Missouri University of Science and Technology is partnering with to give technical communication students hands-on experience with industry-standard software.
Through its , Adobe is providing a free license for its Technical Communication Suite 5 collection of software programs. The agreement, valued at $52,000, will allow students to develop fundamental skills in the field of technical communication and will give them access to a repository of free online training materials, including seminars, videos and whitepapers.
“This agreement with Adobe will allow our students to stay up-to-date with the latest software in their technical communication suite,” says Dr. David Wright, associate professor of English and technical communication at Missouri S&T. “A solid background in these programs, which are the industry standard, will give our students a competitive advantage in the workforce. Students in almost any of our courses can take advantage of one or a combination of these tools.”
Adobe’s Technical Communication Suite 5 includes FrameMaker, RoboHelp, Captivate, Presenter and Acrobat – all programs technical communication students could encounter in their chosen profession.
Reviewed 2015-03-19