Mizzou threw a huge birthday party Tuesday to celebrate the of the university’s Feb. 11, 1839, founding. Mini Mizzou played. Golden Girls danced. Truman burst through a birthday banner. We had confetti cannons. We even had birthday cake shaped like Jesse Hall.
Party-goers gathered in the MU Student Center to watch celebratory that tug at Tigers’ heartstrings and hear remarks from Chancellor R. Bowen Loftin, Graduate Professional Council President Jake Wright, Missouri Students Association President Mason Schara and Gary Link of MU Athletics.
Truman blew out the birthday candles with help from the new chancellor and , BA ’65, a member of one of Mizzou’s founding families. Afterward students lined up for presents: cupcakes, Tiger Stripe ice cream and commemorative T-shirts.
Tigers unable to attend the party watched a live stream online and tweeted comments with the hashtag . Keep sharing your birthday wishes and favorite memories; we’re celebrating all year.
Reviewed 2014-03-13