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PO Voucher Topics


How can I find invoices associated with a PO using WebApps?

1. Go to WebApps>FIN Search Options.  A screen will open like the one below. 

2. A screen will open like the one below.  Enter your voucher number in the "Look for" field.
3. Click the down arrow in the right dropdown box, scroll down until you find "Voucher ID".
4. Click "Submit"

5. A screen will open like the one below.  Double click on the Voucher ID hyperlink as the image below illustrates.

6. A screen will open like the one below. If there are any attachments associated with the voucher, including invoices, you will see a hyperlink in the upper right hand corner as the image below illustrates.  Click on this hyperlink.

7. A screen will open like the one below.  Attached document links will appear on the left side of the screen as the image below illustrates.  Click on the hyperlink you are searching for.

8. The attachment you are searching for (including invoices) will appear as the image below illustrates.  Note: The voucher number is indicated at the top of the attachment and links allowing you to scroll through the various pages are at the bottom of the attachment.


How can I find invoices associated with a PO using PeopleSoft?

1. Go to > Main Menu > Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Regular Entry > Find an Existing Value.  A screen will open like the one below.

2. In the field called "Voucher ID" enter the voucher number you wish to obtain an invoice for.  Then click "Search".  A screen will open like the one below.

3. Click on the "Invoice Information" tab.  A screen will open like the one below.

4. In the upper right hand corner, you will see a hyperlink called "Attachments".  Click on it and a screen will open like the one below.

5. In the central left part of the screen you will see hyperlinks to the voucher's attachments.  Click on the one you want to review and it will open the attachment you are searching for (including invoices) as the image below illustrates.  Note: The voucher number is indicated at the top of the attachment and links allowing you to scroll through the various pages are at the bottom of the attachment.


How can I tell if a Purchase Order (PO) has been paid?

Go to  > Purchasing >Under Review PO Information > Document Status > Under the PO Number, type in your purchase order number. (Note: Just the number not the letter; it’s a 10 digit field).  If payment has been made it will give you the voucher number and the check number and the date of payment.

If payment has not been made, it’s only going to give you the requisition number.  In most cases if payment has not been made its’ because we have not received a copy of the invoice in the Accounts Payable Shared Services Office.  Check to see if you have the original invoice.  If so, please write the Purchase Order number on the invoice and email it to umprocimagingvouche@umsystem.edu.

Please feel free to call the Accounts Payable Shared Services Office at 573-882-3051 if you need additional information.


How can I see what type of Receiving is required for a Purchase Order (PO)?

1. Go to => Main Menu => Purchasing => Purchase Orders => Review PO Information => Purchase Orders => Find an Existing Value
2. Enter a PO number in the "PO ID" field and click Search (See image below)


3. A screen will open up similar to the one below

4. Click on the "Matching" Hyperlink in the left center area of the image above.  A popup screen will open like the smaller box to the right center of the image above.  You'll notice "Match Rule" indicates TWO_WAY, meaning Two Way Match.  This field could indicate:

    ~TWO_WAY = Two-Way Match:  When the Purhcase Order (PO) and Voucher agree
    ~THREE_WAY = Three-Way Match: When the Purchase Order (PO), Voucher, and Receipt agree.



How can I find the amount of a PO, Amount of invoices entered against a PO, and a list of vouchers associated with a PO?

1. Go to > Main Menu > Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Review PO Information > Purchase Orders > Find an Existing Value
2. Enter a PO number in the "PO ID" field and click Search (See image below)

3. A screen will open up similar to the one below

4. Click on the "Activity Summary" Hyperlink in the left center area of the image above.  A new screen will open like the one below.  There is a lot of information on this screen such as:

    ~Merchandise Amount = Amount of PO
    ~Merchandise Receipt
    ~Merchandise Returned
    ~Merchandise Invoice = Amount of invoices entered for this PO
    ~Merchandise Matched = Amount matched between Purchase Order (PO) and its Voucher

Click on the “Receipt Tab” or “Invoice Tab” above to find the details of each invoice or receipt.  The functionality for both the Receipts tab and Invoice tab works the same, so the example below will just cover the Invoice Tab.

5. Click on the Invoice Tab and a screen will open like the two images below.  You'll notice there are so many columns of data that not all columns can display on your browser.  So, in the bottom right part of the screen there is a scroll bar.  Scroll all the way to the right.

6. Click on the icon noted in the image above.  A screen will open like the one below.  It lists all the vouchers associated with the PO.


Reviewed 2019-08-05

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