Chapter 230: Student Fees / en 230.010 Tuition and Supplemental Course Fees /ums/rules/collected_rules/programs/ch230/230.010_tuition_and_supplemental_course_fees <span>230.010 Tuition and Supplemental Course Fees</span> <span><span>kuscheld</span></span> <span><time datetime="2010-05-27T17:21:00+00:00" title="Thursday, May 27, 2010 - 17:21">Thu, 05/27/2010 - 17:21</time> </span> <div><p>Bd. Min. 6-29-79; Amended Bd. Min. 12-17-82; Amended Bd. Min. 5-2-86; Amended Bd. Min. 1-27-95; Amended Bd. Min. 5-4-06; Amended Bd. Min. 12-9-16; Amended Bd. Min. 2-9-17; Amended Bd. Min. 11-19-20.</p> <ol class="upperalpha"> <li><strong>Authorization and Approval </strong><br> <ol class="numeric"> <li>The Board of Curators shall set and approve tuition and supplemental course fees charged to undergraduate, graduate, and first-professional students enrolled at each&nbsp;university.</li> <li>The amount of the tuition and supplemental course fees for each student level shall be assessed for any credit course enrollment.</li> <li>The University reserves the right to make changes at any time in any or all tuition and fees without advance notice.</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Tuition and Supplemental Fee Assessment </strong><br> <ol class="numeric"> <li>Assessment of tuition and supplemental fees shall be based on the credit value of a course, a flat fee per semester, or an equivalent value in the case of a zero-credit course. Assessment of tuition and fees shall be made regardless of whether a student is enrolled in a course for credit or auditing a course.</li> <li>Residents of Missouri, as defined in Section 230.020, shall be assessed the tuition at resident rates. Students who are not residents of Missouri shall be assessed the tuition at nonresident fees.</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Tuition Waivers</strong> -- The Board delegates to the Chancellor of each University&nbsp;or his/her designate the authority to waive all or a portion of the tuition, if deemed appropriate and for sound educational purposes.</li> <li>Effective on the date of adoption hereof, the Board hereby revokes and repeals all previous rules and regulations adopted by the Board authorizing, establishing or limiting the amount of tuition, educational and supplemental course fees.&nbsp;&nbsp; This action shall not be construed to revoke or repeal any schedule or listing of educational and supplemental course fees currently in effect. The Board finds such action to be necessary for the maintenance and operation of the University.</li> </ol> </div> Thu, 27 May 2010 17:21:00 +0000 kuscheld 7516 at 230.020 Residence Determination /ums/rules/collected_rules/programs/ch230/230.020_residence_determination <span>230.020 Residence Determination</span> <span><span>kuscheld</span></span> <span><time datetime="2010-05-27T17:24:00+00:00" title="Thursday, May 27, 2010 - 17:24">Thu, 05/27/2010 - 17:24</time> </span> <div><p>Bd. Min. 6-29-79, revised Bd. Min. 10-25-85; Amended Bd. Min. 2-7-86, Amended Bd. Min 1-27-95; Amended 6-11-10; Amended 12-9-16.</p> <p>Determination of the residence of any student or prospective student for all purposes, including, but not limited to, assessment of tuition, admission to limited-enrollment programs, and eligibility for financial aid shall be based on definitions and rules promulgated by the Missouri Coordinating Board for Higher Education (Rules of Department of Higher Education 6 CSR 10-3.010 Determination of Student Residency).</p> </div> Thu, 27 May 2010 17:24:00 +0000 kuscheld 7517 at 230.040 Student Activity, Facility and Health Fees /ums/rules/collected_rules/programs/ch230/230.040_student_activity_facility_and_health_fees <span>230.040 Student Activity, Facility and Health Fees</span> <span><span>kuscheld</span></span> <span><time datetime="2010-05-27T17:26:00+00:00" title="Thursday, May 27, 2010 - 17:26">Thu, 05/27/2010 - 17:26</time> </span> <div><p>Bd. Min. 6-29-79; Amended Bd. Min. 12-17-82; Amended Bd. Min. 1-27-95; Amended Bd. Min. 6-11-10; Amended Bd. Min. 12-9-16.</p> <ol class="upperalpha"> <li>Student activity, facility and health fees shall be set and approved for each campus by the Board of Curators.</li> <li>Student activity, facility and health fees shall be assessed on the basis of the credit value of courses in which a student is enrolled, with exceptions clearly noted. Student activity, facility and health fees shall be assessed only for courses offered on the University's campuses.</li> <li>The President or Chancellors may exempt the assessment of student activity, facility and health fees when courses are offered during periods when facilities or activities supported by these fees are not scheduled or other special circumstances exist.</li> <li>Conditions leading to the waiver of tuition do not cause the student activity, facility and health fees to be waived.</li> </ol> </div> Thu, 27 May 2010 17:26:00 +0000 kuscheld 7518 at 230.050 Instructional Fee /ums/rules/collected_rules/programs/ch230/230.050_instructional_fee <span>230.050 Instructional Fee</span> <span><span>kuscheld</span></span> <span><time datetime="2010-05-27T17:27:09+00:00" title="Thursday, May 27, 2010 - 17:27">Thu, 05/27/2010 - 17:27</time> </span> <div><p>Bd. Min. 12-17-82; Amended Bd. Min. 7-22-83 &amp; 7-27-84; Amended Bd. Min. 1-27-95; Amended Bd. Min. 6-11-10; Amended Bd. Min. 2-3-12.