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Personal Information of Applicants and Students Covered by the GDPR

How the University of Missouri Processes Personal Information of Applicants and Students Covered by the GDPR

This page has been developed to address questions that may be presented by the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  Broadly, the GDPR affords individuals certain rights as to how their data is used and processed, and may give them rights to access, correct, or delete their data.  The GDPR may apply to some personal information held by the University because, in some circumstances, we engage in activities that collect or process the personal data of individuals residing in the EU, such as EU resident applicants and students, or students studying abroad in the EU.

For applicants and students who are covered by the GDPR, this page provides information about the use of your personal information when you apply for admission and become a student at one of the universities in the Ƶ. 

What is “personal information?”

Personal information means information which relates to or identifies you as an identifiable individual.

Who will process my personal information?

Your personal information will be processed by various units and personnel of The Curators of the University of Missouri, which is the formal legal name designated by Missouri statute for the University and is the legal entity that operates all campuses of the Ƶ.

What personal information will be processed?

The University will process your personal information as part of the admissions process.  If you become a student, the University will keep and create a range of records containing your personal information as part of your student experience at the University.  These records will include information submitted with your application for admission to the University or to particular programs; test results or other information that you authorize to be shared with the University; and records created in evaluating and processing your application.  The University also will create, receive, and keep records about your studies at the University and about your use of the academic and non-academic facilities and services offered by the University. 

The types of personal information in these records will include items such as your name, address and other contact information, date of birth, Social Security Number, student ID number, emergency contact information, demographic information, course of study, fee payments and other financial transactions, and information about your conduct and academic performance. 

The University also may create, receive, and keep other records depending on your use of specific facilities or services.  These records may include financial information related to financial aid applications and aid offered; information about your application for and use of University housing; and information about any disabilities you identify and related accommodations considered and offered.  The University may create, receive, and keep records containing health or mental health information related to your use of student health or counseling services.  Those records will be subject to restricted use and protection based on laws concerning privacy of personal health and mental health information.

Some of your personal information processed may include sensitive personal data that you supply to the University, such as race, ethnicity, health, mental health, or disability information that is used to comply with legal obligations or to provide you with particular services that you request.

What is the purpose and basis of the processing?

The University will process your personal information for purposes pertinent to your application for admission, your status as a student (if you enroll), and the operations of the University.  These will include identifying you; processing your application for admission; verifying information; deciding whether to offer admission; communicating with you; communicating with others in the event of emergency; delivering and administering your education; recording the details of your studies; determining/confirming your academic achievements; monitoring, evaluating, and supporting your research activities (if any); administering financial aspects of your relationship with the University; delivering facilities to you (e.g., information technology, libraries, recreation); enable your participation at events; operating security, law enforcement, governance, conduct, complaint, audit, and quality assurance processes and activities; support your training, welfare, wellness, and safety needs; provide accommodations (if any); evaluation and improvement of policies and processes; research and statistical purposes consistent with applicable laws and policies (provided that information that could identify you will not be published); preventing or detecting fraud; carrying out responsibilities required by law. 

The processing of your personal information for these purposes is necessary for multiple reasons.  With regard to your application, processing of your personal information is necessary to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contractual relationship with you (e.g., to fulfill your request that you be considered for admission to the University).  As a student, processing of your personal information is necessary for performance of contractual relationships with you (e.g., to provide you with educational services and manage your student experience).  In addition, processing of your personal information as an applicant or a student is necessary for compliance with legal obligations; performance of tasks carried out in the public interest; and/or pursuit of legitimate interests of the University. 

If the University requires your consent for any specific use of your personal information, we will collect it at the appropriate time. 

Who will my personal information be shared with?

Your personal information will be created, stored, and transmitted in a variety of paper and electronic formats.  Your personal information may be accessed by appropriate University personnel with legitimate educational interest and with others permitted by University policy in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.  For more information see the following sites: 

How is my personal information used after I graduate?

After you graduate a core record of your studies is retained indefinitely so that the details of your academic achievements can be confirmed, for statistical or historical research, and for process evaluation and improvement.  Your contact and core personal details may be provided to your campus development / advancement office while you are still a student so that you can be added to the alumni database.

How long is my information kept?

Your personal information will be retained according to applicable University policies; information about how long various types of information are retained is published at https://umsystem.edu/ums/fa/management/records/policy

How can I access my personal information?

You may access your personal information that is retained by the University or seek amendment to correct any inaccurate personal information by making a request to your campus registrar’s office: 

Reviewed 2022-02-04