Charlie Hoffman struggles to contain his excitement and eagerness whenever he discusses the vision for the planned building at the
Hoffman, dean of the college, sees the forthcoming facility as a crucial asset to the St. Louis economy, and he’s not alone.
“This year we have some of our corporate friends helping us – Anheuser-Busch, Edward Jones, Enterprise and Express Scripts,” he said. “They see the need for this – the impact it will have on the region’s future work force and economic development and so they are reaching out to legislative leaders on our behalf.”
UMSL is seeking $10 million from the Higher Education Capital Fund in order to start construction later this year. The fund, created in 2012, allows universities to request matching government funds for new construction. The college has raised $18 million in private funds – $8 million of which are planned gifts.
Reviewed 2014-03-06