</p> <ol class="upperalpha"> <li>An instructional fee may be charged for off-campus and special course offerings that are not delivered using eLearning technologies as the primary method, when established within a range approved by the Board of Curators. The Chancellor is delegated the authority to determine the applicability of such fees and to approve individual instructional fee rates consistent with the approved range for such fees.</li> <li>When the instructional fee is assessed, the standard tuition will not be assessed.</li> </ol> </div> Thu, 27 May 2010 17:27:09 +0000 kuscheld 7519 at 230.060 eLearning and Special Program Tuition and Fees /ums/rules/collected_rules/programs/ch230/230.060_elearning_special_program_tuition_fees <span>230.060 eLearning and Special Program Tuition and Fees</span> <span><span>kuscheld</span></span> <span><time datetime="2010-05-27T17:28:00+00:00" title="Thursday, May 27, 2010 - 17:28">Thu, 05/27/2010 - 17:28</time> </span> <div><p>Bd. Min. 2-3-12; Amended 4-10-14; Amended 12-9-16.</p> <ol class="upperalpha"> <li>Courses delivered primarily using eLearning technologies will use the following fee structure:<br> <ol class="numeric"> <li>For undergraduate courses and programs the standard undergraduate tuition for resident and non-resident students as appropriate will apply for students who attend classes on a UM campus. In some cases the courses or programs may require additional expenses and a supplemental fee may be charged with Board approval using the procedures outlined in Collected Rules and Regulations Section 230.010, Tuition and Supplemental Course Fees. Exceptions in the form of a special tuition rate may be proposed to the Board for approval.</li> <li>For non-resident distance students, the undergraduate eLearning tuition may fluctuate within the range of the current resident and non-resident rates based on market demand.</li> <li>For graduate and professional programs the tuition structure will be limited to a range approved by the Board of Curators.&nbsp; Each campus will submit a separate range for its tuition.&nbsp; The Chancellor is delegated the authority to determine the applicability of such tuition and to approve individual tuition rates consistent with the approved range for such tuition.</li> </ol> </li> <li>When a complete self-contained graduate or professional degree program is designed as one curriculum entity and the complete program involves charges for such items as course materials, travel, lodging, meal expenses, technology equipment and/or charges for other components of the program in addition to the standard tuition and fees, a comprehensive program fee may be utilized that is market-driven, provided that such comprehensive program fee is greater than the standard tuition and fees. All comprehensive program fees must be approved by the chancellor and reported to the&nbsp;President annually.</li> <li>Special fees related to a particular course or program that are designed to recover the actual additional cost of participating in the program must be approved by the Chancellor or their delegate. One example is a study abroad fee that covers student travel and lodging.</li> <li>High school dual credit courses taught off campus utilizing non-university faculty may be assessed a tuition lower than the resident undergraduate rate provided that the dual credit rate is approved by the Chancellor and reported to the President annually.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</li> </ol> </div> Thu, 27 May 2010 17:28:00 +0000 kuscheld 7589 at 230.070 Educational Assistance Program for University Employees, Other than Graduate Teaching and Research Assistants /ums/rules/collected_rules/programs/ch230/230.070_Educational_Assistance_Program_for_University_Employees <span>230.070 Educational Assistance Program for University Employees, Other than Graduate Teaching and Research Assistants</span> <span><span>kuscheld</span></span> <span><time datetime="2010-05-27T17:29:00+00:00" title="Thursday, May 27, 2010 - 17:29">Thu, 05/27/2010 - 17:29</time> </span> <div><p>Bd. Min. 2-19-71, p. 35,487; Amended Bd. Min. 3-18-77, 6-18-82; Amended Bd. Min. 12-12-86, 12-7-90, Amended Bd. Min. 5-23-03, Amended Bd. Min. 11-29-07; Amended Bd. Min. 10-23-09; Amended 12-08-11; Amended Bd. Min. 12-07-12; Amended Bd. Min. 9-13-13; Amended Bd. Min. 12-9-16; Amended Bd. Min. 12-7-17; Amended Bd. Min. 9-26-19; Amended Bid. Min. 2-6-2020, effective 3-1-2020.</p> <ol class="upperalpha"> <li><strong>Educational Assistance for Faculty, Staff and Retirees</strong><br> <ol class="numeric"> <li>Employee Eligibility<br> <ol class="loweralpha"> <li>The following employees are eligible for Educational Assistance benefits, regardless of the funding source of their salaries:<br> <blockquote><p>(1) <em>Staff</em> - Benefit-eligible administrative, service and support employees who have passed the probationary period prior to the deadline for regular registration. Immediately prior to regular registration, the employee must have completed a six-month period of continuous employment.