Gretchen Gawer of St. Charles led a team of students to propose a new system to provide clean water for Nebraska town.
As part of a senior design project, a group of Missouri S&T students challenged themselves to help a small town in Nebraska. Led by graduating senior Gretchen Gawer, they arrived on scene in Burno, Neb., to help solve the problem of creating sustainable, clean water for this town of 141 citizens.
Bruno’s main source of revenue comes from a co-op grain storage facility. In the years before pesticide regulations during the 1940s and 1950s, the town’s main practice was to use grain fumigants to protect crop yield. Little did they know that the chemicals used seeped down into the area’s water supply causing it to be undrinkable.
Now faced with problem of a dwindling water supply, this small town in Nebraska looks upon these Missouri S&T students for help.
Reviewed 2013-02-18