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  1. Permits
  2. Hazardous Waste Manifests
  3. Notices of Violation and Consent Orders
  4. Universal Waste, Polychlorinated Biphenyl, and Other Nonhazardous Waste Shipping Records
  5. Hazardous Waste Reports
  6. Facility Regulatory Reports
  7. Internal University Reports and Records
  8. Facility Records for Treatment, Recycling and Disposal
  9. Hazardous Material Management Incident Reports
  10. Hazardous Materials Shipments - Department of Transportation
  11. Solid Waste Management Units
  12. Major Remediation Project Reports
  13. Superfund Records where University was a Potentially Responsible Party
  14. Environmental Permits, Registrations and Inspection Records
  15. Environmental Reports
  16. Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures
  17. Asbestos and Lead Inspection Records (Bulk)
  18. Asbestos Sampling
  19. Asbestos and other Occupational Exposure Sampling Records
  20. Asbestos Waste Manifests and University of Missouri Asbestos Contractor Registration
  21. Asbestos Notification Records
  22. Asbestos Training Accreditation
  23. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
  24. Exposure Records
  25. Chemical Hazard Sampling Reports
  26. Inspection Records
  27. Investigation and Incident Records
  28. Permits Issued by Environmental Health and Safety
  29. Emergency Preparedness Records
  30. Ergonomics Assessments
  31. Select Biological Agents
  32. Biosafety Records
  33. Employee Occupational Health & Safety Records
  34. Temporary Food Permits
  35. Equipment Calibration Records
  36. Lock Out/Tag Out
  37. Nuclear Regulation Commission Licenses & Inspection Reports
  38. Inspection Reports
  39. State Authorizations, Approvals and Reports
  40. Authorized User Records
  41. Dosimetry Reports
  42. Radioactive Waste Disposal
  43. Sealed Sources
  44. Equipment Calibration
  45. Radiation Safety Incident Reports
  46. Training Records
  47. Environmental Safety Committees
  48. Service Contracts



These records document the University of Missouri's involvement with a variety of environmental health and safety matters. They include various monitoring and analytical reports as required by Federal and State government regulatory agencies, as well as investigative studies and reports resulting from concerns about real or potential hazards to the environment and/or the health of students, faculty, staff and the public.

For purposes of records retention and disposal, these files are divided into four groups of records as follows:

Hazardous Materials Management programs
Industrial Hygiene/Occupational Safety programs
Radiation Safety programs
Miscellaneous records



1. Permits

These records consist of permit applications, permits and related correspondence.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for fifty (50) years, then destroy. 

Citation:  40 CFR 265.117(a)(1)


2. Hazardous Waste Manifests

Hazardous Waste Manifests are shipping papers that are required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to accompany shipments of regulated hazardous wastes to a permitted hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal site. The manifests contain the amounts and a description of each container shipped.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for fifty (50) years, then destroy. 

Citation:  40 CFR 262.40(a)&(c) and 40 CFR 265.71(a)(5)


3. Notices of Violation and Consent Orders

These records consist of all correspondence, University reports and consultant reports.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for fifty (50) years, then destroy. 

Citation:  40 CFR 265.117(a)(1)


4. Universal Waste, Polychlorinated Biphenyl, and Other Nonhazardous Waste Shipping Records

This group of records consists of shipping records not included with hazardous waste manifests.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for fifty (50) years, then destroy.

Citation: 40 CFR 273.19, 40 CFR 761.180(a) and 40 CFR 761.209


5. Hazardous Waste Reports

A. Generator Regulatory Reports

These records are quarterly reports submitted to the Department of Natural Resources.

B. Environmental Protection Agency Waste Minimization Reports.

This group of records consists of biennial reports sent to Environmental Protection Agency.

C. Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Natural Resources Inspection Reports.

These records contain reports and correspondence related to regulatory inspections.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for twenty-five (25) years, then destroy.

Citation:  40 CFR 262.43,  40 CFR 262.40(b), 40 CFR 265.73(b)(5)


6. Facility Regulatory Reports

These records are quarterly reports submitted to Department of Natural Resources.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for fifty (50) years, then transfer to Archives.