</p> <ul> <li>If the course work is part of the required job training procedure for the work to be done by the employee, the six-month employment requirement may be waived.</li> </ul> <p> (2) <em>Academic </em>– Benefit-eligible academic employees who are employed in positions defined in Section 310.020.A. of these Collected Rules and Regulations, prior to the deadline for regular registration</p></blockquote> </li> <li>Other eligibility criteria<br> <blockquote><p>(1) The employee must remain a University of Missouri employee through the beginning of the course in which enrolled.</p> <div style="margin-left:25px;">(a) If the employee separates from the University, the employee may complete the semester in which enrolled.<br> (b) If the employee is approved for Long-Term Disability (LTD), the employee may complete the semester in which the employee was approved for LTD.</div> <p> (2) Individuals in student employee positions are defined in Section 320.050 of these Collected Rules and Regulations are excluded from the Educational Assistance program.</p></blockquote> </li> </ol> </li> <li>Definition<br> Course: University of Missouri college-credit course is defined as any undergraduate, graduate or professional credit course offered by the University, including University programs of study that blend undergraduate and graduate courses.</li> <li>Employee Benefit<br> <ol class="loweralpha"> <li>The University will provide a 75% reduction of the tuition and supplemental fees of University of Missouri college-level courses up to the following limits:<br> <blockquote><p>(1) six (6) credits per fall semester, six (6) credits per spring semester and three (3) credits per summer session or intersession; for a maximum of fifteen (15) credit hours from September 1 through August 31.<br> (2) Employees may enroll in courses in excess of these limits, provided that course work does not interfere with work responsibilities, but such courses will not be eligible for a reduction in tuition and supplemental fees.<br> (3) On rare and extenuating circumstances, the semester/summer/intersession limits may be raised. Supervisory approval and UM System Human Resources approvals are required. Under no circumstances will exceptions be granted to extend beyond the yearly maximum policy limit.</p></blockquote> </li> <li>No tuition nor supplemental fee is required if the employee audits courses on the employee's own or at the request of the department head, providing there is space available.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Authorization<br> <ol class="loweralpha"> <li>The required request form must be submitted to the UM System Office of Human Resources by the deadline indicated in the Human Resources policy. Employees must obtain approval from their supervisor if courses will require time away from work.</li> <li>When an employee is requested by the department to enroll in one or more courses that are directly related to employee's assigned University responsibilities, time away from usual work duties for the course(s) shall be considered as part of employee's regular work schedule and no leave will be required. Otherwise, time away from usual work duties for the course(s) must be through approved, appropriate paid or unpaid leave or through an approved schedule change to make up time away from usual work duties.</li> <li>Employees must file an application to enroll with the Registrar and meet the student admission requirements.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Retiree Eligibility and Benefit<br> <ol class="loweralpha"> <li>An individual who has retired under a University of Missouri retirement plan will be permitted to register and receive credit for courses without payment of tuition, providing there is space available.</li> <li>A retiree must file an application to enroll with the Registrar and meet the student admission requirements.</li> <li>In the event that the retiree is employed in a part-time position with the University, the course must be taken on the individual's own time outside of work hours.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Tuition Reduction for Spouses, Dependents, and Sponsored Adult Dependents </strong><br> <ol class="numeric"> <li>Sponsoring Employee Eligibility<br> <ol class="loweralpha"> <li>The following employees are eligible for Tuition Reduction benefits for their qualifying spouse and dependents, regardless of the funding source of their salaries:<br> <blockquote><p>(1) <em>Staff</em> – Benefit-eligible administrative, service and support employees who<span lang="EN"> have completed at least one year of continuous, benefit-eligible employment at some point, prior to the deadline for regular registration.<br> (2) <em><span lang="EN">Academic</span></em><span lang="EN"> – Benefit-eligible academic employees as defined in Section 310.020.A. of these Collected Rules and Regulations, who have completed at least one year of continuous, benefit-eligible employment at some point prior to the deadline for regular registration. </span></span></p></blockquote> </li> <li>Other eligibility criteria<br> <blockquote><p>(1) <span lang="EN">Employees who qualify for the Educational Assistance Program are not eligible to participate in the Tuition Reduction as a spouse, dependent or Sponsored Adult Dependent.