger Executive Assistant (573) 882-2412 lengerb@umsystem.edu UM Sys. Bonnie Bourne Consultant (573) 874-7765 bourneb@umsystem.edu UM Sys. Donna Johanning Accounting (573) 882-3056 johanningd@umsystem.edu UM Sys. Jennifer Doll Interim Controller (573) 882-4286 dolljl@umsystem.edu UM Sys. Kandis Smith Assistant VP (573) 882-6397 smithka@umsystem.edu UM Sys. Mardy Eimers Director, IRP (573) 882-3412 eimersm@umsystem.edu UM Sys. Randy Sade Administrative Assistant (573) 882-2778 sader@umsystem.edu UM Sys. Steve Graham Associate VP (573) 884-3360 grahams@umsystem.edu UM Hosp. Michael Ray Director, Data Analysis (573) 884-8217 rayml@health.missouri.edu UMC Barb Breen Engineering (573) 882-2423 breenb@missouri.edu UMC Michael Nolan Professor (573) 882-2745 nolanm@missouri.edu UMC Pat Morton Director, IR (573) 882-4077 mortond@missouri.edu UMC Pat Schwartz Associate Director, SIS (573) 882-0021 schwartzp@missouri.edu UMKC Craig Klimczak CIO (816) 235-2660 klimczakj@umkc.edu UMKC Laurence Kaptain Assistant Provost (816) 235-1107 kaptainl@umkc.edu UMKC Nancy Zielke Assistant Vice Chancellor (816) 235-2757 zielken@umkc.edu UMR Art Brooks Director, ADP (573) 341-4841 artb@umr.edu UMR Cynthia Clements Adm Assistant, Engineering (573) 341-6067 clements@umr.edu UMR David Saphian Director, IR (573) 341-4954 saphian@umr.edu UMR Laura Stoll Registrar (573) 341-4081 lstoll@umr.edu UMSL Debbie Braun Manager, Business/Fiscal (314) 516-5919 braund@umsl.edu UMSL Karen Kirkwood Manager, Business/Fiscal (314) 516-6008 kirkwoodk@umsl.edu UMSL Larry Westermeyer Director (314) 516-4010 westermeyerl@umsl.edu UMSL Tom Eyssell Dean (314) 516-6273 eyssellt@umsl.edu   46DF[]`bln~&(=?FHRTdftvB*CJaJph5B*CJ\aJph5B*CJ\aJphjCJUmHnHuS  56EF\]abmn n'(>?GHSSTefuv)*23(*13BDNP^`wy*,9;IK_ahjtv   - / = ? 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