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140.014 Investment Policy for Fixed Income Pool

Bd. Min. 6-26-12. Revised 6-25-15.

  1. Introduction -- The University's Fixed Income Pool endowment fund includes gifts, bequests and other funds directed to be used to support a University program in perpetuity. Donor restrictions limit the investment of these funds to fixed income securities.
  2. Responsibilities and Authorities -- See CRR 140.010 “Policy for Management and Oversight of Selected University Investment Pools. â€
  3. Investment Objectives -- The primary investment objectives of the Fixed Income Pool are capital preservation and the maximization of earned income.
  4. Authorized Investments -- The Fixed Income Pool shall be invested in an externally managed fixed income fund.  Specific guidelines for externally managed funds are contained in CRR 140.011, â€œPolicy for Investment Manager Selection, Monitoring and Retention."
  5. Spending Policy – All earned income shall be distributed monthly.

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