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Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleLight16`BTable 1gTable 2 wTable 3"Table 4DTable 5ATable 6Table 7Table 8|Table 9Table 10Table 11  +Native and Transfers, Fall 1990 - Fall 2000Native TransfersTotal New StudentsTransfers as % of new students Fall TermUMCUMKCUMRUMSLTotalChange: IRP: 8/20/016Source: Fall Enrollment Reports, Fall 1990 - Fall 2000(Graduation Rates by Credit Hours and GPA Student GPA:Less than 2.50 2.50 - 2.99 3.00 - 3.49 3.50 or moreTransfer Credit Hours:Students24-3536-4748-59Over 60 IRP: 09/08/01Sex EthnicityAgeAfrican-Asian-Other/StandardFemaleMaleWhiteAmericanHispanicUnknownAverage Deviation System Total IRP: 10/02/01Source: Insitutional Data FilesITable 3. Degree Status and Institutional Origin of University of Missouri&Transfer Students, 1991 - 1994 Cohorts Degree StatusInstitution Origin TransferAAOtherNoUMDegree2 Yr.4 Yr. Campus IRP: 06/22/01ITable 1. Number and Percent of First-time, Degree-Seeking Undergraduate,<Table 2. Sex, Ethnicity, and Age of University of Missouri 'Transfer Students, 1991 - 1994 Cohorts CTable 4. GPA of Students Tranferring to the University of Missouri,1991 - 1994 Cohorts# of< 2.50 2.50 to 2.99 3.00 to 3.493.50 +GPA IRP: 08/21/01FTable 5. Total Credit Hours Transferred to the University of Missouri, of Transfer+Percentage of Students in Credit Hour Range Average Hrs.24 to 3536 to 4748 to 59 60 or above Transferred0Table 6. Number and Percent of Transfer Students.Who Graduated from the University of Missouri,Students Who GraduatedNumber* Percentage IRP: 05/25/011* Within six years after entering the University. Students Who-Percentage of Transfer Graduates per Category Average yrs Graduated< 2 yrs 2 to 3 yrs 3 to 4 yrs 5 or More to Graduate IRP: 08/22/01 4 to 5 yrs=Table 7. Number of Years to Degree for Transfer Students Who Source: Institutional Data FilesCTable 8. Dropout Patterns of Transfer Students, 1991 - 1994 CohortsYearFirstSecondThirdFourthFifthSixth+Number of Transfer Students Who Dropped Out6As a Percentage of all Dropouts in the 1991-94 Cohorts7As a Percentage of all Transfers in the 1991-94 Cohorts IRP: 08/30/01Source: Instituional Data Files8Table 9. Transfer Student Graduation Rates by Ethnicity Non-HispanicMinority95% WaldConfidence LimitsEffectTransferred to UMRPositive Transfer GPATransferred to UMCTransfer HoursPost-Secondary DegreeNegativeOther Discipline'Transferred from a Missouri InstitutionScience Discipline* p <.01 IRP: 09/25/01 Variables Found as Significant:*EstimatePoint 8Table 10. Logistic Regression Results, Fall 1991 - 1994 Transfer Success (Graduation)FTable 11. 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