Citation: 40 CFR 265.117(a)(1)


7. Internal University Reports and Records

A.  Registered User Records

These records are internal University records.

B.  Monitoring Reports

These records consist of internal University registered user monitoring by Environmental Health and Safety.

C. Pickup Requests

These records consist of internal University paperwork and data.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for ten (10) years, then destroy.


8. Facility Records for Treatment, Recycling and Disposal

These records are internal University hazardous waste treatment, recycling and disposal records.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for twenty-five (25) years, then destroy.

Citation:  40 CFR 262.40(c)


9. Hazardous Material Management Incident Reports

These records contain internal Environmental Health & Safety documents.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for ten (10) years, then destroy.


10. Hazardous Materials Shipments - Department of Transportation

This group of records contains internal University documentation.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for ten (10) years, then destroy.

Citation:  49 CFR 172.201(e)


11. Solid Waste Management Units

These records are documents from correspondence with regulatory agencies.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for fifty (50) years, then destroy.

Citation:  40 CFR 264.117(a)(1)



12. Major Remediation Project Reports

This series of records contains contractor studies, all correspondence and related documents.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for twenty-five (25) years, then destroy.


13. Superfund Records where University was a Potentially Responsible Party

These records consist of all correspondence and related documents.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for twenty-five (25) years, then destroy.


14. Environmental Permits, Registrations and Inspection Records

A. Lagoons

These records consist of Department of Natural Resources permits and correspondence.

B. Above Ground and Underground Storage Tanks

These records include registration, correspondence and Petroleum Storage Tank Insurance Fund records.

C. Part 70 Air Permits

These records contain permit applications, permits and inspection reports.

D. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System and Storm Water

Records in this group include permit applications, permits and reports.

E. Floodplain Issues

These records consist of permits from Army Corp of Engineers.

F. Ashland Dam

These records consist of inspection records and correspondence.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for twenty-five (25) years, then destroy.


15. Environmental Reports

A. Tier II

These records are the annual report to Missouri Emergency Response Commission.

B. Drinking Water

These records cover annual reports and compliance documentation.

C. Freon and Ozone Depleting Substances

These records include compliance reports and correspondence.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for twenty-five (25) years, then destroy.


16. Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures

These records consist of copies of spill prevention control and countermeasures plans.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for twenty-five (25) years, then destroy.        



17. Asbestos and Lead Inspection Records (Bulk)

These records contain internal University records.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for ten (10) years after building is demolished, then destroy.


18. Asbestos Sampling

These records consist of clearance sampling.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for twenty (20) years, then destroy.


19. Asbestos and other Occupational Exposure Sampling Records

This records series contains personnel monitoring records.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for thirty (30) years after end of employment, then destroy.


20. Asbestos Waste Manifests and University of Missouri Asbestos Contractor Registration

These records consist of manifests used to transport asbestos to disposal sites and Missouri State registration for asbestos contractors.

Authorized Retention:

Retain permanently.


21. Asbestos Notification Records

Records in this group include notifications to Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Natural Resources on asbestos projects.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for twenty-five (25) years, then destroy.


22. Asbestos Training Accreditation

These records include accreditation provided by Department of Natural Resources to allow Environmental Health & Safety to offer accredited course.

Authorized Retention:

Retain permanently.


23. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

Records consist of material safety data sheets.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for administrative value not to exceed ten (10) years, then destroy.


24. Exposure Records

A. Respiratory Protection

These records consist of fit tests, hazard assessments records and correspondence.

B. Hearing Conservation

These files include hazard assessments records and correspondence.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for thirty (30) years after end of employment, then destroy.


25. Chemical Hazard Sampling Reports

These files consist of hazard assessments records and correspondence.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for twenty-five (25) years, then destroy.


26. Inspection Records

A. Laboratory Hoods

These records are inspection records and reports.

B. Building Safety Inspections

These records consist of inspection reports and correspondence.

