At CAFNR's research centers, working with other universities is the norm
On a summer day last year, Horticulture Specialist Shon Bishop walked into the high tunnel greenhouse at . The center in Mt. Vernon, owned by the , recently installed the hoop house for a variety of studies on vegetables and other growing opportunities.
“I am doing a variety trial with tomatoes and some other vegetables,” said Bishop. “These high tunnels are great because they are cost effective and help extend the growing season by a couple of weeks.”
But Bishop is not one of MU’s many specialists. He is from , another land-grant university in Jefferson City that often doesn’t get the acclaim of the flag-ship Mizzou campus in Columbia.
The two institutions, along with other campuses across the state and nation, are working together for the greater good, providing the best research for our country’s producers.
The Southwest Research Center is one of owned by CAFNR. Since its inception in 1959, the center has teamed up with numerous organizations and institutions.
“I have worked a lot in the past with and their in Mountain Grove,” said Horticulturist Andrew Thomas. “It’s been great to have a second site where I can test fruit crops such as pawpaw and persimmon. They have been great to work with over the years.”
Thomas also has several elderberry test plots at Southwest Research Center, but appreciates the opportunity for a second test plot at in Jefferson City.
in Columbia also benefits from work done with Lincoln University.
“We have worked for years with native plant demonstrations and educational events with Dr. Nadia Navarette-Tindall from Lincoln University Cooperative Extension,” said Tim Reinbott, superintendent at Bradford Research Center. “Lately we have had a lot of success with our annual Tomato Festival thanks to help from Lincoln University. Dr. Jamie Pinero, assistant professor and State IPM Specialist; Steven Kirk, commercial vegetable program field supervisor; and Research Technician Grato Ndunguru. All have been wonderful to work with.”
Reviewed 2014-04-21