Student teams from have been working this semester on 11 engineering projects for the economic development of Sullivan, Mo.
Students enrolled in Dr. Joan Schuman’s Introduction to Project Management service-learning course have been assigned to help develop a vision and subsequent work plan for projects requested by the city of Sullivan related to infrastructure, tourism, recreation, beautification and other improvements.
The student teams will present their final project briefings to the community, including real-world work plans, budgets and projected work schedules to Sullivan’s residents beginning at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 5, at the Sullivan Fire Protection District House No. 5, located at 1230 N. Church St. in Sullivan, Mo. The presentations are open to the public.
The city’s needs vary in size and scope, and the student projects range from big to small. Some examples include expanding the city’s animal shelter and enclosing an existing part to make it more functional, building a new training facility for the city’s fire academy and renovating the 20-year-old city pool.
“The class is a practical experience for the students,” explains Schuman, an assistant teaching professor of engineering management and systems engineering at S&T. “Having real projects with real clients is a hands-on learning approach, which benefits both the students and the communities.”
Reviewed 2013-12-11