C. Food Safety Inspections

This group of records contains Environmental Health & Safety reports and correspondence.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for ten (10) years, then destroy.


27. Investigation and Incident Records

A. Accident Investigations

These records consist of investigation correspondence.

B. Indoor Air Quality (includes Smoking) Investigations

These records consist of investigation correspondence.

C. Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Safety Incident Reports

These records are internal Environmental Health & Safety documentation.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for ten (10) years, then destroy.          


28. Permits Issued by Environmental Health and Safety

These records include permits for open burn, fireworks, hot work and confined space.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for ten (10) years, then destroy.


29. Emergency Preparedness Records

These records consist of emergency drills and emergency plans for individual campuses/buildings.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for ten (10) years, then destroy.


30. Ergonomics Assessments

This group of records consists of correspondence.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for twenty-five (25) years, then destroy.


31. Select Biological Agents

These records include permit applications, permits, and compliance documentation with Center for Disease Control and United States Department of Agriculture.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for twenty-five (25) years, then destroy.


32. Biosafety Records

This group of records contains records for biosafety program at the University and biosafety certification reports.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for ten (10) years, then destroy.


33. Employee Occupational Health & Safety Records

A. Occupational Health & Safety Program for Animal Care Workers

These records consist of Environmental Health & Safety records.

NOTE:  Medical records are kept with medical provider.

B. Injury/Illness Records

These records cover investigations and recommendations.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for thirty (30) years after end of employment, then destroy.      


34. Temporary Food Permits

These records consist of permits issued by Environmental Health & Safety.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for five (5) years, then destroy.


35. Equipment Calibration Records

These records consist of calibration records for industrial hygiene equipment.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for ten (10) years, then destroy.


36. Lock Out/Tag Out

These records document applied standards and controls of energy during servicing and/or maintenance of machines and equipment in order to avoid unexpected energization or start up of the machines or equipment, or release of stored energy that could cause injury to employees.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for ten (10) years, then destroy.



37. Nuclear Regulation Commission Licenses & Inspection Reports

These records consist of license applications, licenses, amendments and associated records, inspection reports and follow-ups.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for twenty-five (25) years, then transfer to Archives.


38. Inspection Reports

This group of records consists of Environmental Health & Safety laboratory inspections.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for ten (10) years, then destroy.


39. State Authorizations, Approvals and Reports

A. Naturally occurring and accelerator-produced radioactive material (NARM).

These records are reports to the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services about the use of naturally occurring and accelerator-produced radioactive material. These reports are routinely due on a biannual basis, but there may also be requirements for additional reports under certain circumstances.

B. X-ray Equipment

These records are registrations and reports sent to the State of Missouri.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for twenty-five (25) years, then destroy.


40. Authorized User Records

These records are active and inactive internal Environmental Health & Safety records.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for ten (10) years following inactivation, then destroy.


41. Dosimetry Reports

This set of records contains vendor provided reports.

Authorized Retention:

Retain permanently.


42. Radioactive Waste Disposal

These records contain all records associated with disposals.

Authorized Retention:

Retain permanently.


43. Sealed Sources

These records consist of monitoring records.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for ten (10) years, then destroy.


44. Equipment Calibration

This record series consists of equipment calibration records.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for ten (10) years, then destroy.


45. Radiation Safety Incident Reports

These records consist of incidents that occur on campus requiring an immediate response by Environmental Health and Safety. The most common examples are spills of hazardous chemicals, radioactive materials, or biological materials.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for ten (10) years, then destroy.



46. Training Records

These are training records for University personnel and are maintained by Environmental Health & Safety.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for ten (10) years, then destroy.


47. Environmental Safety Committees

  1. Radiation Safety Committee and Medical Quorum

    This series of records includes minutes, protocol reviews and associated documents.

  2. Institutional Biosafety Committee

    These records consist of minutes, protocol reviews and associated documents.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for ten (10) years, then send to Archives.


48. Service Contracts

These records are internal Environmental Health & Safety records.

Authorized Retention:

Retain for five (5) years, then destroy.


Reviewed 2019-08-05