<br> (2) <span lang="EN">The employee must remain a University of Missouri employee through the beginning of the course in which the spouse/dependent is enrolled. If the employee separates from the University, the spouse/dependent may complete the semester in which enrolled.<br> (3) If a spouse/dependent ceases to meet the terms and conditions of the University of Missouri Medical Benefits Plan after the beginning of the course the spouse/dependent is enrolled in (e.g., dependent turns age 26), the spouse/dependent may complete the semester in which enrolled. </span></span></p></blockquote> </li> </ol> </li> <li>Definitions<br> <ol class="loweralpha"> <li>Course: University of Missouri college-credit course is defined as any undergraduate, graduate, or professional credit course offered by the institution up to a total of 140 credit hours per eligible spouse or dependent. University programs of study, which blend undergraduate and graduate courses, are included and may be accessed up to the 140- credit hour limit.</li> <li>Spouse: the legal spouse of an employee, excluding a divorced spouse or a spouse separated by contract or decree from the employee.</li> <li>Dependent: eligible dependent child or children must meet the criteria required under the definitions of “child or children” and “dependent” based on the terms and conditions of the University of Missouri Medical Benefits Plan with the exception that foster children shall not be eligible under this program.</li> <li>Sponsored Adult Dependent: a person who meets the criteria required under the definitions of "Sponsored Adult Dependent" based on the terms and conditions of the University of Missouri Medical Benefits Plan.</li> </ol> </li> <li>Spouse/Dependent Benefit<br> <ol class="loweralpha"> <li>The University will provide a 50% reduction of tuition for up to 140 credit hours of University of Missouri college-credit courses per qualifying spouse or dependent. Under no circumstances will the benefits under this policy exceed 50%, even if both parents of the dependent are University employees.</li> <li>Sponsoring employee's death<br> Notwithstanding any other provision, if a spouse or a dependent has received a tuition reduction benefit during a course of study during the semester of or immediately prior to the sponsoring employee's death, the University will continue to provide a 50% reduction of tuition for up to a total of 140 credit hours of University of Missouri college-credit courses, but in no event for a period longer than five years after the employee's death.</li> <li>Sponsoring employee's retirement<br> <blockquote><p>(1) Notwithstanding any other provision, if a spouse or a ependent has received a tuition reduction benefit during a course of study during the semester of or immediately prior to the sponsoring employee's retirement under the University of Missouri retirement plan, the University will continue to provide a benefit equal to a 50% reduction of tuition for up to a total of 140 credit hours of University of Missouri college-credit courses, but in no event for a period longer than five years after the Employee's retirement.<br> (2) In the event that the retiree dies, the death of the retiree shall not extend or reduce the length of time granted for the benefit.</p></blockquote> </li> <li>Sponsoring employee's long-term disability<br> <blockquote><p>(1) Notwithstanding any other provision, if a spouse or dependent received a tuition reduction benefit during the semester of or immediately prior to the sponsoring employee's approval of Long-Term Disability, the University will continue to provide 50% reduction of tuition for up to a total of 140 credit hours of University of Missouri college-credit courses, but in no event for a period longer than five years after the employee's <em>disability eligibility date</em>.<br> (2) In the event that the long-term disability recipient dies, the death of the recipient shall not extend or reduce the length of time granted for the benefit.</p></blockquote> </li> </ol> </li> <li>Authorization<br> The request form for the Tuition Reduction must be submitted to the UM System Office of Human Resources by the deadline as indicated in the Human Resources policy.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </div> Thu, 27 May 2010 17:29:00 +0000 kuscheld 7520 at 230.090 Miscellaneous Fees /ums/rules/collected_rules/programs/ch230/230.090_miscellaneous_fees <span>230.090 Miscellaneous Fees</span> <span><span>kuscheld</span></span> <span><time datetime="2010-05-27T17:34:00+00:00" title="Thursday, May 27, 2010 - 17:34">Thu, 05/27/2010 - 17:34</time> </span> <div><p>Bd. Min. 1-12-56, p. 8,661; Bd. Min. 7-24-81, effective with the summer 1982 term; Amended Bd. Min. 1-27-95; Amended Bd. Min. 12-9-16.</p> <p>The Board delegates to the President of the Ƶ the authority to approve the establishment of various miscellaneous fees on the University's campuses. Changes in the rate assessed for any established miscellaneous fee requires Chancellor approval.</p> </div> Thu, 27 May 2010 17:34:00 +0000 kuscheld 7521 at