Chemistry and environmental studies major Callie Nguyen was recognized for her academic achievement and participation in programs outside the classroom.
The University of Missouri-Kansas City Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management named Callie Nguyen a 2007 Honor Award recipient, one of only 10 such graduating seniors to be commended for both her academic achievements and commjunity involvement.
UMKC established the honor award program in 1975 to recognize graduating seniors who excelled in academic achievement, involvement in university program and service to the campus and surrounding community. Involvements include student government, clubs and organizations, debate, athletics, visual and performing arts and community service.
Nguyen, an Excelsior Springs native, is a graduate of Excelsior Springs High School. At UMKC, she has pursued a duel major in chemistry and environmental studies. Her involvements have included participation in the College Democrats, Geology Club, Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society, the Environmental Studies Student Association and the Pre-Medical Society.
Reviewed 2013-02-18