In its ongoing series “Schools that Work,” —an online resource for educators—has featured the high-impact, professional development programs provided by the University of Missouri’s eMINTS program.
Since 1999, eMINTS () has provided professional development through interactive group sessions and in-classroom coaching/mentoring to help teachers integrate technology into their teaching.
The feature focused on work being done at Hartville Elementary School in Hartville, Mo. The rural town with a population of just over 600 had struggled with a lack of technology resources and access to professional development opportunities. However, the school district secured a grant to purchase essential tech tools in 2005 and began implementing the eMINTS programs in grades 3-8.
“The Hartville district has implemented the eMINTS program at multiple grade levels from elementary through high school over the past seven years,” says Monica Beglau, executive director of the eMINTS National Center.
“The district was selected by Edutopia not only for its high levels of performance on standardized assessments but also for its strong showing on other measures of student performance such as graduation rate, number of students completing advanced courses, and career education placements.”
Reviewed 2013-01-23