Hanna Frew participates in Platte Pet Power, an MU Extension program that prepares volunteers with animals to visit nursing homes, hospitals and family shelters to provide pet therapy.
University of Missouri Extension 4-H member Hannah Frew knows the power of pet therapy.
Hannah was seriously injured in an accident more than a year ago. While recovering, she made a special connection with a therapy dog named Dukey.
“When she first started rehab, she was just really scared, and then there was pain involved,” said Dana Frew, Hannah’s mother. “When the dog was there, it just seemed to make things better for her.”
Doctors suggested the Platte City teen get a dog of her own as part of her therapy. So the Frews adopted Maddy, a small white Westie.
Now that she’s better, Hannah wants to give back to her community.
Reviewed 2013-02-18