Quality Beef By the Numbers aims to boost producer profits.
This year’s drought has taken its toll on the livestock industry which has sold off thousands of animals because feed is too costly. A program at the may help these producers rebuild their herds with animals that produce more of the high quality grades of beef that consumers are demanding.
Quality Beef by the Numbers is a university and industry joint project to boost the supply of Choice and Prime grade beef produced in Missouri and neighboring states. The program utilizes the best genetics, production practices and management techniques to increase the percentage of cattle that grade at the two highest levels. Selling better beef will put more profits into the pockets of producers, said Mike Kasten, program director.
“This is the perfect opportunity for producers, who have been hurt by the drought, to tap into the latest technologies and the strongest markets as they rebuild their herds,” said Kasten. “Producing a high quality product is where they need to be. If you’re not involved in a program like this you’re going to find out you’re way behind the competition.”
Reviewed 2013-01-23